Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1682 taking advantage

Si yuzao lies on the bed and looks at the empty roof.

The tenants upstairs changed. Women's high-heeled shoes stepped on the floor. It was rhythmic, as if they were dancing. For example,

if it's not more than two o'clock in the morning. Secretary

yuzao can ask song you to negotiate, but at the moment she is not sleepy, so she doesn't want to destroy others' good mood.

She didn't sleep much at night. She went to the lab the next day.

There is nothing unusual about the floor of that building. When the night passed, there was no blood left. The students stepped on it, and no one would think that there had been a blood case on the floor tile of this floor.

"Senior brother Lu is not in. He works in the hospital today." Another senior brother who led the class said to Si yuzao. Yu Zao nodded and turned away. She couldn't listen to the first class in the morning.

Si yuzao has an idea in mind, and the morning is the best time to realize it. She slipped out of the school and took the rickshaw to Zhang Xinmei's house. Zhang

two of his attendants are on duty downstairs of Xinmei's house. Ordinary people can't go to this building easily.

"Is ninth master at home?" Asked Si yuzao.

She thought that if she wanted to say something, the two attendants would let her go up.

No idea, they respectfully walked away: "Jiu Ye has gone to the Transportation Bureau. Miss Si, please." Secretary

yuzao went upstairs smoothly. Zhang

in addition to her entourage, Xin Mei also has a maid, who is also the underground revolutionary party.

"I'll find something." Said Si yuzao to the maid.

With that, she wanted to pry open the door of Xinmei's house. Female

the servant is very generous: "OK, Miss Si, wait a moment." She opened the door for yuzao. Yu Zao has a smooth journey, thinking that she is so beautiful that no one can resist her charm. Even her entourage and maid are impressed with her.

She went into the bedroom with a smile on her face.

She has been to this bedroom many times. When she used to detoxify Zhang Xinmei, she often stayed here. She locked the door.

Zhang Xinmei's bedroom is very simple, a row of wardrobe, a desk, a big bed.

Si yuzao never opened his wardrobe. There are no other places to put things except the wardrobe in the whole room.

She took a deep breath and opened one.

Zhang Xinmei is a wardrobe with four doors open. Each closet is full of his things. It's very messy. There is only one closet with formal clothes and coats. It's passed on by him. The maid helps him sort it out.

Si yuzao is looking for things in a mess. He is a bit in a hurry. This time, she heard the maid's voice: "Jiu Ye is back."

Si yuzao is surprised. She was quick witted and hid something in her pocket.

Zhang Xinmei is surprised to hear that Si yuzao is still in his room.

He went back to the room and saw her sitting on his bed, smiling awkwardly.

"What are you stealing?" Asked Zhang Xinmei directly. Si gave him a look: "who stole your things? What am I not? "

Zhang Xinmei doesn't believe her lies. He pulled up the yuzao and simply searched her for what she found in her pocket. Pull out his socks.

Zhang Xin's face is black. "Uncle Zhang, I find myself in love with you." Si yuzao hurriedly said, "so, I want to take your socks and look at you everyday!" Zhang

Xinmei wished she could die with a slap.

She has an evil mind and uses this kind of thing as a shield. It's even worse!

"Lie!" The face of Zhang Xinmei is as cold as iron? If you don't, I'll send a telegram to your parents and tell them about it! " "

would you tell my parents to steal socks?" What do you have to tell me

Zhang Xinmei turns to go.

Afraid that he could do it, Si yuzao hurriedly stopped him.

"Uncle Zhang, I have something to say." Siyuzao begged to be hanged on him. "I'm wrong, am I wrong?"

"Tell the truth!" "

I want to join you. But you won't agree, so I want to steal your seal and put it on the application form. If you don't agree to let me in, I'll give this application to the government. " Si yuzao had to tell the truth. Zhang

draw the corners of the eyebrows directly.

He poked at siyuzao's forehead: "fool!"

Si yuzao holds him and doesn't give up: "I'm stupid, I'm stupid, Uncle Zhang, take me! I'm stupid, but I'm beautiful! " Zhang

has a weak brow. Which life did he create iniquity? This farce ended with Zhang Xinmei inviting Miss Si yuzao to dinner. Because they want to talk privately, Zhang Xinmei doesn't take Si yuzao out to eat. Instead, she calls the restaurant and asks them to bring a table of vegetables.

The maids and their attendants all went out, and there was only Si yuzao and Zhang Xinmei at home. Zhang

Xin Mei also knew what Si yuzao had done last night and asked, "are you afraid?"

"Maybe it's because it's in the dark. Fang Yu came before she died. Later, senior brother Lu also came. I only remember stabbing the knife into her neck, and when she died, Fang Fang wrapped her head in her clothes. " Siyuzao said.

The first time you kill someone, it's going to be a big reaction. This is what her father told her again and again, even Zhang Xinmei said.

But she didn't feel it. But it can be that the environment is too dark. Even if the traitor dies, she doesn't realize that she has ended the other person's life. It may also be that she has no empathy ability. Yu Zao still remembers her aunt saying: "I've never been able to understand other people's feelings. Even now, I don't feel as deep about the death of the patient as your uncle, and I can always separate the feelings. I am a little cold-blooded, your father, your grandfather and your dead aunt Fangfei. People of our character are either born doctors or born killers. "

It could be a disease, and she's inherited.

"... Xinmei, do you think I'm sick?" Asked Si yuzao.

Zhang Xinmei banged her on the head with chopsticks: "uncle, don't be big or small!"

Then he said: "there is no disease, but the empathy for life and death is relatively weak, which is normal. You are the right person to be a doctor. The death of a patient is normal and will not cause you to be particularly pessimistic. " "That's what my aunt said," said yuzao

She raised her eyes and seriously asked Zhang Xinmei, "you are not much older than me. Can I call you brother?"

"You don't want to take advantage, call uncle!" Zhang Xinmei said, "otherwise, your father will let me call him uncle, and your father and daughter will take advantage of me." Si

yuzao: "... He

does not agree to let Si yuzao join his team. He also explained.

It's not because Si yuzao can't do it, but because they take care of the light boat and Si Xingfu. They certainly don't want their daughter to go this way.

And the relationship between the Secretary's family and the government is too deep. Zhang Xinmei can't put both the Secretary's family and the Secretary yuzao into a dilemma.

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