Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1677 clear suspicion

After being knocked unconscious by others, Du Xi was put in the prison of the army.

He kept roaring, his voice was hoarse, but no one paid attention to him.

It took two days for his father to get through and come in to see him.

As soon as we met, his father slapped him first: "bastard, you're going to kill us!"

Du's family's property and house were all seized. The army and the government intervened to investigate Du Fu.

Du Fu's hand is certainly not clean when he climbs to his present position. Even if he is only investigated for bribery, it is enough for him to go to prison. Let alone the goal of the government's investigation, it is "whether the Du family organizes underground revolutionary activities or not".

Whether true or not, the president of Du Fu must have lost his position and face.

If it is true, it may not even have a life.

Of course, Du Fu can't do such a thing himself, but he can't guarantee that his son will.

He's going crazy.

Du Xi was a good young man before him. He was gentle and elegant. At the moment, he was very embarrassed. His father hit his white face with five clear marks.

He cried, "Abba, believe me, I'm not a revolutionary party!"

He told his father the truth in front of the investigator.

"... when we went to the general office of the government, I heard that they said they had found the secret key, that is, inkstone and pocket watch. In the future, we should pay attention to the newspaper and see which newspaper uses these two key words to deliver the news.

After I overheard it, I wanted to plant it on Si yuzao. She set up a go club. The school's rule is that an association can make a newspaper for one day.

First, I sent out the secret key in the school newspaper. Although the school newspaper is small and can't be found by the government for a moment, I can go to the school newspaper anonymously.

I asked pan Luoying to tell the school's printing factory that there was something wrong with the machine, and asked Si yuzao to take someone to another printing factory. I was in that printing factory, preparing the revolutionary party's newspaper, and then informing the government to arrest people.

As long as she is stolen and caught, her go will not work. She will also be regarded as a revolutionary party, either killed or left Shanghai.

Abba, don't you think she's prickly, too? What happened to Wang Qiusheng? Didn't she nearly sabotage your plan? I'm here for our family and for you.

This time, Duxi is really burning. Such a big thing, such a dangerous scheme, he also dares to misuse.

"But at last, you were defeated by Si yuzao!" Du's brain is very flexible. He seems to say it to his son, but in fact, it's for the investigator next to him.

"If Si yuzao is not a revolutionary party, how can she know the secret key, and how can she know that you are hurting her and vice versa?" Du father road.

Du Xi is stunned.

Yes, if Si yuzao was not...

he was just going to frame her, but he didn't think she was.

"Sir, she is the revolutionary party. Hurry up and catch her!" Duxi shouted, but his voice broke, and it didn't work.

The investigator's face stopped, and turned to go out.

As soon as the officer in charge of this matter summed up, he thought that the words on Duxi might be true.

So they sent people to the apartment of Si yuzao.

In the apartment of Si yuzao, they met a senior military official, marshal Deng Gao.

Marshal Deng glanced at them and said, "this is my niece. What's the matter?"

The special investigators looked at each other.

This Marshal Deng has a very strong network. He used to rely on the Secretary's family.

Si Jia... Is that Si Jia of Si yuzao?

Several investigators were slightly alarmed.

How could Si yuzao's birth be mixed with the revolutionary party?

Moreover, every word on Duxi sounds like sophistry.

He said that it was Si yuzao who took him to the printing factory, but the person who arrested him at that time said that he did not see him at all.

Did the investigators believe such simple and crude planting?

How can I explain this to marshal Deng?

"Commander in chief, do you want to have a routine inspection?" the investigator tried several times, or he could not give a reasonable reason in front of Deng Gao.

Evidence is also needed for routine checks.

What's the evidence that they came to search for yuzao? Is it the words of a revolutionary who was stolen and won?

"Say, what are you doing Deng Gao is impatient. "I have to take my niece to dinner. What's the matter?"

"Marshal, this is a misunderstanding." The investigator said awkwardly.

Several people left in a panic.

They reviewed Du Xi again.

Duxi is the same story. But he can't come up with any evidence but words.

No one saw Si yuzao ask him out. No one even noticed that Si yuzao got on his car.

"When Si yuzao asked me out, her classmates Xu Jingran and Ma Xuan were both present, but they were far away." Du Xi goes up the road.

Xu Jingran and Ma Xuan were also called to ask questions.

They did go shopping with siyuzao that day, and then they met Duxi. But when siyuzao and Duxi talked, they walked away.

"Elder martial brother Du made it clear that he wanted to pursue yuzao. He had hurt yuzao several times before, locked her in the classroom and set her on fire. Maybe yuzao refused him." Xu Jingran said,

"in that case, if we were present, what would you do if elder martial brother Du became angry after he was rejected and wanted to kill us? So, we went a little further and didn't hear what they said.

However, according to the character of Si yuzao, she would never ask elder martial brother Du. She can't see senior brother Du at all, and she has a good relationship with senior brother Lu. Si yuzao is not a person who is always on the move. "

Du Xi also said Pan Luoying.

Pan Luoying is a beautiful young woman. She cried first when she came in.

"I don't know what he did. He asked me for coffee and I went. I like him very much. " Pan Luoying said.

She pushed it all.

Pan Luoying came out of the Bureau, wiped his eyes clean and gave a cold glance.

She made two preparations at that time.

In case of failure on Duxi, she didn't want to be involved, so she washed her hands clean.

Du Xi found the editor in chief of the school newspaper and put in the secret key. Pan Luoying refused to appear at that time, which is also to prevent today.

She smiled faintly: "farewell, brother Du, this is the end of being smart."

The government gave the result a week later.

Du Xishang was sentenced to 50 years and put in prison; he removed Du Fu's post as president of the western medicine chamber of Commerce, seized all Du's businesses and left them for subsequent review.

Nanjing still suspects that Du and his father are the main conspirators, but he launched his own son to plead guilty, but there is no evidence at present.

The rumor that "Shanghai has a great revolutionary party figure" has been confirmed.

Du Fu is also a famous pharmaceutical tycoon in Shanghai. He is right with the secret newspaper.

Later, the Investigation Bureau found a secret Research Institute in Dujia. It was found that there was a big pit behind the Institute for human experiments. It was smelly.

At least 30 skeletons can be seen, and there are hundreds of non-human and non ghost "test objects" who are not dead.

It was a sensation for a while.

Du Fu was shot.

In addition, investigators found evidence in their research institute that Du Fu was the revolutionary party.

This matter has come to an end.

"Have you heard about Du's Institute?" When Si yuzao mentioned this topic, it was a little disgusting.

These days, no matter where she goes, everyone is telling her about it.

Most of the people in the research institute are beggars or refugees. They describe their lives as miserable as death.

Zhang Xinmei said, "of course, I went there, or who put those seals in at last?"

Those seals confirmed Du Fu's identity as a revolutionary party.

It was Zhang Xinmei who put it in person.

"... is it as miserable as they say?" Asked Si yuzao. Zhang Xinmei said: "it's worse than you think. You haven't seen terrible places, so your imagination is very poor. That institute is ten times more terrible than you think. "

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