Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1666 time and life

Si yuzao bribed elder martial brother Lu simply and roughly.

In addition to being a foodie and shameless, elder martial brother Lu is also quite cautious.

Si yuzao also told him about his difficulties.

Elder martial brother Lu thought for a moment, "wait for me for a month."


"I'll study him. When I've done my research, I'll tell you where to start. " Lu said.

What is immoral about senior brother Lu is that he will treat people as mice, dissect people's character and past, and find a person's weakness.

So senior brother Lu often boasted that if he was not a doctor, he could be a politician.

"Not for a week?" Asked Si yuzao.

Lu Wenli said: "study younger sister, you should be calm when you are doing things. Sharpening a knife does not fail to cut firewood. There is great wisdom in the old adage. How can you say that you forget? "

Si yuzao: "...

so, Si yuzao and Lu Wenli sharpened their swords together. Even Zhang Xinmei called her. She was also brother Lu and brother Lu's short.

Later, Zhang Xinmei may not be happy, so she will not call her anymore, and she will be allowed to have fun with Lu senior brother.

"When a person is very devout and wants to do something well, God will help him," Lu told Yu Zao

Si yuzao doesn't understand: "what is God's help?"

Elder martial brother Lu does not know for the moment, but he firmly believes that he will.

A few days later, President Wang's old mother was hospitalized. At first, she had diarrhea, but she had a bad stomach. Later, she found that it was dysentery.

It's not good to hang water or take medicine. The old lady is about to lose her anus.

But Si yuzao studied traditional Chinese medicine with her mother since she was a child, so she had a good way to deal with dysentery.

She just didn't expect that Dean Wang's mother would fall ill at this time.

She asked Lu Wenli, "elder martial brother, don't you think crows are the best? Don't curse me later. "

Lu Wenli also accepted the fact that the little younger martial sister could not spit Ivory out of her mouth, and did not have the same understanding with her.

On the eighth day of Wang's mother's hospitalization, the day when Si yuzao followed Lu Wenli to practice, she went to see the old lady specially.

Dressed as an intern, she went directly to the old lady's ward. The nurse did not stop her, although she was very strange to her.

Unfortunately, she came just in time for president Wang to see the old lady while the other doctors were consulting.

Seven days after she was admitted to the hospital, the old lady had diarrhea for five days at home before. It was because of the increasingly serious situation that she was admitted to the hospital. After more than ten days, let alone an old man, even the young and middle-aged can't stand it.

I'm afraid it will kill the old lady if I delay any longer.

It's no exaggeration to die of diarrhea, and to die of cold and fever.

In front of the pain, life is very fragile and impermanent. No one dares to say that he will get better.

"If you can't do it again, we suggest you transfer." A middle-aged doctor said to President Wang.

President Wang blushed angrily: "are you treating patients with this attitude? Do you need medical ethics? "

"President Wang, you have seen that we have thought about everything." The attending doctor said, "we said to try a new way. If you don't agree with us, we are helpless."

"Isn't this nonsense?" President Wang was very impatient. "You are the West hospital. You can't help it. Let's go to invite Chinese medicine. How much do you charge for Chinese medicine?"

The attending doctor looked at President Yan Wang and the old lady, but he was helpless.

The old lady is a country woman. She has no sense of her own. At the moment, she is soft and contracted on the hospital bed. She looks like she is dying. She is very pitiful.

The old lady was tall when she was young. President Wang inherited his mother's height. After the old age, the old lady was not very well. She was extremely emaciated and had diarrhea for a long time. She was like a human being.

Si yuzao looked a little impatient and moved his eyes away.

The doctor wants to see all kinds of patients. When he thinks of it, he turns to see the ward again.

"Why can't we try traditional Chinese medicine? Dysentery is very difficult to treat, and it is easy to develop drug resistance. " "I've seen a lot of cases, all cured by traditional Chinese medicine," Si yuzao said suddenly

People turned around and looked at Si yuzao.

The attending doctor took their class and met the beautiful girl.

Si yuzao looks like her aunt, and she is also very outstanding sitting in the beautiful cloud. Moreover, there are few girls in Shengde medical school, and the general looks are ordinary.

She is more eye-catching. The teachers who have taken their lessons all remember the girl student.

Moreover, her family donated two laboratories, which made her famous.

"Outsiders, please go out!" Director Wang was upset. "Nurse, how can anyone put it in the ward?"

The nurse rushed to see the jade algae.

Si yuzao did not leave, she stood in front of President Wang: "president, dysentery can be cured by taking traditional Chinese medicine. I have seen many such patients.

Dysentery is easy to occur in midsummer or mid autumn, because it is mostly caused by heat, dampness and internal depression fire, that is to say, there is a toxic fire in the body.

It is not intestinal disease, nor any other problem. Although western medicine is fast and rapid, there is no good way to solve this problem.

My grandmother has been hospitalized for so long, and the doctors have exhausted their medicine, which proves what I said. If you are filial, you should open your mind and give your grandmother a way to live. "

President Wang is a very good face.

Si yuzao didn't say "commander" and said "teacher's grandmother" verbally. He was respected as a teacher.

The appropriateness of this little remark made the rejection in his heart less.

It's just that he doesn't believe in young children.

"What do you know?"

"My mother cares for the boat." Si yuzao said, "Dean, you know my father and my grandfather, don't you check my mother by the way? I have been learning medicine with my mother since I was a child... "

president Wang listened to her words and was silent for a long time.

To be honest, he knows. When Gu Qingzhou became famous, he happened to be in Nanjing. At that time, he also read the biography of Gu Qingzhou.

When the Du family told him all about yuzao, he thought of taking care of the boat, but he couldn't combine the two things.

"President Wang, I also suggest to try traditional Chinese medicine." Next to another doctor said, "if you don't believe Mr. Si, I can introduce a traditional Chinese medicine to you."

President Wang looked at the jade algae of the eye department: "you go out first, don't disturb the old lady."

This time, Si yuzao was not forced.

She backed out.

She went downstairs to find Lu Wenli and told him about the old lady.

"Are you sure?" Lu Wenli asked

"How could it be?" Si yuzao said, "I'm not my mom. I can see how to treat it. I need to feel my pulse and then take the medicine. "

Lu Wenli nodded, "it's safe."

"I'm afraid that President Wang accepted the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, but refused to use me." Si yuzao said, "I'm not sure about other traditional Chinese medicine. If it's not cured, it will destroy the ability of traditional Chinese medicine in his heart. Then I will never have another chance."

"Do you really want to be treated?" Asked Lu Wenli.

Si yuzao nodded.

Lu Wenli said: "I studied Wang Qiusheng and got preliminary results. I'll tell you a way." "What can I do?" Si yuzao has bright eyes.

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