Young General's Escaping Wife

1690 too much deception

Si yuzao is not drunk. Her

consciousness is very clear, although her brain is a bit drowsy. Her

arm hugged the neck of Zhang Xinmei, and she could feel the pulse on the side of his neck, which seemed to connect her heart.

Consciously or not, she put her lips to the base of his ears.

When turning the corner, Zhang Xinmei tilts her head a little, and her lips fall on his skin. Touch

is very obvious. His skin is cool, but her lips are hot. In yuzao's carefree heart, she adds a heavy burden that can't be changed, but in the heaviness, she quietly opens a flower.

When she arrived at her apartment, Zhang Xinmei put her down, and suddenly she hugged him from behind.

Her arms encircled his waist. Zhang was stunned, then smiled, "what do you want? Don't be coquettish, say it with your mouth. "

Si yuzao did not answer in silence.

It was a long time before she let go of her frown. Until Zhang Xinmei left, the voice in her heart replied, "I want to kiss you."

At this moment, she understood that she had grown up completely and said goodbye to her childhood without gender concept.

She had people in her heart. She slept all night and got up early with a big headache.

As Zhang Xinmei said, the glutinous rice and osmanthus wine seems not strong, but it has a strong potential.

When Si yuzao goes to class, he always supports his head. She was very confused and vaguely heard the voice of her classmates. It seemed that she was very excited.

"... why? It's too much! "

Siyuzao turns her neck hard, and hears her neck bone creak. She looks at the student behind her and says, "what's the matter?" Male

students were furious: "the list of students studying abroad has been sent out, all of them are from the Federation, they are too much." "

it's not the first time they've done it." The other students are a bit numb. Last year, the university had a study abroad program, which was jointly funded by the government and the founders, and supported 15 students who had been in school for more than one year to study in France for three years. These

places need to be tested, and the first grade students can take them. After four examinations and ranking one by one, we have got results. No, the school temporarily added an interview.

After the interview, there was a final decision. All the members of the Federation were among the best, occupying all the places, and all the students who had passed the examination by virtue of their real ability were eliminated.

There are two boys in Si yuzao's class who have always wanted this opportunity and worked very hard. They are in the top five all the way. They can succeed if you look at them. An interview with no salt and water will brush them down.

Their brothers in the same dorm, both of them feel aggrieved, but they are silent. It's so frustrating that I can't even speak.

Si yuzao frowned: "this should be chosen by the government and the founders together. How did the people of the Federation get involved?" "

who knows!" The students said angrily. When the teacher came to the class, he found that the students couldn't calm down and asked about the places to study. The old

teacher is not very clear about this, so the arrangement of the school must be the most just consideration.

This is not persuasive, the teacher said, the expression is also chat up. This is a noisy class.

Seeing that the class was over, Si yuzao sneaked out. She was walking on the road and saw many people gathered together. It seemed that they had skipped class and went out to talk about studying abroad.

She did not stop. She went all the way to the dean's office. Wang

Qiusheng asked her to sit down: "no class in the morning of grade two?"

"Yes, Dean. I've come to see you for something." "Do you know the arrangement of the school for studying abroad?"

Wang Qiusheng said: "this is decided by the Education Bureau and the founder, Mr. legov." "

Mr. legov?" Si yuzao was a little surprised. "I have never heard of him. Is he also the founder?"

"His father is. He has been working as a consul. He doesn't manage the school very well. He has inherited the school for nearly eight years and never interfered. But this time, the quota for studying abroad was sponsored by their family, and he only showed up. " Wang Qiusheng said.

Siyuzao immediately understood the crux.

They had long suspected that others were manipulating the union at school to make it work. Du

when Xi Shang left, the Go Association headed by Si yuzao was established, which threatened the student union.

"Studying abroad is a shock." Siyuzao thought. This is enough to consume the hope in the students' hearts and make siyuzao's go fall.

Her eyes sank slightly. She

looked at the Dean: "it's him who has been manipulating the Federation, making it a violent group, bullying and squeezing students, controlling students to achieve their own goals, right?" Wang's expression was slightly shocked. He got up in a hurry and closed the door of his office.

Although Wang Qiusheng has little courage, he usually knows how to avoid suspicion. When a girl student enters his office alone, she naturally wants to open the door and talk.

At the moment, he doesn't care. He locked the door, lowered his voice and said, "Mr. Si, this is the French concession. Do you know?" The environment in which they live is protected by the French. If Mr. gove dares to do so, he has his courage. "

this is Shanghai!" Siyuzao said. Qiu Sheng looked at her childish face and felt sad for a while.

This is the land of China, but these Chinese people have become poor people who live by the eyes of others.

"If your parents know, they'll worry too. Where is justice in the world? There is nothing to be said about the areas that can be fair. " Wang Qiusheng said, "secretary, don't make trouble for yourself." Yuzao is very uncomfortable.

She walked out of the office, a fire burning in her heart. She has little ability, but her parents are competent. She grew up with a young lady's temper. Once she had something to do, she had to rely on her parents.

She sent a telegram to her family. The telegram was sent to her mother. Soon her mother sent her a telegram back. The mother told her in the telegram that since she had found the crux and was willing to solve it, the treasurer would help her and have a reply within three days. Her mother is very efficient. Wen Li also heard about studying abroad. He asked Si yuzao, "do you have any plans?" Yu Zao said, "I'm thinking about it. You can wait and see." "

What are you going to do?" Lu Wenli was a little curious. "I don't know your ability yet." "

I don't have the skills, but my mother does." According to the truth. Lu

Wen Li: "...

sure enough, three days later, Si yuzao received a reply. Her lips were slightly cocked, and she could not help but show her joy.

She hurried to find Lu Wenli and asked senior brother Lu to accompany her to find the 15 students who were going to study abroad. When the world comes, things will be done. The school soon exploded.

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