Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1680 the arrival of traitors

Si yuzao and Zhang Xinmei had dinner and talked about many topics, including one about love.

She asked, "if you fall in love with me and know I love you, will you say it?"

She frowned at her eyes. He was sure that she was serious at the moment.

So he seriously replied, "I will." "

do you love me?" Si yuzao immediately looks like a puppy, flatters to come together, hates to be able to lick Zhang Xinmei's face. Zhang

Xin Mei pushes her away: "go away."

That night, Zhang Xinmei sent Si yuzao back to her apartment, and then went to see Fang Fang. He has a task with Fang Fang recently.

Fang Fang looked at him from time to time. Zhang

Hsin Mei is impatient with her: "what are you doing?"

"Nothing." Fang Fang took back her eyes. "Is your little niece back from Singapore?"

Zhang Xinmei looked at her warily: "do you want to know about her?" Fang

hurriedly said: "no, why do I do this? I think you've been in a good mood all day - did you propose to her after she graduated? "

"Shut up." Said Zhang Xinmei. Even if it is vicious, there is no anger in his voice in the last few days. Fang

chuckles. "Don't talk about personal matters in the future," Zhang warned her sternly "

don't talk about personal matters, or don't expose your mind? Zhang Shao, is that girl eighteen years old? She was born so beautiful, like her very normal, do not love her just strange Fang Fang said, "if you don't start, others will reach out first. Will you kill someone then?"

Zhang Xinmei turns her head and stares at Fang Fang. His eyes at this moment are extremely fierce.

Fang Fang knew that her hypothesis - assuming that other people started to fight against Si yuzao first, angered Zhang Xinmei. Zhang Xinmei's instant killing intention was not fake. Fang was afraid of joking.

And the good mood of Zhang Xinmei was destroyed by this woman. He went to Zhang Xinmei's house in the middle of the night, after running three or four fields and almost succeeding in the stampede. Fang arrived in Shanghai and often lived here because she was a singer supported by Zhang Xinmei.

At night, someone quietly went upstairs and took the information Fang Fang Fang had prepared.

In the early hours of the morning, someone went upstairs again. "

tonight's intelligence is accurate. The traitors fled to Shanghai to destroy the underground work in Shanghai. The plan for the assassination has been made. Fang Fang is an assassin, and Jiu Ye helps her. " That humanity.

There are people living on the first, second and third floors of this building, but outsiders don't know. He

they have perfect radio stations and sufficient helpers, all of them serve the hidden line of Zhang Xinmei. "

however, the other party's whereabouts are uncertain. How to assassinate?" Fang asked, "do you want me to follow him all over Shanghai?" "

it's not him, it's her... The traitor is a woman." The other side of the road.

Zhang Xinmei and Fang Yu were a little surprised, which they didn't expect.

After daybreak, Zhang Xinmei goes to work in the Transportation Bureau as usual, while Fang Fang feels up and keeps herself energetic.

In the night, Fang Yu began to act. Yu Zao has not returned to her apartment in the night. She is doing experimental observation of a new drug in brother Lu's laboratory.

"When we left, your brother came over and said something to you?" Asked Lu Wenli.

On the day they left Singapore, Sikai, the eldest brother of yuzao, followed her and whispered a few words to her.

Her eldest brother is only 13 years old. He is taller than her. He is a very beautiful boy. He is different from everyone in the Department because he is not talkative and his face is tired.

It gives him a kind of coldness beyond his age.

"Si yuzao said:" he said to me, "Abba is not satisfied with this boy. Don't fall in love with him." My dad didn't see you. "

Lu Wenli said he could understand.

No matter who's daughter brings a boy of the same age back, parents will be nervous.

Besides, he and Si yuzao are not that kind of relationship, so elder martial brother Lu accepted Si Xingfu's dislike of him.

"That hospital, your father doesn't have shares?" Asked Lu Wenli. Yuzao: "no, the shares are in the hands of my aunt and uncle."

Lu Wenli: "that's OK. Your father can't see me. It's normal."

"If you don't feel well, then I want to tell you that my father can't look at any man, and feels unworthy of me, not just you." Si yuzao tries to stabilize senior brother Lu.

But elder martial brother Lu really doesn't care.

The two men spoke for a moment, and suddenly there were footsteps in the corridor outside. Feet are very quiet. Yu Zao looks at his watch. It's over nine o'clock in the evening. What's the matter?

"Do you hear footsteps?" She whispered to Lu Wenli.

Lu Wenli nodded. One

to the untidy senior brother Lu, he is a little tense and serious at the moment, as if he is not quite like him.

He winked at the algae. Yu Zao was standing beside him, talking to himself and laughing.

Lu Wenli hides behind the door and eavesdrops. He heard the door of the next classroom open.

Someone went in and closed the door again. He turns on the light in this laboratory. Whoever comes here knows that there is someone in this room. It's strange if he doesn't speak.

Senior brother Lu came over and whispered to Si yuzao, "maybe it's other students, come and date..."

Si yuzao laughed. She really chuckled.

She asked Lu Wenli in a low voice while she was smiling: "is there any other guess besides her classmates? Our lab is next to the school wall. It's easy for people outside to come in. "

If someone wants to find a place to escape, the first choice after turning into the school must be this teaching building. This

is a two-story teaching building with about a dozen classrooms and a light on in the laboratory. "

so it is." Lu Wenli said, "you put the scalpel in your sleeve." "I have a gun in my bag," said yuzao. How are you shooting? "

"Not good." Lu Wenli said truthfully. "I'm not good at shooting. I'd better use a knife," said Yu Zao He waited for about ten minutes and vaguely heard other footsteps. However, when listening carefully, the whole corridor is quiet.

"I'll go out and have a look," Lu Wenli said Secretary

yuzao: "don't kill senior brother Lu. We can just hide here. Your lab doesn't have a phone. I want to give song you a call. "

"But on the first floor." Lu Wenli said. When Lu Wenli pretends to go to the bathroom, Si yuzao sneaks to the first floor and calls song you. It's urgent. Song you can get there in two minutes by express.

As long as song swam there, the two of them would be safe. For example,

if you are a bad person, you will die if you stay in the laboratory; if you are a classmate, you should only make a false alarm and have no loss.

Miss Si yuzao's unreliability and elder martial brother Lu's audacity and willfulness made them decide to let go at once. Lu

elder martial brother came to the door and said loudly to Si yuzao, "I'll go to the bathroom. Don't drink my water. I'm not easy to cool it. Wait for yourself." Si

yuzao is standing beside him now, taking off his shoes, wearing only socks, holding a knife in his hand and giving the gun to senior brother Lu. Lu

elder martial brother steps to the bathroom, and Si yuzao slips quietly to the office on the first floor.

However, at the turn of the stairs, she was suddenly caught in the throat behind her. Miss Si yuzao, who has experienced these trainings since she was a child, first responded by pretending to shiver and scream, making her strangler feel like catching a sheep.

The other side did cover her mouth with the other hand.

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