Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1657 do you study with your younger sister

The farce of "five school union" is over completely. The students take care of their classes and the teachers also take care of their teaching.

Duchy dropped out of school. His family seems to be going to send him to England.

And the student union is not a masterpiece of Duxi. It has existed for many years. It's not cold in one day.

After Du Xi left, the Federation wanted to elect Lu Wenli as its president. Lu Wenli refused.

After that, in order to praise and comfort Lu Wenli, the school really united the hospital and gave him a letter of appointment. From this summer vacation, he can go to the hospital to practice. After five years of practice, he can officially become a doctor.

And he's going to help the professor with his first year experiment.

Lu Wenli, who was very busy, simply retired from the Federation. He did not even serve as a member of the Commission, and was no longer a member of the Federation.

The people of the Federation want to vote.

Si yuzao got a high number of votes and beat other senior brothers and sisters.

However, the final result still needs the approval of the school's board of directors. It's not Si yuzao but pan Luoying who is finally selected as the president.

After pan Luoying took the post of president, he promoted Jiang evening to be the chairman and several members, but he didn't say anything to Si yuzao.

Si yuzao has no objection to this. She is only a first-year student, and this kind of benefit can't come to her.

It was the dean who came to talk to her occasionally, mentioned the student union and asked her what she meant.

"Do you want to be president?" The dean asked.

"What can I do?" said siyuzao? They are all doing it step by step. I am not even a member of the Committee. "

But the president said, "if you are the president, how about canceling the Federation?"

Si yuzao looks at him.

The dean said: "the year before last, after the government bought 60% of the shares of St. Paul Medical College, the Education Bureau recommended me to come to the school. When I got here, I knew that the Federation was deeply rooted. They almost controlled the whole school.

There are too many implications behind trying to uproot the pulse. I still don't know who is in charge of all this and what is the purpose. So if it can rot from the inside, I love it. "

"Why do you tell me that?" said Si yuzao

"No other student but you has such prestige and ability." The dean said, "Si yuzao, do you want to return the school to Qingming?"

Si yuzao stared at the dean.

She said with a helpless smile, "you look up to me so much, I can't do it."

The dean said she was too modest.

Si yuzao came out of the dean's office and went to Lu Wenli's laboratory.

When the lab is not in class, it is used by Lu Wenli personally. He often needs to do some experiments and write experimental reports.

She told Lu Wenli what the Dean had told her.

Lu Wenli shook his head: "Dean is too bookish to be a leader. He has a good heart and a good heart, but I'm afraid he won't do it for a long time. "

"My father also said that when the water is clear, there is no fish." "Once in office, if you want to be a good official, you need to represent some interests," said Si yuzao. I can't even do that, but I'm not happy at all. "

Lu Wenli smiled: "is your father a warlord? It's very wise. That's the reason. "

"So, what do you think I should do?" Asked Si yuzao.

Lu Wenli said: "as soon as I joined the University, I joined the Federation. Did you see what I did? The existence of the Federation is indeed unfair, but it has formed an order. Are you sure it would be better without it? "

Si yuzao: "...

" of course, you can have a childlike heart, like the dean. I have great respect for such people, but I am more vulgar and corrupt myself. " Lu Wenli said, "I usually only do it when I touch my own interests."

Si yuzao smiled: "elder martial sister pan, the new president, doesn't seem to like me very much. Perhaps, I will also touch my interests in the future, and then I may be able to stir up and disperse the Federation. "

Lu Wenli gave a thumbs up: "children can be taught. Well, leave my lab, you've delayed me for half an hour. I'm very busy. "

Si yuzao immediately stood up and said, "I'm so beautiful. How can you say I disturb you?"

"What's the use of your beauty? I can't dissect you, you have no value to me. " Lu Wenli said.

Si yuzao: "...

the disgraceful Miss Si left the laboratory.

When I walked out of the school gate, suddenly someone honked the car horn.

Many students look back.

As siyuzao went on, someone shouted, "siyuzao."

She stopped.

Wearing a dark shirt and brown trousers, Du Xi walked slowly.

It has to be said that he is a pleasant boy. He is very good-looking both in face and body.

The students muttered.

"Did he come back for revenge?"

"I don't know. It's not good that he came to find Si yuzao."

The students didn't want to make trouble and walked away.

Seeing him approaching, Si yuzao said with a smile, "elder martial brother Du, you must have a good rest after you leave school. You have such a good spirit and look."

"Is it because of my sister's blessing?" Du Xi smiled faintly, the sunlight was reflected on the lens, and a little sharp light flashed by. "Xuemei, you've done me a lot of harm."

When he said this, he deliberately came close, with a light fragrance on his body.

Si yuzao immediately thought of the four words "greasy noodle".

She blinked her eyes blankly and innocently: "what's wrong with me? Elder martial brother, I'm a beauty, born with a beautiful face and no intelligent brain. Your words are too profound for me to understand. "

Du Xi laughs. The smile is strange - with vicious ferocity.

He thinks the yuzao is more beautiful than the women he has met.

He also subconsciously thought, beautiful women are stupid, there is still that face.

But he was wrong.

Beautiful or not, is a person inborn, it will not hinder the development of a person's intelligence.

Just like Si yuzao, she is amazing in the beauty of everything. It's hard to find a few beautiful girls like her in the whole Shanghai beach, but she's also very smart.

She even looks at people.

In so many people, she is only close to Lu Wenli. Lu Wenli is a poisonous vine, growing quietly on the precipice. It's ok if you don't touch him. Whoever touches him will die.

Du Xi lost in the hands of such two people, how can they be reconciled?

Even if he was going to study abroad, he could not bear such shame.

"Sister, we'll see you later." Du Xi said, "I will not leave Shanghai this year. Are you familiar with Shanghai or am I familiar with Shanghai? Are you familiar with the school or me? There are many roads at night. Be careful of ghosts. My sister, maybe next semester, everything will change. "

What else did Si yuzao say, someone shouted, "on the stream."

Du Xi turned his head and swept away the ferocity on his face. He put on a gentle smile: "Congratulations, Xuejie."

It was pan Luoying who came here.

"I took advantage of it, and I was ordered at risk." Pan Luoying said, "what do you say?"

"Nothing, nothing more." Du Xi said, "sister Xuejie has outstanding ability. Can we eat together?"

Pan Luoying nodded. She also asked Si yuzao, "do you want to study with your sister?"

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