Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1685 the arrival of Sejong Chih

Si yuzao looks at the patient in front of him. Although he is twenty-three years old, he has a baby face, white skin and looks like a half grown child.

Si yuzao looked at him, his heart thumping, no reason to think of his third brother Si Ning'an.

Among her three younger brothers, the eldest one is very clever and reticent. Although she is her younger brother, she always acts like her elder brother and often has to take charge of her and take care of her. The second one, quefang, is a villain and mischievous. Once on a warship, he broke the command desk, which is disgusting to people.

Only the third brother, Si Ning'an, is white, clean and shy. He always follows his mother and obeys her and her sister's words.

Si yuzao can't hold back her two younger brothers in momentum. She can only act as the elder sister in front of Si Ning'an, so she loves him very much.

When the patient saw the doctor, he was as helpless as a child. He seemed to place all his hopes on the doctor, just like siyuzao's little brother. "

No, we are interns. We are still at school. Come and have a look." Siyuzao takes the initiative. The patient was relieved. He put down his card and another patient put him on top.

Lu Wenli asked him about some things in the morning, and Si yuzao carefully made records. When she was about to leave, she suddenly said to the patient, "can I give you a pulse?"

The patient is a young man. He is also a big girl, or a very beautiful girl. His face is slightly red: "do you still feel the pulse?"

Si yuzao said: "my family is learning traditional Chinese medicine. I have studied pulse following my mother since I was young. Can I have a look?" There is no conflict between the sick and the sick, so they sit on the bed. Yu Zao looks at Lu Wenli and asks Lu Wenli to make a record for her. She begins to diagnose the pulse of the patient. Disease

human pulse fine string, indicating that the blood has heat. Qi and blood will stagnate if there is heat, and may form tumors. This is the comprehensive conclusion of her aunt and mother. In addition to the pulse condition, Si yuzao also showed the tongue coating to the patient, which was red, thin and clean, with phlegm and silt in the body.

After feeling the pulse, Si yuzao said to the patient, "lie down and I'll see your wound."

The patient was hospitalized with a fracture and his leg was now firmly fixed. It's not easy for yuzao to open him, so he can only press around.

With a little effort, the patient inhaled in pain. "

is it painful?" Asked Si yuzao. Disease

people think that this girl has no ability, a little helpless to say: "the bones are broken, how can it not hurt?" The eyes of yuzao suddenly brightened.

She asked, "do you often have pain, and once you have it, you will feel it deeply?" People say, "it's broken."

Si yuzao and Lu Wenli stepped out of the ward.

She walked so fast that Lu Wenli stopped her. "What do you see?"

"I think I know the reason why he is always in shock. Elder martial brother, hurry up, or it will be too late." Siyuzao said. Lu

elder martial brother did not understand.

He followed Si yuzao and ran to the chief orthopedic doctor. Most doctors in the Department of bone

have worked in traditional Chinese medicine. This is a 32-year-old doctor who is the first batch of graduates of Saint Paul. Lu Wenli has always called him senior brother. Secretary

yuzao is not outside, and then he called elder martial brother: "elder martial brother sun, after I gave the patient my pulse, I thought he might be a tumor."

Dr. Sun thought carefully: "what tumor? His condition is not much like a tumor. " "

hemangioma. There is a kind of hemangioma, called "aneurysm", which is caused by the heat coagulation of Qi and blood. The patient's fracture led to the rupture of the aneurysm and cerebral hemorrhage, which was the cause of his shock. Every time he was shocked, his heart was resuscitated, indicating that there was little bleeding and he was healing. But his heart resuscitates more and more time. If he goes on like this, he will be more serious. " Siyuzao said.

Dr. Sun frowned.

"Our hospital doesn't have such equipment. If you want to check whether the aneurysm is bleeding, you need to transfer to another hospital, if not... "Dr. Sun pondered. He has worked with other hospitals.

Some equipment is too expensive and not commonly used. If the hospital can't afford to buy it, it will sign an agreement with other hospitals and transfer the patients to their hospital when this happens.

St. Paul's Hospital also has expensive equipment that other hospitals don't have. Only

Yes, the transfer procedure is very complicated, and a sum of money is required to be paid, so the leaders of the hospital should be alarmed.

If not, Dr. Sun will be punished. He is at the critical age of promotion. Once there is an accident, it may damage his career. "

besides, there is no doctor in our hospital who can deal with such bleeding." Dr. Sun added, "we can only advise patients to transfer." For a long time, Yu Zao said, but Dr. Sun didn't agree. The next day, Lu Wenli arrived at Si yuzao's apartment early in the morning.

"Elder martial brother sun made the application and sent the patient to another hospital for examination this morning. Once the aneurysm is identified, other surgeons will be hired to help Lu Wenli said.

Siyuzao is very happy. She didn't want to eat any more rice. She left her chopsticks and went on a journey to song: "take me to the post office quickly. I'll send a telegram to my aunt and ask them to come to Shanghai. My aunt has excellent medical skills. She can do this operation. " Lu

Wen Li said: "otherwise, you will wait for the inspection results to come out? In the morning, I'm going to have a check-up. I'm afraid it will take me evening or tomorrow morning to get results. " But yuzao doesn't care.

She sent a telegram to Singapore in a hurry.

Her aunt received the telegram and called her back, saying that she would set off on the plane.

"My aunt will be there in seven hours." Si yuzao said to Lu Wenli, "you tell the hospital that you don't need to ask other oncologists for my aunt to come after the result." Lu

said good news. Colleagues of the hospital are all concerned about this.

When Lu Wenli went to Singapore to meet her aunt, she had a good impression on her and thought she was both beautiful and professional. At five o'clock in the afternoon, the patient had a headache again, fainted, and had no cardiac arrest, but it was also very dangerous. Qiongzhi also arrived in Shanghai. When she arrived at the hospital, it was evening, and the hospital received her.

The department doctor of Pei's Hospital in Singapore is well-known in Asia. The hospital is very enthusiastic and would like to invite her to give two lessons to the cancer department.

Seeing her, we can imagine what she will be like in the future. It's very novel, attracting many doctors and nurses. Yu Zao and Lu Wenli also came.

Siqiongzhi didn't care to greet his niece. He smiled and said to doctor sun, "show me the medical record." The doctor gave it to her in a hurry.

"Aneurysms cause cerebral hemorrhage, which is very likely to lead to shock," he said. When will the results come out? " "

estimate tonight."

Their estimates are conservative.

Half an hour later, the results arrived, just 40 hours after the patient's last attack and two hours after the patient fainted today.

The Dean looked at the results of the examination, and looked at yuzao with approbation: "it's the bleeding caused by the aneurysm." But

after that, he handed it to him.

The branch of Joan came over and scanned her eyes, so she was sure. "

prepare for surgery." "Oncologists come to see, others stay away for a while," said Mr. Sejong

Si yuzao and Lu Wenli couldn't get in, so they had to back out.

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