Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1678 confession

Si yuzao didn't go to Duxi. She can't imagine what it would be like to be in prison for 50 years. After all, her father was sentenced to death for the Research Institute, and he has never been able to ease the relationship for him, so he can't reduce his sentence. "

Uncle Zhang, if it's not you, maybe it's me." Siyuzao said.

"Zhang Xinmei said:" your father's money and power can reach the sky. When you make a phone call, marshal Deng has come all the way. No one can go to jail without your eldest daughter. "

Si yuzao: "although this is not pleasant to hear, it is true. Deng

GAO used to be an adjutant of Si Xingfu, but he remained in the army after the latter faded. When Yan Xinnong also retreated, most of their power was given to Deng Gao, who was held high.

It's good for other people. Deng Gao has a deep feeling for his family. He never knew that Si yuzao had come to Shanghai to study.

In this case, Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou did not advertise it or send yuzao in person. He did not think how long yuzao would stay in Shanghai.

Yuzao just can't let go of her mind. She always thinks that the arson was related to her. Gu

the light boat has found the murderer and the murderer has admitted it, but yuzao insists that she remembers stabbing people and setting fire.

She was seven years old at the time, and she couldn't do it at all.

Moreover, the fire started in the hall, not in the back kitchen where Si yuzao was detained. By the time the fire reached the back kitchen, Luo mansion had been almost burned. In those years, Deng Gao knew something about it. After so many years, Gu Qingzhou didn't want to mention the past.

It wasn't until Si yuzao called Deng Gao that Deng Gao knew that she had been in Shanghai for half a year.

He came to see yuzao in a hurry. Unexpectedly, he met such a thing. "Uncle Zhang, what's your suspicion?" Si yuzao returns to his senses and asks Zhang Xinmei. Zhang

Xin Mei knocked on the cigarette box: "Miss Toshi's Hong Fu, Fang Fang and I have no suspicion. We can stay dormant."

"Fang Fang is young and beautiful. Why did she go this way?" Siyuzao suddenly asked, "is it also because of ideals?"

Zhang Xinmei took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth. His upper eyelid lifted siyuzao: "the ideal is not cabbage in the vegetable market. Anyone can buy a Jin! Fang was sold to a brothel when she was seven or eight years old. Later I saved her. If she doesn't follow this path, she is in the business of skin and meat. She may be suffering from various diseases and become a mess of rotten meat before she is 30 years old.

She knelt at the bottom of my feet and begged me to give her a future. She would like to live on her own hands and mind, not on her body, even if she was a coolie in the dock.

I gave her a chance. She enjoys this life now. Those who were sold to brothels with her didn't live to be 28 years old. She said she had enough. "

Siyuzao listens. Don't

know why, she suddenly felt that Fang Fang was very powerful and had a free and easy life. "

do you like her?" Si yuzao looks into the eyes of Zhang Xinmei. Zhang

Xin Mei lit the smoke, and a white fog just covered his eyes. He quietly spit out two cigarette rings: "no, I have a sweetheart."

It seems that the yuzao is fried. She almost jumped up, walked to Zhang Xinmei and hugged his arm: "who, who is it?"

In Miss Si's eyes, there is a raging fire of gossip.

"... not you." Said Zhang Xinmei.

Si yuzao was eager to know: "of course, you are not worthy of fairies, I understand. Who is it? "

Zhang Xinmei gave her a puff of smoke. Si

yuzao is choked, so she retreats a little. Zhang Xinmei takes the opportunity to draw out her arm.

He sighed and put out the smoke. "

I'm gone. Without Du Xi and Du's family, you don't have any big trouble for the time being, but you should also be careful. Don't make trouble again. " Said Zhang Xinmei.

Si yuzao catches up with him and sticks to him: "is it the person I know?"

Frown at her. His

eyes were very quiet, as if meditating: "you know." Yu Zao laughed obscene: "I don't know many people in Shanghai, which one is it? You have hooked up the curious insects in my stomach. Tell me quickly, or you might as well kill me. " Zhang

Xin Mei: "... He

reached out and clapped on her forehead:" roll! "

Then he quickly went downstairs and left.

Si yuzao lies on the balcony and shouts: "Xinmei, is that your secretary? I've seen her, haven't I? She's beautiful, too. " Xin Mei got on the car and didn't care about her. Secretary

yuzao pulls the fishing song and song you and asks them to help her analyze who Zhang Xinmei's sweetheart is. Fish

Song saw the eye song tour.

Song you said, "maybe you really know each other?"

"You know that, too?" Si yuzao was surprised, and then her eyes fell on the side of the fishing song.

The fisherman's song glared at her: "what do you think? Master Zhang and I are innocent and have no chance to hook up. If you talk nonsense, I will go back to Singapore and not serve you. "

Si yuzao has to make amends.

Later, she thought for a long time without any clue. The next morning, song you sent him to school and two people walked. Yu Zao asked song you, "do you think Uncle Zhang's sweetheart will be a man?" Song

you are expressionless: "take away your dirty thoughts, miss. How do you know that master Zhang is serious? What if he just wanted to play a trick on you? Or, what's more, is he advertising? " "

confession?" Si yuzao stopped in surprise. "With whom?" Song

swims at her.

"Me?" Siyuzao chuckled. "He knows that our fairies don't intermarry with ordinary people. They will break the rules of heaven and be attacked by heaven." Song

Travel: "... If the God is really clever, split this young lady, pretending to be the heavenly daughter all day long, it should be her who should be split by thunder! "

it's OK for others to say that Uncle Zhang shouldn't be. He's not so funny." Si yuzao continued.

"It's not fun to like fairies?" Song you was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Si yuzao knew how to introspect.

"It's not fun to like your niece. What are you thinking about? How can fairies be unpopular, and how can they be insipid? " Siyuzao said. Song

you: "...

he thought that the eldest lady suddenly had self-knowledge, so he was really multi-minded.

Song Youhao is worried about the goods. When can he get rid of them?

After getting rid of his hand, he can probably go to the army for training. "It's going to be class, don't dawdle," he said Yuzao is very busy in the morning and has to deal with the go meeting at noon. The school newspaper of our go club has come out, and the response is very good. It's the Mid Autumn Festival in the Ming Dynasty. Si yuzao has set up a grand hotel and prepared gifts. Now she has some chores. She's so busy.

She is very excited, after all, it is the first time to hold such a big dinner. Xing takes the place of curiosity, and Si yuzao puts the matter of the girl she loves behind her.

"Yuzao, give you a little gift." Elder martial brother Lu came here with a mess of hair and handed her a small thing. "

what is it?"

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