The plan is always too good.

When Si yuzao submitted the application for the Construction Committee, he was directly beaten back.

The school didn't pass her application.

She went to school for theory and even to Dean Wang.

"I didn't expect that you are such a feudal and autocratic president. Isn't the essence of education freedom of speech?" Asked Si yuzao.

President Wang's attitude was very kind: "division classmate, you misunderstood, there are already seven associations in the school, full amount."

"But no one has ever stipulated that a school can have several associations." Siyuzao said.

President Wang: "yes. I have carefully read the school materials and added a new regulation, which has been released. You can see it in the school newspaper tomorrow. "

This is for the yuzao.

Si yuzao looked at him quietly for a moment: "I'm sorry to disturb you, Dean."

After she left, she went to find Xinmei.

She asked Zhang Xinmei to help check the background of President Wang and told him about the failure of her plan.

Zhang Xinmei's attitude is calm: "it's expected that there will be no downwind and water? As for Wang Qiusheng, I have checked it. Do you want me to dictate it, or do you want me to send someone to send you the information? "

"Send me the information, thank you Uncle Zhang." Yuzao's tone is depressed.

Zhang Xinmei could hear that she was in a bit of a bad mood.

However, he did not intend to interfere.

Just like her parents, Zhang Xinmei also hopes that Si yuzao can grow into a competent person and handle everything by herself.

He has an invisible identity, he also has an ideal, if that day, his faith needs him to die, he will not turn back.

At that time, he could no longer take care of Si yuzao.

He can only take advantage of his own life to see her develop a strong physique, remove the young eagle's tender, become a real eagle, and travel for nine days.

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish.

He went to see Si yuzao that night and personally sent her the materials of Wang Qiusheng.

Wang Qiusheng is from Huizhou. He used to study in Nanjing and worked in the presidential palace after graduation. His family is not a big family because of its small production.

He was born handsome, tall but gentle. In the eyes of his superiors, he was too weak to take on big responsibilities. He was 40 years old in the presidential palace. He officially came out as an official and became a small section chief of the Education Bureau.

This position is a springboard. Many people have jumped from this position to become the president or director of the Political Department of a famous school, but Wang Qiusheng has been sitting here for ten years.

He seems to have miscarried. He has a delicate mind and works in a proper way, but he is always not valued by his superiors.

Du Xi's father is Wang Qiusheng's senior brother. They have known each other for decades. Because Wang Qiusheng has been active in the central power center, President Du has always kept in touch with him.

Senior officials think Wang Qiusheng is useless, but businessmen are proud to make friends with him.

The Du family is very ambitious, so Wang Qiusheng became an accomplice of the Du family.

However, due to his character, he was scolded by his students once he entered the school, and he could not fight back.

After reading his data and sighing for a long time, Si yuzao said to Zhang Xinmei, "he not only cast the wrong baby, but also entered the wrong line. I've never seen anyone play so bad with such a unique advantage. "

Zhang Xinmei can understand.

In this world, ordinary people account for the vast majority. When their resumes are shown, why do you think this person is so frustrated and useless?

But he's done his best.

A person's ability is limited, just like Wang Qiusheng, he can only do so.

"Or can he make Du's dog teeth?" Zhang Xinmei smiled, "what are you going to do?"

"Two ways: first, ask the president to amend the order he issued, abolish the provisions of only seven associations; second, destroy one association and replace it. I think the latter one will be easier. " Si yuzao thought about it.

Zhang Xinmei rolled her eyes.

"You are the brainchild of your father, aren't you? Your mom and dad are not so stupid. " Zhang Xinmei hates iron but not steel.

Si yuzao looks at him.

"You have broken an association. Your application needs to go through the dean. He can find other ways to make you fail." "Zhang Xinmei said," you call it yangtangzhiboil. "

Miss Si yuzao thought, "that's true."

She's a little self-conscious.

Then, Zhang Xinmei heard her say, "no way, our fairy's brains are used to grow beauty, so they are not so smart."

Zhang Xinmei: "...

" my mother said that there has never been a perfect person since ancient times. " Siyuzao said, "like Uncle Zhang, you're so smart and capable. Aren't you still living alone in middle age? No wife, no concubine, no child, no daughter. "

Zhang Xinmei: "...

this bear child doesn't have two nice words every day. Why does he take care of her?

Zhang Xinmei said in silence, "you can't live if you do something wrong". She stood up and left. She temporarily decided not to see Miss Si these days.

And Si yuzao is also worried about how to persuade the dean.

She thought about it all night. She wanted to ask Zhang Xinmei for advice. She felt that she would be crushed by his IQ. She had no face. She would also like to send a telegram to her mother, but that would need to explain why she and the Dean got in touch with each other. It is estimated that her parents would be worried.

She thought all night, with no result.

On the fourth day of school, senior brother Lu Wenli arrived late.

On the first day of his return, he invited Si yuzao to have a meal: "take advantage of the money at the beginning of the school, please have a meal first, so that you don't say that your elder martial brother will dally with your meal later."

This is a meal to buy yuzao, and then rub a semester of fish and meat.

"How do you plan, elder martial brother?" Siyuzao said.

"Too much, too much." Elder martial brother Lu is rarely modest.

During the meal, Lu Wenli told Si yuzao that he had been interning in the West Hospital of Peiping for the whole holiday, and he had received the letter of recommendation. He didn't need to attend class in grade four, and could directly work as an intern in the shengdebao hospital.

This is a qualification for graduates.

"Senior brother Lu, how did you do it?" Si yuzao is surprised.

"At home." Lu Wenli said.

"What's your family doing?"

"I don't know." Lu Wenli said, "maybe it's an official. I don't know."

Si Yuzao: "

..." she could not bear it, or Tucao: "you play the autumn wind all day long, not very like the official children."

Lu Wenli grabs his hair and says, "Oh yes, I can bring eight interns three times a week when I am an intern, and I want to choose you..."

Si yuzao's classmates would like to hold Lu's thigh on the spot: "elder martial brother, I saw you at the first sight, and I felt that this elder martial brother is extraordinary in appearance and must have been from a noble family. I'd like to invite elder martial brother to dinner for a semester. Elder martial brother gives me this honor! " "Well, if you don't eat meat, it's a bastard." Lu Wenli said, "then you should follow your elder martial brother three times a week to make sure that your report card will be very good when you graduate."

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