Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1692 secret weight

Zhang Xinmei is carrying a food box in her hand. She drives outside the school in three minutes.

It's not easy to get into school at night. Zhang Xinmei is carrying soup and water in her hand. It's not easy to climb over the wall, so he stuffed a handful of money into the door.

Such a delay took two or three minutes. Zhang

Hsin Mei was very eager. He didn't know whether he wanted to rush to the laboratory for fear that the food in the box would be cold or something else. He walked so fast that the doorkeeper was nervous with money: "how does this look like revenge?" Zhang

Xin Mei arrived at the laboratory, and heard the laughter of Si yuzao from far away through the door. The pupil of Zhang

Xin Mei shrank, as if stabbed by something.

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. "Go to open the door," Lu Wenli said to Si yuzao with meat in his mouth

The footsteps of Si yuzao gradually approached. When

she saw clearly that the man outside was Zhang Xinmei, she was surprised and pleased: "Uncle Zhang!"

Zhang Xinmei's face sinks inexplicably. "

let me bring you food." Zhang Xinmei handed over the food box first. "Why don't you go home for dinner and add here?" Lu

Wen Li, the food eater, has heard the voice. He runs over with chopsticks in his mouth and grabs the food box in Zhang Xinmei's hand: "you talk first." He opened the food box and saw several dishes made by Yuge, among which braised pork is a big bowl. Lu

Wen Li said: "it's still hot." this

Huo suddenly forgot all the foreign things between heaven and earth, including his younger martial sister. Only the braised pork in front of him is his true love.

Si yuzao: "Zhang

Xin Mei is standing at the door. She doesn't want to come in, so she plans to leave after delivering.

Si yuzao stopped him: "come in and eat together."

Hearing this, Lu Wenli immediately said, "go home to eat, Xuemei. How much is it? It's not enough."

Si yuzao: ""

elder martial brother eats like this, her face is so disgraceful. Isn't she not as lovely as braised pork?

Elder martial brother's enthusiasm can't be given to her. Can Uncle Zhang know that she is also charming?

However, it is impossible.

Unable to hold her forehead, she said to Zhang Xinmei, "wait for me. I'll take my coat."

Out of the door, the cold wind rustled, and Si yuzao's hands and face froze cold instantly. The cold air poured into her mouth and nose, directly invading her viscera. She was suddenly cold from the inside out.

The reason is that she hasn't caught a stutter since school. She and Mr. Lu spent more than half an hour in the laboratory, helping to wash vegetables. "

cold!" "I really don't want to come to Shanghai next year. How nice to stay in Singapore," said Si yuzao. We still wear skirts this season. " Zhang

has a hard time. "Shanghai is not worth nostalgia?" he said "I'm so confused now, I can't remember. It's too cold," said Yu Zao Zhang

Xinmei unbuttons her coat, takes her and wraps her in her arms. His breath is warm and his clothes are soaked by his temperature.

His heart beat like a drum, and he couldn't help shivering. "Is it still cold?" asked Zhang

Si yuzao didn't answer.

She did not move, let his coat wrap her tightly, like entering another warm time and space. After carving, she slowly put her head close to his chest.

Close to his chest, Si yuzao's disordered thoughts gradually revealed some clarity, and then she heard the heartbeat. The strong but obviously over speed heartbeat reverberated in her ear. She raised her chin and looked at Zhang Xinmei: "Uncle Zhang, do you have a secret to tell me?"

People under the street lamp have a little red cheeks. I don't know whether they are hot or blown by the cold wind.

Zhang Xinmei touches her eyes, looks around and pushes her away. He took off his overcoat and put it over her.

His coat was so long that she almost covered her head to her feet. She fell into such warmth that she couldn't pull out her feet.

Zhang Xinmei moves forward a few steps, and looks back to see Si yuzao staring at his back, stunned and obsessed. His face is inexplicably complicated. He

shouted: "are you going?"

Si yuzao just keeps up.

She approached him, suddenly reached out, took his hand, and it was ten fingers. Zhang wants to withdraw. "Uncle Zhang, if you don't have a secret, then I have a secret to tell you. Do you want to listen?"

Zhang Xinmei didn't answer. She let her lead her and quickened her pace. He sent siyuzao home all the way. Standing at the door of Si yuzao's apartment, he stood still and looked down at her. When he is focused, his eyes are very deep, as if he is deeply affectionate. "I have a secret, but I can't tell you yet," he said to Si yuzao

Si yuzao's heart leaped with joy. She was splashed with cold water. She was so excited by the cold.

Her eyes were extraordinarily innocent. "

why?" She asked Xinmei. "Because I am an adult, you are a child," said Zhang. Adults are not only responsible for themselves, but also for you. " "I'm an adult," he said "

in my mind, you haven't. You're just a stewardess in Singapore and a stewardess at St. Paul's medical school. If a person can't be economically independent, he is not a real adult. " Said Zhang Xinmei.

Si yuzao looks at him silently. "

we need to have seen and seen it before we can finally decide what we want, instead of going one step at a time and leaving it behind." Zhang Xinmei said, "that's what children do."

His heart sank involuntarily. "

one day when you grow up and want to hear my secret, I will tell you." Said Zhang Xinmei.

After that, he did not go upstairs again and turned away.

Si yuzao didn't move.

She didn't go after Xinmei because she couldn't contradict him. She understood what he said and understood what he didn't say to her.

A person can't be responsible for himself or her love.

Si yuzao is a beautiful young girl, she is very attractive, but Zhang Xinmei is not her classmate. In case of emotional failure, he has to face more social pressure, even family pressure. What's more, what he does doesn't allow him to talk about feelings easily. Yu Zao stood alone for a long time. Song

swam over and patted her on the shoulder: "eldest lady." The jade algae come back to life, and the whole body is cool. Her lips were purple. She looked at song you and said, "I'm lovelorn."

Song Youdao: "it's too cold. Go home, miss." Si

yuzao hum, followed song to swim up the stairs. In the dark stairs, tears slipped on her cold cheek, which was so hot that she almost burned her skin. Before entering the door, she forced her cheek hard and went quietly into her room.

The fisherman's song asked at the door, "don't you eat, miss?"

Si yuzao heard song you's voice: "she's done eating. Let her sleep and get up in the morning to wash. She has been tired all day

The sound gradually subsided into silence. In such a quiet night, yuzao was wrapped in a frowning overcoat and lost sleep all night.

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