Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1671 new president

Pan Luoying told Duxi that he didn't tell his father.

He didn't think it was necessary.

When the old lady of the Wang family dies, the Wang family will naturally report it.

Duxi applied for a British university some time ago, but failed. His mother died of a serious illness in the summer, so he needed to be filial.

His father has a lot of aunts. He was brought up by a servant himself. He has no feelings for his mother.

This was also taught by his father, because his father had no feelings for his mother, and he liked to imitate his father since he was young.

After September, he stayed in Shanghai. His father was busy and didn't care about him.

He had nothing to do. His father asked him to work in a small factory. He didn't want to, and finally he was at home.

When people are bored, they like to think of all kinds of bad ideas.

He still remembers Si yuzao.

No matter before or now, he has seen many famous ladies, stars and Kabuki. No one is as beautiful as Si yuzao. Maybe it's because he can't get the best.

He had fantasies about yuzao, which are still true today.

It's a pity that Si yuzao has an adjutant beside him. Neither of them seems to be easy to mess with.

It's rare that Duxi didn't die, and didn't continue to pester.

Two days later, pan ran to Du's house in person.

She was very surprised to tell Duxi's father: "the old lady's dysentery has been cured, and she can drink rice porridge. Many people in the hospital visited her, and I also went. There was no smell in the room, and President Wang didn't lie."

Duxi's father was confused: "which old lady?"

Pan Luoying was only stunned for a second, and then understood that Duxi didn't take this matter to heart.

She wanted to cover Du Xi. Du Fu understood.

He asked Duxi, "why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"... a little thing." Du Xi deliberately understated.

Du Fu slapped him hard.

In front of Pan Luoying, Du Fu was so angry that he made Du Xi stagger for several steps.

Du Xi covers his face and loosens his teeth.

Du Fu's anger never abated: "how much did I spend to make Wang Qiusheng the dean? It's good of you to hand him over to our enemies! "

A mouthful of blood spat on Du Xi.

Half of his cheek was numb, one ear could not hear, and his father's words were suddenly far and near.

He understood, at least, and explained, "even if he favors Si yuzao, he is also our man. He will not break up with our family."

Wang Qiusheng's transformation can only be that he no longer deals with the jade algae.

However, what the Du family wants is not to have more long-term interests, but to have more long-term interests.

As long as Wang Qiusheng is still in this position, he will remember how he became the dean.

"How dare you argue?" Du and Yang started to fight again.

Si yuzao hates Du's family, because Du Xi nearly killed her.

Wang Qiusheng is a soft ear root. Du family can control him, so can Si yuzao.

Nowadays, the old lady's illness is getting better. Both the Wang's wife and the old lady are friends of Si yuzao. If Si yuzao wants Wang Qiusheng to give up Du's family, he only needs to say a few words in front of his wife and old lady. Those women will naturally persuade Wang Qiusheng for her.

Besides, the Du family's support for Wang Qiusheng can also be achieved by Si yuzao. Her father used to have many subordinates who are now officials in Nanjing.

These are all future problems.

Si yuzao is not important. Wang Qiusheng is very important.

"You can't use it at all!" Du Fu said angrily.

Du Xi knows that his father's aunt, who was raised in another villa, has recently given birth to a daughter. He watches the children there every day and forgets it.

If it's really important, can't he have people watching him all the time?

That means he didn't take Wang Qiusheng seriously.

Now that something happened, it's the son's fault.

Du Xi covers his face and is very angry.

Pan Luoying looked at this scene and stood silently beside, trying not to let Du Xi notice her.

In the afternoon, Du Fu took Du Xi and pan Luoying to visit the old lady at the Wang's house.

Wang Qiusheng has a good attitude and a good mood.

"... the old lady is healthy, which can be controlled. Brother Du, the new medicine you sent me last time also made a lot of contribution. I want to thank you. " Wang Qiusheng said.

Du Fu and Du Xi look at each other.

Du Xi asked instead of his father, "Uncle Wang, I heard that you have invited Si yuzao. Has she cured the old lady?"

Wang Qiusheng said, "it's not true. She said it all by herself. She just happened that the old lady's illness was about to be cured. She just caught up."

When Du Fu and Du Xi left, their expressions were relieved.

Pan Luoying is also secretly relieved.

It seems that Wang Qiusheng is not grateful for Si yuzao, or even reluctant to mention her.

Think of Si yuzao's busy life, or nothing, pan Luoying a little want to laugh.

The next day, however, she couldn't laugh.

On the bulletin board of the school, a big notice was posted: the student go association was established, and its president, Si yuzao.

This announcement clearly told pan Luoying that Wang Qiusheng was not only grateful to Si yuzao, but also secretly helped him to cover it up and let the Du family relax their vigilance.

This is not a simple thanks.

Pan Luoying is powerless.

She didn't want to go to Du's house any more. She went to see Du's father and son scold each other.

So she just called Duxi and asked him to face his father's anger.

I don't think so. Duxi already knows.

In order to prevent the need for his message, he dodged and did not answer pan Luoying's call.

He doesn't want to take care of it.

He looked down on his father. His father is incompetent and will only blame him.

Pan Luoying had to go to Du's house in person.

It's done.

The money that the Du family transferred from Wang Qiusheng was spent in vain.

Si yuzao will not let Wang Qiusheng continue to work for the Du family, and she will not allow the existence of the student union.

Pan Luoying lived alone in the dormitories of more than a dozen people. Every day, she was helped to clean up and wash clothes by her school sisters. In this way, the good day of treating them as free maids might be over.

She can't accept it either.

So she went to find Du Fu herself. "Now, we just know that Wang Qiusheng is very grateful to Si yuzao, and we don't know whether she will provoke Wang Qiusheng to turn around. In this case, it's better to start first, so that the power of the Secretary's family can't get her. " Pan Luoying said, "even if you can't kill her, you can drive her out of Shanghai and let her roll back to Singapore

Du Fu listened and nodded. "I didn't take this little girl to heart, but she set up her own association and really wanted to reorganize the school order. Shanghai can't accommodate her. Let her die or roll back to Singapore. You make arrangements. " Du father road.

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