The student union has taken advantage of the advantages and bullied students, which has become a practice.

But the president, director, committee members and ordinary members, more than 60 in all, are not so united.

When there are many people, they have their own thoughts.

There were several senior brothers and sisters. Later, they found Si yuzao and told her why President Wang aimed at her so much. "... my father works in Nanjing government, which I knew in summer vacation. The former Dean was promoted. The Du family went to the activity after they heard about it. They spent a lot of money and took the opportunity to transfer president Wang. The Du family hates you and Lu Wenli very much, so president Wang wants to destroy your reputation when he comes She said.

The former Dean was not dismissed, but promoted to a higher level. He went to a comprehensive university in Peiping as the president, and he went happily.

The Du family took the opportunity to squeeze Wang Qiusheng in.

Si yuzao has been at home for the whole holiday. I don't know anything about it outside.

But in the field of education, Zhang Jiuye didn't pay attention to this little thing at all.

Si yuzao is likely to be a member of the Federation this semester because she is beautiful and rich.

School nine, Chengdu is a boy. Si yuzao Guangmei has enough capital. In addition, her popularity is not bad and her family background is prominent. She is likely to become the next president.

And she, herself, is hostile to the union. Some people know this, but others don't.

The Du family probably didn't want to make yuzao better, so they asked President Wang to frame her family when he came.

If her grandfather and father had harmed progressive students, no matter how beautiful she was, there would be no students to support her.

This is the basic principle. If this is abandoned, that student will be isolated by other students.

President Wang has a sinister mind.

Siyuzao often remembers her mother's saying that when someone maliciously expresses to you for no reason, first think about the reason, then think about the consequences.

She thought.

President Wang has no grievances or enmities with her. If she doesn't get involved in such a vicious contest with a student, there will be a move waiting for her.

After Si yuzao thought about it, he stood up and talked with President Wang and made everything clear.

"Duxi is gone. What else does the Du family care about our school?" Si yuzao pretends to be stupid.

"The elder sister said," Duxi's father is the chairman of Shanghai Western Medicine Association. Our school is the Best Western Medicine School in Shanghai, which has a lot to do with it

Si yuzao nodded: "then I'll be careful later."

In the evening, Zhang Xinmei came to pick her up for dinner to celebrate her first day of school.

When he learned that Si yuzao had worked with the new dean on the first day, he was helpless to help her: "you are really the daughter of a bandit!"

Si yuzao turned a white eye: "Uncle Zhang, do you mean to say that to me? I'm the daughter of a bandit. Aren't you the son of a hooligan? "

After that, she regretted a little, "I'm sorry, the dead are big. I don't mean your Abba, I'm aiming at you."

Zhang Xinmei has no such scruples. His father is the biggest rogue leader in Shanghai beach, he is very clear.

"I'll treat you to dinner and be targeted by you?" Zhang Xinmei snorted, "you pay for the back meal..."

Si yuzao ordered several expensive dishes at one go, including lobster and abalone.

When she served, she also said to Zhang Xinmei, "I'm not afraid of them. When I said yesterday that I had a gun, they didn't dare to talk. A group of counsellors would bully those students from poor backgrounds!"

Zhang Xinmei said, "is there someone who has a good relationship with you?"

"I can't see anyone except senior brother Lu. Are they kind when they speak out? " Siyuzao said.

It's easy to understand.

In group life, sometimes individual will is easily crushed. It's like when there's a stampede, people rush forward.

School bullying is the same.

When you don't bully others, you may be the victim.

The idea of ordinary people is not that I want to change this situation, but that I try to avoid being bullied as much as possible, so that I can smoothly finish reading and work.

How to avoid being bullied? We can't be victims, we can only join the perpetrators.

So, when the opportunity comes, everyone is willing to join the Federation, they want to be a member of the Federation, want to ensure their safety in school.

As for bullying, there are only a few.

"... you can't beat everyone with one stick. This is your father's style - strong and effective, but you can't do it. You're not your father!" Said Zhang Xinmei.

Si yuzao is stunned.

"You know my dad so well?" She asked in surprise.

Zhang Xinmei said: "nobody has mentioned him in the past ten years. When he was mentioned before, who didn't know? The reason why he is strong is not only because of his strength, but also because he seems to be strong behind his own careful calculation.

Your father is a kingpin. If he has a ten percent chance, he will dare to make a twelve percent bet. He is not afraid of anyone. But the result of doing things like this is that it's easy to make big things happen.

He didn't make a big deal, it was just his luck. Yuzao, he must have taught you that, but you can't do it his way.

If you want to destroy the Federation, first of all, you need to win over the "accomplices" in the Federation and let them know that you are reliable. Many of them don't want to be executioners, but they want to find a wing to shelter themselves from the wind and rain. You should build your own shed first. "

Si yuzao stared at Zhang Xinmei.

"What should I do?" she asked suddenly

For the first time, the arrogant Miss Si asked Zhang Xinmei's opinion.

Zhang Xinmei said with a smile: "you are a second grade student sister. You have money. You can build an association to fight with the Federation. Tell the others in the Federation that your association can also be wings. When the Federation is crushed, you will disband yourself. "

Si yuzao's eyes are slightly bright.

"That's a good idea." "Uncle Zhang, you really have a way," she said with a smile

Zhang Xinmei shakes her glass and raises her eyelids to give her a look: "when you were mixing with Uncle Zhang, you were still wearing crotch pants."

Si yuzao hit him with chopsticks: "speak well, how do you suddenly play hooligan?"

Zhang Xinmei was so angry that he wanted to explode: "who is playing hooligan? Don't you wear crotch pants? You used to ride around my neck. Let me take you to the theatre. You are such a little girl with bean sprouts. I play hooligans against you. I am so degenerate? "

Siyuzao laughs.

Sometimes she likes to see Zhang Xinmei angry, funny, like a big boy.

Last time he said she was beautiful.

"Uncle Zhang, I haven't talked about boyfriend yet. Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Siyuzao suddenly asked, "after all, you also think I am beautiful."

Zhang Xinmei was choked by a sip of wine. "Roll!" He can't bear to jump straight at the corner of his eyes. He wants to put his head on the table. "I don't want to invite you to dinner any more! Please eat such expensive food, you still disgust me! "

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