Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1687 the deceived Si yuzao

It's not a coincidence that Si yuzao came back. Her father went out to patrol today.

He also took Kaikai and Ning'an away and left the second bird boat at home, just to punish him.

Siyuzao first despised siquefang, and then sat up and devoured everything her mother had prepared.

Her grandfather sat next to her and said, "slow down, don't choke!"

Grandfather is nearly seventy years old this year. He doesn't look more than sixty years old. Years of exercise has kept him in shape, without any weight, with a straight back, ten years younger than his peers.

"That girl of Yuge should have a fight. Her skills are far from those of the cook at home. They are taught together. It can be seen that she doesn't care. " Yuzao is full of food.

Gu Qingzhou tut said, "there is something in your mouth that you are not allowed to talk."

She doesn't allow Si yuzao to say that she has opened it. "Yuge takes care of you every day, and has time to study cooking? Do you want to do your own laundry and cook? "

"Mummy, how are you Siyuzao said.

She ate so fast that she finished a meal in a moment.

Putting down her chopsticks, she said the reason why she returned to Singapore this time.

She told her mother and grandfather the truth.

Grandfather took a deep breath of smoke, heard the words of Si yuzao, and there was a melancholy cloud between his eyebrows: "this is the case."

Siyuzao's heart immediately fell into the abyss.

"Grandfather, it was peaceful in those days. Is there a war again? Once there's a war, are you and Abba going to war? " Asked Si yuzao.

The chief inspector looked at her and said, "not only me and your grandfather, but also your mother, your aunt and your uncle. Even you are going to be a military doctor.

Once there is a war, all the members of the Secretary's family have to fill it in. This is their duty. When we enjoy the benefits, we have to take responsibility. "

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

She did not deny that.

Si yuzao was born in Singapore and has always been in peace.

Since she can remember, the war has been far away from her life. Later, the warlords' scuffle ended, and the Nanjing government unified China. The imperial family also lived a most peaceful life away from the domestic politics and military.

Later, war broke out in China, and many places were occupied by the Japanese. But in yuzao's mind, she felt nothing but that she was Singaporean.

She went to Shanghai and also lived in French concession.

Suddenly, she suddenly heard her aunt say that she might encounter fire in her own territory, and Si yuzao panicked.

This is her home, where she grew up, where her family and friends are. Even the Yellow shield tree she planted at the door, she was reluctant to be destroyed by the cannon dust, let alone her relatives?

"The Japanese are too ambitious." Grandfather sighed, "they want Singapore. Singapore is a transportation hub. It has been in their plan for a long time. We can't avoid it.

But you can rest assured that we have the strength to fight. Even if the British withdraw completely, Singapore is not the fish that is slaughtered by others. "

Si yuzao is full of worries.

Late in the evening, she and Gu Qingzhou walked along the Long embankment of Johor, the sea breeze blowing on their cheeks, moist and cool: "Muma, i...

" you still go to Shanghai. " Gu Qingzhou said, "don't worry, you are not the only one in the family. When you grow up, you have your own responsibilities and life. You don't have to be tied up with your family. "

"Will it..."

"No." Gu Qingzhou knew what she wanted to say and interrupted her, "there can be no war, just sooner or later. Your father is doing the defense before the war. We will try our best to protect our home. "

"Then I won't leave. I want to be with you!" Siyuzao said.

"If you are at home, your father will never let you go to war. At that time, you can only hide behind and watch us go to the front. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Si yuzao looks at her in shock.

Gu Qingzhou turned around and gently pressed the broken hair in her ear: "you are simu's orphan and our only daughter. Your father thinks you are more important than his life. Can you twist him then?"

Of course, Si yuzao knows.

Her father loves her the most.

In my father's mind, my mother ranks first, and the second is yuzao. "Since you are out of Singapore, you should not be tied with us in the future. You have to find out the devil in your heart and take the responsibility of being a medical student. If you stay in Singapore, you are miss Si; if you stay in Shanghai, you may be doctor Si. It's not peaceful in Shanghai either. If something really happens, you can make an effort. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Si yuzao thought about this carefully and thought that his mother was right.

She stayed in Singapore and had to fight her father if she wanted to go to war.

Si yuzao felt that he had no chance at all.

In this case, it's better to leave first and plan later.

The next morning, Si yuzao got on the plane and was sent away from Singapore by her mother.

When waiting for the air, she suddenly realized that the people who love her in the world are not only her father, but also her mother.

Mother loves her no less than father.

When her mother knew that Singapore was going to be hit by war, she was also ready to annihilate the whole army.

It is not safe to leave yuzao in Singapore, even if it is locked at home.

Only to send her away is the greatest protection for her.

"No, I want to go home!" Si yuzao stood up. "Let's go back to Singapore."

But the cab of the plane is anti locked.

Song you pressed her shoulder and said, "please take a seat, miss. It's impossible for the plane to go back. This is what my wife ordered."

"Why am I so confused?" Si yuzao just wanted to cry. "I believe what mom says. I'm always cheated by her!" "That's a wife. It's not disgraceful to be cheated by her. Besides, 50% of my wife's words are correct. It's no use staying in Singapore. " Song Youdao said, "madam and shizuo will not let you go to war. Once Singapore is captured, it's just one more person to sacrifice. It doesn't make sense. "

Si yuzao glared at him: "shall we discuss sacrifice as if nothing happened?"

"Who can survive?" Song you doesn't matter, "the value of life doesn't lie in the length."

Siyuzao is completely stunned.

She couldn't say a word, so she sat down in a hurry.

She kept thinking.

About to get off the plane, Song You told her: "my wife told me to let me and Li Xiao guarantee that the eldest daughter will stay in Shanghai, so you don't want to sneak away."

Si yuzao had to follow song you back to his apartment.

Downstairs, she saw someone peeping at her. She followed the look, only to see a flash of gray.

Si yuzao frowns.

Song you and Li Xiao also saw it.

Song you gives Si yuzao a wink.

Si yuzao will, nodded and went upstairs first, waiting for song you to catch up.

Two hours later, song Youcai came back: "it's the man who appeared at the school gate last time, following pan Luoying." "What did he peep at me for, to avenge pan Luoying?" Asked Si yuzao.

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