Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1681 first murder

When Si yuzao was kidnapped, the other side said in her ear, "don't make a noise, or I will kill you." It's a woman.

Si yuzao didn't answer. She straightened her back and made the woman behind her think she was stiff and scared.

She is not very afraid. This kind of training was given by her father to their brothers and sisters to prevent them from encountering accidents.

Si yuzao's experience is not very rich, because every time she does this kind of training, she laughs. And her father, who can throw his son to the ground, can't bear to toss over the yuzao, often lets her get by. The Father also said: "I'm doting on you. If you have an accident in the future, even if you come back to blame me, I'm not qualified to be a father." Yuzao would like to say that he is extremely competent as a father. He loves his children and cares for his family.

However, he always treats his sons as subordinates, which may need to be changed. Want to

here, Si yuzao's knife has slipped into her palm without trace. "

don't move! Stop! " Just as she was about to act, the woman behind her suddenly snapped. Secretary

Yu Zao looks up and sees a figure flash across the opposite corridor and hides in the corner. "

you can't run away." The man on the opposite side shouted, "do traitors want to live for a hundred years?" Yuzao heard it.

It's Fang Fang. She thought before, is the woman who strangled her throat a good person? She wanted to find a shield because she was afraid? At this moment, her doubts disappeared. This woman is not a good person.

Miss Si yuzao is not helpful to her relatives. Fang Fang is Uncle Zhang's subordinate. Since she is the person Fang Fang Fang wants to kill, she is naturally a bad person, regardless of what she does. Fang said something again, and the woman replied with a sneer. When a woman speaks, her attention is a little slack. Si yuzao notices that her hand strength is two points lighter, and immediately seizes the opportunity. She quickly raised the knife in her hand and stabbed her backhand into the woman's throat. She is very skillful in her movements. This was taught by her father.

When they are in trouble, how to turn defeat into victory is her dad's unique skill. Although yuzao is not a good subordinate and can't meet his father's requirements, he is just a good student and has learned 70-80% of what his father demonstrated. Women can't help but let go and cover their throats.

Blood splashed all over his face. The woman opened her eyes wide and fell in disbelief. Fang is still shouting, but after two sentences, the other party doesn't answer, and she is ready to rush up.

"Fang, come here." Siyuzao said. Fang was shocked. She didn't know that the girl student was Si yuzao. She was just thinking that if the girl student didn't live long, she would have to sacrifice her if she wanted to kill the traitor in two minutes.

If she did sacrifice Si yuzao, Zhang Xinmei would surely kill her. Fang is like picking up a life. She ran quickly to see that the traitor had fallen into a pool of blood and was struggling with convulsions. The chance of survival was very low. "

What did you do?" She looked at Si yuzao.

"Well, if she hijacked me, I'd better start first." Siyuzao said. When she came here, her voice was a little shaky because the woman on the ground stopped moving. There are no exercises for several times, but they have never really killed people. Si yuzao finds that there is a big gap between imagination and reality. Want to

the sharp in the elephant is not, the hand of Si yuzao shivers inexplicably, the knife also fell to the ground.

Fang Fang said: "don't worry, next time it will be OK. The first time it's a little difficult. I've carried the body away. You clean up the blood on the ground. I'll tell Jiu Ye that I'll take your credit. "

After that, Fang Fang Fang took off the traitor's coat, wrapped her still bleeding neck, and shouldered her shoulder.

Si yuzao admired it very much.

Fang Xuan looks thin, but has a good strength. "

are you carrying her over the wall?" Asked Si yuzao.

Fang Fang nodded: "yes, I went over the wall. It was too obvious to walk through the school gate. Now there are still students in the activity. You cover me to the corner. " Lu

elder martial brother also came here at this time. Before he knew what was going on, Si yuzao said directly to him, "elder martial brother, wash the ground, and I'll be right back." The bloodstains on the ground make elder martial brother Lu feel wasteful. He looked for a while and imagined the blood in the bag to help the patient. It hurt a little. Yu Zao accompanied Fang Fang Fang to the corner. Fang first threw out the body of the traitor. But after

she climbed on her own.

She quickly disappeared on the other side of the wall, without any drag.

Si yuzao stood and watched for a long time.

It was clear that everything was quiet. She was still standing there, looking at the wall.

Song you came over and deliberately put on his feet. He coughed hard: "eldest lady." Only then did yuzao recover.

"What's the matter?" Song you asked.

Si yuzao said: "I've been thinking about my shortcomings all these years. Whether it's traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine or training with Abba, it seems that there's something not filled up. Now I know... ""

What do I know? " Song you is a little worried.

It's easy for his eldest daughter to be a moth.

At the tip of her tongue, Si yuzao realized that this was song you and told him something. He turned around and told her mom, because he was a wife's man.

She held back.

She understood in this moment that she wanted to be a fighter, a real useful person. She has been studying medicine for many years. She has been practicing with her mother, even if she makes her own prescriptions, she also relies on her mother's name. She studies gunshot and actual combat with her father, but she is only a family member. No one has ever threatened her life.

She admires Fang Fang Fang, who can stand on the stage, perform in all kinds of ways, and sing in a sweet voice, or carry a dead man in the middle of the night, with agile hands.

Si yuzao is not raised in the greenhouse by her parents, but her life is a little less real. It seems that she left her parents, but in fact, the protective cover never left her.

She has two adjutants, song you and Li Xiao, and a fishing song.

"I also want to go the real way."

Si yuzao returns to the teaching building. It's too late to have any classmates. Elder martial brother Lu was very tired. He picked up buckets of water and wiped the ground thoroughly. "

can you still smell it?" Asked senior brother Lu. Yuzao did smell it.

The faint smell of blood in the air can not be dissipated in any case. Song

you turned on the flashlight and took a picture everywhere. There was no blood left.

"It's clean." Song you road. Lu

sniffs the ceremony and nods: "even if there is blood, it doesn't matter. It will turn dark red in the morning, even if it's integrated with the floor tiles, which can't be seen." Several

individuals left the teaching building.

Song you drove here. Now he drives back. Si yuzao is sitting in the car, thinking slowly. She

was silent. Song

you don't know if she's scared tonight, or if she's going to play a moth. She's worried about looking at her in the rearview mirror.

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