Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1691 restoration of Qingming

Si yuzao is like her father in many aspects. If she can be simple, she doesn't need to be complicated. One week after the quota for international students came down, the school exploded, because all the international students took the initiative to ask the school to leave and make way for the quota. Many people grab a good chance to break their heads, and suddenly they are thrown out, which naturally attracts attention.

So the news spread.

"Si yuzao changed their schools in the UK, which is the best Medical University - the regular comprehensive medical university. There is no scholarship, but Si yuzao gives them a lot of money, enough for four years of tuition. "

"Bragging? Can Si yuzao be so rich? " "

she is flying back to Singapore. What's the small money compared with flying?" People are shouting. They all know that the family of Si yuzao has money. However, people's vision is limited by their own conditions, and they often have no concept of how much money "money" is. So, when the number is far beyond their cognition, they are shocked and disbelieving first, and then they think of the fact that the manager donated the laboratory to the school.

The news is true.

In private, Si yuzao found the fifteen students, and with better schools and generous financial support, he let them quit. Lu also said she spent money.

Si yuzao said: "my mother said that it was the scholarship our family gave to the students to do some charity for the education cause. This money is only half of my family's business income."

Lu Wenli gave a thumbs up: "Xuemei, you are rich!" Mr. legov, the founder of Chuang, was very angry.

He asked the school to detain the students' files, and no one left. No, the Education Bureau directly issued the approval, and the students' study abroad has been approved.

Mr. legov forgot that the managers were not only rich, but also connected. In the two days after this event, students organized an activity to denounce the school's backwardness. Those students who quit the school's study abroad program also became messengers of "justice". It's a big deal, and the press has mixed in.

The student union of St. Paul's School of medicine has been fully exposed in this matter. As we all know in Shanghai, the student union of shengdebao medical school is a bully group backed by Mr. legov, the founder.

"The selected students are totally out of line with the students on the examination. A small interview will void the students' hard work and replace them with the students from the student union."

"The last time the St. Paul medical school made a scene, it was also against the student union. Their president went to jail."

There are many arguments, all walks of life are fighting, which has become a big news.

The Commissioner of the Education Bureau rushed to Shanghai and held a meeting with the founding board of the school overnight. He banned the student union and made a strict investigation of other student groups.

Siyuzao's "Go Club" seems to be the second student union, because his family is too prominent. At the request of

the Education Bureau and the school, go will be dissolved.

Shengdebao medical school disbanded four student organizations, reviewed the original work assignment, made a gesture, and apologized to the society. The enthusiasm of this matter slowly subsided. Zhang

Xin Mei didn't see Si yuzao for a week. Hearing the news that Weiqi will be dissolved, he hurried to bring some snacks she likes. Yu Zao said: "I set up go club in order to break up the student union. This time it was their death that gave me a chance. My goal has been achieved. It doesn't matter whether go will be dissolved or not. I don't care. " Zhang Mei felt her head and said, "I'm sensible."

"I'm not a child," she said

Frown at her.

He looked attentively, his eyes were wrong, which made yuzao's heart boil. She stood up to avoid him because of her hot cheeks.

"I'll go out and have a smoke," said Zhang Xinmei Now it's late autumn. There's no sunshine in the corridor. It's a little cold. Zhang Mei smoked two cigarettes in a row before returning to Si yuzao's apartment.

He left after supper.

Then for a long time, Zhang Xinmei was busy again, and there was no longer a meeting with Si yuzao.

It's getting cold day by day. Learning

the students put on the clothes with cotton, and the classroom is no longer open to classes. Every time after class, the fishing song says that yuzao has a strange smell.

Fisherman's song is a little clean: "you take off your coat, I'll wash it for you." She wished that she could tear down the clothes of Si yuzao.

After a few days, the yuzao is still smelly. The song almost collapsed. "

there are only three women in our class, the others are all men, and they don't open windows. After a day's class, it's strange that they can smell good." Siyuzao laughs so much that she can't feel the collapse of fishing songs.

Every time Yuge washed her clothes, she pinched her nose. Every night, she prepared hot water so that she would take a bath as soon as she went home. In summer, yuzao can be lazy once, let alone in winter?

At this time, she began to faint collapse.

She said to the fisherman's song, "I have to marry you quickly. You will torture me to death!"

The fisherman's song put her in the water: "you can't care. I'm a wife's man." Yu Zao is so heroic that he gives up his life. When eating

rice, Si yuzao is still indignant: "when I go home for the old calendar year, let my mom marry you first, and then change a new person to serve me. You are forcing me to take a bath every day. You must make me sick. " There are no guests today. Two adjutants have dinner with her. Song

hearing this, you ate a little with chopsticks in his hand, and then went on eating quietly.

No one else saw it.

The fisherman's song is more indignant than her: "you smell bad, do you mean to cry for defeat?"

In the view of fishing songs, slovenness is a capital crime. Si

yuzao is stared at by her. Suddenly, she shortens her ambition again, thinking of killing me, and at the same time, she has no way.

She even secretly rubbed to hope that she would be sick and catch cold, which would scare the fisherman's song and make her compromise. No, Miss Si has thick skin and thick flesh. She didn't get sick after taking a bath every day.

It's cold in winter, even colder when it rains. Yu Zao had a whole day's class. He couldn't smell the peculiar smell, but song you, who came to pick her up, obviously sniffed her nose and turned away. It's too late to go home today.

Yu Zao was so cold that he didn't want to take it out. When he thought of going home, he was scared. He immediately said to song, "I want to go to the laboratory. In the evening, I have an experiment schedule with senior brother Lu. You should come home first and pick me up at ten." Song

swims. Division

yuzao went to Mr. Lu's laboratory, but he saw that Mr. Lu ordered a small stove in the laboratory and was scalding mutton.

"Elder martial brother, you are not interesting enough. I will not be called for such a good thing!" Si yuzao quickly closed the door.

Elder martial brother Lu looked at the poor meat in his pot and looked at her plaintively: "you really can pick a time."

Si yuzao sat down uninvited and planned to take a share.

Meanwhile, song you returns home.

Here comes the frown.

Song you has prepared a table of delicious fish songs. Song you tells her what Si yuzao said. "

please send some to the eldest lady. Tonight is all her favorite dishes." "Is it so hard to study? Do you have to be busy at night?"

Song you couldn't bear to tell the truth to Yuge. According to song you's judgment, Si yuzao didn't want to take a bath to hide in the lab tonight.

"You put it on, I'll take it." Said Zhang Xinmei. Song

you looked at him and didn't object.

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