Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1663 filial piety

After school, yuzao became a second grade student. Her classes and experiments have increased, and she has another day of practice every month. She has a hunch that she will be very busy next.

I can't imagine that something happened on the first day of opening, which surprised her very much.

Their Dean has changed.

Once upon a time, the Dean, who was a bit bookish, was replaced by a shrewd and eloquent one.

The new dean is Wang Qiusheng. It's said that he's fifty this year, but he looks much younger than he is.

He was a tall man, not fat, not hunchback, broad shoulders, thick hair, not much like a poor teacher.

The students are talking about it.

Si yuzao followed and listened.

"He used to be the Secretary of the presidential palace. After several years in the Education Bureau, he moved to Shanghai."

"He didn't study medicine either!"

"He's from the government, and of course he doesn't need to study medicine."

"But this is medical school."

"Didn't they say they planned to unite the five schools? Once united, who cares if you are medical school? "

Si yuzao has been listening silently, and can't help interrupting at the moment: "that is to say, the five school alliance is only temporarily terminated?"

A male student loves current affairs and politics. He has to read newspapers carefully every day, so he has a lot of opinions: "it's temporary. Last time we were in trouble, most of Nanjing's newspapers were critical articles, so we can see the president's office's opinion on this matter. "

His heart sank a little.

In the afternoon, the student union was going to have a meeting, and Si yuzao also attended, but she did not see her senior brother Lu Wenli.

Lu Wenli found a place to practice in the summer vacation. Where did he go? Si yuzao didn't ask.

She sat alone, and was answered by others. She was not very interested.

Then pan Luoying, the new president, came in, followed by the new president.

"Please sit down, students." Seeing all the people standing up to meet, the dean said kindly.

His vision, through the people fell on the body of Si yuzao, but also stayed for a moment.

"When I first arrived in your area, the school atmosphere was excellent, and the Federation had great credit." He said, "I have a short eye. I don't know you heroes. Please give me a name first."

Applause broke out in the meeting hall.

After the applause, the Dean began to call the roll.

Each named member of the Federation made a brief self introduction.

When she arrived at Si yuzao, she also introduced herself.

The Dean suddenly said, "I heard that you were born into a warlord family. Where is the warlord?"

"My grandfather used to be the governor of Yuecheng, and later he was the commander in chief of the armed forces."

The people of the Federation were in a uproar.

The Dean narrowed his eyes: "Oh, I have a deep memory. I dare not to have a student movement in Yuecheng before. I heard that your grandfather dared to shoot at the students..."

when others looked at it, they were shocked.

Si yuzao's fingers clenched tightly.

She said: "if the Dean had seen the records of Yuecheng, he would have known..."

that the military government of Yuecheng had never suppressed the student movement, and her grandfather and father always handled it carefully.

She heard from her mother that her grandfather had an old friend who shot at the students. Her grandfather always cared that he didn't break up with him immediately.

Without thinking about it, the Dean framed her family and her father and grandfather.

Before siyuzao could say the words behind "just know", the Dean pointed to the person next to her: "this classmate, what's your name?"

Directly covered the yuzao.

Si yuzao hesitated and suddenly pressed her sister.

She looked at the student sister coldly: "my words are not finished!"

After that, she did not care about the room, went to the podium and stood beside the Dean Wang Qiusheng.

This Dean is a civil servant. He has been serving as a secretary and so on. He is more polite and less courageous.

He was stared at by siyuzao so straightly that he took a step back subconsciously.

Si yuzao looked into his eyes and said, "Dean Wang, as a teacher, you teach students to be adults. Are you talking nonsense against the morality of teachers?

My grandfather, Si Yan, and my father, Si Xingfu, are generals who can be called by the military. They are not the silent and nameless generation of cock and dog thieves. If you check it a little bit, you will know what they have done and what they have not done.

Newspapers are so developed that there are records of all major and minor events. Since you don't want to check it, you have put forward the matter on your own initiative, which shows that you are very interested. Then I will tell you the specific data.

When my grandfather was the governor of Yuecheng, there were 73 student activities in Yuecheng, which caused economic and political losses. There were estimates every time, but the military government never shot or bled! "

"Si yuzao!" Pan Luoying looks slightly changed, almost trying to block between Si yuzao and the dean. "Is this your attitude to talk to the teacher?"

Si yuzao grabs her arm and pushes her away with a strong swing.

Pan Luoying staggers for several steps, holding on to the wall to stand firm, very embarrassed.

Other people are making noises.

"Why do you still hit people? Is your family a warlord? "

"Is that the attitude you have towards the president and the president? Do you have any sense of inferiority in your eyes?"

There was a lot of talk.

"I have a gun," said Si yuzao

Her words made the whole conference room quiet, and everyone looked at her nervously.

Si yuzao continued: "can I continue? Do you know the rank of Zuxun? Heaven, earth, monarch, kinship and teacher. In front of the teacher.

The Dean spoke vaguely and humiliated my grandfather and father. Naturally, I would like to say a word for my family. Otherwise, am I still a person? Do I have morality?

Students, senior brothers and sisters, now it's the government, no longer the Qing government. You still say "honor and inferiority". Did the martyrs who bled for democracy and freedom die in vain?

Our company yuzao stands here, because I have dignity, no one can trample it. You have to kneel, you have to be crushed, I'm sorry for you! "

After that, she turned to look at President Wang: "I'm sorry, Dean, you didn't respect me, and I didn't respect you. I'm equal to you. Since you don't like me, so am I. I'll leave first. "

After she left, the whole meeting hall was silent.

Si yuzao seems to slap all of them in the face.

The hardest hit was the new dean, Wang Qiusheng, whose whole face was ruined.

He walked away from the meeting hall.

Pan Luoying chased out: "Dean..."

everyone was angry and didn't know what to say. Someone stood up awkwardly and went out. Someone left behind, waiting for pan Luoying.

This small ceremony for the opening of the Federation was completely destroyed by Si yuzao. Fortunately, this is a small meeting. Other students haven't seen it. It's said that some people don't believe it, so the dean is not too ashamed.

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