Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1670 don'st wet shoes

Pan Luoying has also recently interned in the hospital.

She would like to go to other places - Western Medicine Research Institute or western medicine factory.

The hospital was a bit tired for her.

Now, she heard a message: President Wang invited Si yuzao to see a doctor.

The Du family seems to have no idea.

Pan Luoying didn't know if she should tell Duxi. She hesitated a little: "Si yuzao has such a powerful mother, her medical skills should not be bad, right? Last time, she dared to talk nonsense in the hospital. "

The story of saving Zhang Xinmei by Si yuzao was spread in the hospital and the school. The professor Wu is grateful to her so far.

With this precedent, pan Luoying dare not take it lightly.

She hesitated and called Duxi.

She explained the matter briefly.

Du Xi is very indifferent on the phone: "it doesn't matter, let her treat it. When the old lady dies, we will go to the funeral. "

Pan Luoying can't help stomach Fei: fool, you totally misunderstood my intention of calling.

At the same time, she secretly scolded Duxi for being stupid. At the same time, she also used the affectionate tone: "what if she is cured?"

"She? Ha ha... "Du Xi laughed.

His laughter was sweet and gentle, but stupid energy came from the phone.

Once again, pan Luoying thought of a word: gold and jade, which are not perfect.

If this man in Duxi doesn't get in touch with him, he will feel deep and handsome. But knowing him, we can see that his depth is just malice, and his handsome can't hide the fact that he is a fool.

Pan Luoying's ears are coming out of cocoons. Listen to him patiently.

As soon as she hung up the phone, she turned around and saw someone standing behind her silently, not knowing how long she had been standing.

She was taken aback.

At this time, she can see clearly that the other side is Lu Wenli.

She despised Lu Wenli and even hated him. Lu Wenli is in such a mess that he doesn't know how to change his ways. There won't be any great development in the future.

"President, do you frown when you see me? Do you hate me so much?" Lu Wenli said, "or do you hate the absolute majority of people in the world?"

"I don't hate anyone." Pan Luoying said coldly, "if you want to talk to me about this, it's really wishful thinking."

Lu Wenli smiled.

He smiled and looked at Pan Luoying quietly: "you told Du's family about Si yuzao again?"

"You can also tell Si yuzao." Pan Luoying said.

Lu Wenli is a little closer.

He is really messy, his hair is messy, his clothes are messy, even his white coat is more wrinkled than others. But he didn't have the rancid or fetid smell that pan Luoying imagined, only the smell of disinfectant alcohol.

"Classmate, don't do too many evil things. You've got a lot." Lu Wenli said, "when people walk by the river, how can they not wet their shoes?"

"My shoes are so high and waterproof that they can't submerge me. It's your classmates, mind your own business, don't always think you are so lucky every time. " Pan Luoying said.

Siyuzao comes back from the Wangs' home and confirms that the old lady of the Wangs can be cured. She is in a good mood.

She cooked the song for the night.

There is a sauce elbow in the night. The fishing song says that it was bought in the daytime. No one likes it, so it's left to Si yuzao.

Si yuzao felt that she was in their heart, just like a bucket.

"You eat it. I spent a lot of money on such a good sauce elbow. It's a pity to put it in vain. It's going to break tomorrow. " "We can't eat our elbows after eating roast duck," the fisherman's song urged

"Why don't you leave me some roast duck?" Asked Si yuzao.

The fisherman's Song said, "I left your elbow!"

Si yuzao: "......"

I don't like elbows, either!

She turned it over and found that it was really a fat elbow. The taste was not bad. She couldn't eat it, but she knew that one of the food must like it very much.

Si yuzao had a meal, just walked to the hospital, right when the consumption.

Song you follows her.

After entering the hospital, song Youfei wanted to follow him.

Si yuzao said, "wait at the door."

"It's the night when I'm alone. I have to be with you when I'm seen to be harmful to the reputation of the eldest lady." Song You said.

"This is a hospital, a public place," said Si yuzao

"Then I have to be with you."

"To be honest, Uncle Zhang asked you to look at me?" Asked Si yuzao.

Song you said no.

The two men saw each other for a moment, and finally the elder sister and the elder sister of the Department lost the battle.

In fact, she is very good to the people around her, because someone has seen her so narcissistic, not yet spit on her, but also willing to be loyal, Si yuzao thinks it is very rare.

But she couldn't control her appreciation of her beauty. After all, she was so beautiful.

She and song you are in the corridor and see that Lu Wenli almost pasted on Pan Luoying.

Si yuzao tut: "it hurts the weather."

Song you looks at her.

Seeing her expression clearly, song you was relieved: "first lady, go to the bathroom."

Si yuzao said well, thinking that this man is really strange. He will come to see him later and avoid him later.

However, she is a strange person herself. She is not surprised by song you's strangeness.

When pan Luoying's high-heeled shoes stepped away, Si yuzao coughed softly.

Lu Wenli looks back at her.

"It's so sweet. I'm thinking about you." Lu Wenli said.

Si yuzao's eyes brightened: "when you see pan Luoying, you are thinking of me. Do you think I am the most beautiful? With comparison, there is fairness? "

Lu Wenli said, "No. Why do you want to compare with her? You are not the same as her. "

In the heart of senior brother Lu, Si yuzao is not a woman.

Si yuzao is discouraged: "then what do you want me to do?"

"I overheard something to tell you." Lu Wenli said.

He and Si yuzao went to the doctor's special rest room. Now there was no one left. He grabbed the sauce elbow with his hand and ate it full of oil. Then he took time between his teeth and told Si yuzao what Pan Luoying said.

"It's not an accident." Si yuzao said, "she knew it. Did the Du family dare to poison the Wang family? Senior brother, the old lady is getting better. "

"When will it be all right?" Asked Lu Wenli.

"Diarrhea should be stopped in the morning, but the body that is losing money needs to be taken care of slowly," said siyuzao

They said "diarrhea", which did not affect the appetite of senior brother Lu. When he saw his heart, he could think of fried pig's heart with pepper, let alone small diarrhea.

He chewed the sauce elbow three times, five times and two times.

"Thank you for your supper. I'll bring some rice porridge with me later." "It's a little salty just to eat sauce elbows," Lu said

"When I succeed, I will treat you to a big meal." Siyuzao said.

Elder martial brother Lu's eyes began to shine.

It is a kind of bright and burning light, showing a strong expectation and attachment.

Si yuzao thought: elder martial brother Lu must have loved the feast.

Except for the food, it seems that elder martial brother Lu's heart is not good.

When he went back, song you asked Si yuzao, "how is that student talking about his girlfriend?" "With whom?" Siyuzao laughs, "and sauce elbow? That's possible. And pan Luoying? Think too much. "

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