Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1686 sudden return

Lu Wenli takes a look at the direction of the operating room from time to time.

Si yuzao is wandering, breaking his fingers, as if calculating something. "

are you nervous?" Lu Wenli asked her. Secretary

yuzao said: "my aunt is here. What are you nervous about? I was thinking where to take my aunt later. She doesn't go out very much. Usually the hospital is so busy... "Lu

Wen Li:"...

the operation lasted until 1:00 in the morning. The patient's rib tumor was excised and the intracranial hemorrhage was controlled. However, the amount of hemorrhage in the last time was more than the degree of self-healing. He estimated that he could not wake up for a moment and needed to be nursed slowly for a long time. She took a glass of water and handed it to her aunt: "are you tired?"

"I have to take a bath." Sijongyi road.

She has little energy to speak.

The operation was more difficult than they thought. For six hours, he was afraid of distraction. Now, his legs and spirit were exhausted to the extreme.

Song you drove her back to Si yuzao's apartment. Female

the maid and the fisherman's song have cooked hot water and are ready to have a midnight snack.

When she took a bath, she took a five minute nap in the hot water and waited for her to come out. She and yuzao haven't seen each other for months. They have a lot to say to each other.

"Your second brother broke his hand, or your mother will come." Sijongyi road. Yuzao is worried: "what's wrong with him?"

Siqiongzhi smiled helplessly: "what else can he do? Trick. Your three uncles sent your father a new weapon, which is a very small grenade. You

Abba put it in the drawer, and your second brother pried the lock and took it out to play. When he comes back, he can't help being beaten, but he climbs the tree to avoid it. " Si

sparrow boat dodged his father's ruler, climbed to the tree and fell down accidentally.

Fortunately, I'm ok. I only broke my left arm. "I'll tell your dad that it's good to be honest for a few days. He's been selling badly these days, sticking to your mom every day. " Yu Zao immediately felt that he was worried about feeding the dog.

It's just the bird boat. It's not worth worrying about. Among the three sons of Xing He, only Si quefang is the most like him, from inside to outside. The child has no fear. If he can't see it for a while, he will go to the house and uncover tiles.

The chief inspector also said to the chief executive, "do you know how difficult it was when you were a child?"

Si Xingfu: "..." Si

yuzao thinks that her second brother is not a poor seller, but afraid that without mom, his father will catch him and fight again. "

my mother must be worried to death." Said Si yuzao. She took two mouthfuls of rice porridge: "your mother is not worried, she is open. She told me that it's better to have such a good personality. They can be noisy and healthy. The Secretary's children, however, are not really dandies. They are just ignorant. "

Gu Qingzhou looks very open.

Sparrow boat loves to be noisy since she was a child. She has long thought that she will have a very difficult growth period in the future. With

psychological preparation, I feel nothing.

"Your mother misses you very much." "When are you going back to Singapore?" he added "

winter vacation is required." Si yuzao is discouraged. "I want to miss my mom, too. Otherwise, auntie, how many more days will you stay, and I'll go with you at the weekend? " "I'm afraid I can't. Yan Qing is still young. She will make trouble when I'm not at home. Your uncle is busy... "

Yan Qing is the daughter of Si qiongzhi, the only child. She's nine years old this year. She's very good-looking.

Both siqiongzhi and Peicheng were busy. When she was pregnant with Yanqing, she was still having an operation on the day when the amniotic fluid broke. Pei wants a lot of children, but his wife is a doctor. She has her own career. He doesn't want to delay her development because of having children. All they had to do was to have a daughter. When they get old and Yan Qing gets married, they will have two dogs and two cats. They are just as noisy at home.

Yan Qing is usually in Pei's mansion. She follows her cousins and grandparents, but she doesn't sleep until siqiongzhi comes back every night. Only

has a daughter, Yan Qing is very dependent on siqiongzhi, and siqiongzhi can't lose her for a moment.

"Well then." Siyuzao was disappointed. "When will you leave, aunt?" "

tomorrow morning." "That's what I'm talking about. Yu Zao said, "well..."

she didn't dare to say she was going to ask for leave. She comes to Shanghai to study. Her mother hates people's lack of dedication. Study will be like a student. I'm afraid I'll be scolded if I ask for leave to go home. Mothers are very good to their children, but they are very strict in their studies.

Her mother always said that a person's excellence and ease are the opposite. When you are young, you are energetic and hard-working. In the future, when you are middle-aged, you will have a lot of choices.

Once a person has many choices in his future, his life will be relatively easy.

"You're good at school. You can go home during the winter vacation and send a plane to pick you up." Sijongyi road.

At this point, the eyebrows of the Secretary qiongzhi could not help puckering.

Si yuzao does not understand: "aunt, what's the matter?" "Yuzao, I heard from your grandfather and your father that there might be a war," qiongzhi said to yuzao after he had eaten the midnight snack, put down his chopsticks and pondered for three more times

Siyuzao's heart thumped. "

... The Japanese are covetous. The British didn't have many fleets, so they are ready to move back." "Once there's a war, it's not safe to fly over Singapore. Your father may not allow you to go back then," he said

Siyuzao's face was a little white. "Auntie, let's go tonight. I want to go back to see my father and mother, my brother and grandfather."

Jack hesitated. She said, "don't talk to your dad about me later, just say that you heard your second brother hurt his hand and wanted to go back to see him."

Si yuzao nodded hurriedly. After dinner, siqiongzhi changes clothes again, and takes siyuzao and her aides back to Singapore.

The next morning, they landed in Singapore.

As soon as yuzao went home, she went to her mother's side first.

Her mother was copying the medical records in her second brother's room, and the second brother lay down beside her and fell asleep. Her mother was in her own home again. She was just a servant coming in, without raising her eyes. She fell on her mother and hugged her shoulder. Looking back at the boat, I saw her. "

have you come back with your aunt? I knew that you must come back, and specially told the servant to make something you like. " Gu Qingzhou patted her on the arm.

Si yuzao put his face on her face and whispered, "Mom, I miss you." "

how old are you? Are you coquettish?" Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "you are not in a good mood. What happened, or did your aunt tell you the bad news?"

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