Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1693 surprise encounter

The cold wind outside the window makes the bare branches rustle like a cry at night.

Siyuzao lies, thinking that she should be willful. But

she couldn't do it because she understood how to frown. I understand too much. I can't say any complaints.

Compared with Xinmei, she is too young. It's common for young girls to be attracted by older mature men because of their limited knowledge and immature mind. Will she regret her youth and ignorance when she comes to see more?

Once she regretted, Zhang Xinmei could not return her youth to her.

He also said that Gu Qingzhou was like his sister. He had nothing to do with his family. How can he face the same care of his relatives? More importantly, Zhang Xinmei is an underground worker, which means his life is not his, and he is ready to sacrifice at any time. When his life is hanging in the line, pulling another person into his life is equivalent to pulling Si yuzao into his organization. Because yuzao's family is special, she can't really walk in.

Not to mention that uncle Deng Gao loves her very much and often helps her. If she receives the task of assassinating Deng Gao, how can she deal with herself and her uncle or even her father?

These, Zhang Xinmei didn't mention a word, but Si yuzao understood them all. Because you know, you can't lose your temper, and your sadness is shallow. She looked at the roof in a daze, thinking that when she first arrived in Shanghai, she kissed Xinmei. At that time, her mood was very flat, and there was no change.

Now, her feelings have changed, she fell in love with him. Love

the sweetness of love hasn't been tasted yet. First, she has a bitter bite, and the heart of Si yuzao takes a strong beating. The pain is very intense.

Later, Zhang Xinmei came to see her again. She was in the room at that time, but let the fisherman's song tell Zhang Xinmei that she was not at home.

Zhang Xinmei also understood that she would never come again.

Some relationships don't take a step back and nothing happens. In those days, yuzao was confused.

Both the fishermen and the adjutants were worried about her, so they took her to the street to play.

When she came back, she kept looking out of the window. Then she saw a young girl running to her car in a panic. Song

swims and stops in a hurry. The child was knocked to the ground and everything in her hand fell everywhere. "Did yuzao kill someone?" he said Song

as you opened the door to get out of the car, he replied to his eldest daughter, "No." Yu Zao was scared out of cold sweat.

She also hurried out of the car.

The girl has got up. She is holding paper, pen and other things in her hand. It's good that there is no damage.

And she herself, wearing a thick winter coat, cotton cheongsam inside is panties, that pants broke holes.

Girls don't talk, pick up things and run.

Song you grabbed her arm. "Miss, would you like to take you to the hospital? Where are you hurt? " The child's leg is a little lame. "I'm ok, I didn't fall."

Si yuzao looks at her.

She recognized each other at a glance, and was an acquaintance "little aunt!"

The girl raised her eyes and looked at Si yuzao in surprise. Obviously, she also knows yuzao. "

yuzao." She was both surprised and pleased. Jade is not mistaken. She

is Gu Jin, Gu Xiaochuan's half sister. Yu Zao has seen her two times. The first time was in Yuecheng. When Huo Yue got married, yuzao came back with her parents and saw her at the gate of Gu mansion. She was very shy at that time. The second time was in Shanghai.

That time, Gu Qingzhou came to send Mulan with jade trellis, and met Siyi taixiangxue in Shanghai.

Xiangxue's man was seriously ill and went to Shanghai for medical treatment. Yuzao was also rescued and came to the hospital to deal with the scalded hand. Gu

talking with Xiangxue, Gu Zhen went to yuzao's bed. She had a chat with them for a while, and Gu Zhen also braided yuzao's hair.

"When did you come to Shanghai?" Yuzao was also surprised. "What are you running for? Are you in a hurry to go to work?" Gu looked back. She just kept looking back, as if she was avoiding something.

Yuzao looks in her direction and sees nothing. "


"I'm fine. My leg seems to hurt a little." Can you take me to the hospital Yuzao said yes. She was a little suspicious, and looked at the way again, as if she saw a figure passing through the corner. She frowned slightly.

Seeing that Gu Zhen didn't want to mention it much, and wanted to leave quickly, Si yuzao took her to the car and sent her to the Saint Paul Hospital.

The hospital made an examination for Gu Zhen, saying that he had sprained his foot and had no major problems. He could use a cold towel to apply it back. Yu Zao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Little aunt, go to my house for dinner. I have a lot to tell you." Si yuzao takes her hand.

Gu Zhen nodded.

When we arrived at the apartment of Si yuzao, the maid fished the room out.

Gu Zhen also tells about the past to Si yuzao.

Eleven years ago, they met in Shanghai, when her stepfather had cancer and went to Shanghai for medical treatment.

"My father died two months after that." Gu Wei said, "elder sister also came in person."

She said "sister a" refers to Gu Qingzhou, the mother of Si yuzao. When the father goes out, he will not explain to the children every time. Yuzao really doesn't know about it. "

sister a gave us a sum of money and said that she would arrange my sister to study in Yuecheng." Gu Wei said again.

Gu Zhen's other half sister is lian'er. Gu Qingzhou has feelings with her and is willing to help her. "

for my sister's future, my mother agreed. Later, my sister has been studying in Yuecheng. She married after she graduated from high school. My brother-in-law is a teacher. " Gu Zhen continued.

After her stepfather died, her mother Xiangxue returned to Yuecheng with her two daughters. Gu

the canoe gave her a sum of money to nurture her children. She did a good job indeed. She saved money and did some odd jobs in daily life. She left the money to her two daughters.

The children are also filial to her.

"My brother-in-law was transferred to Peking University the year before last. It's a good job. He didn't have a mother. He needed someone to help my sister with the children and the family. My mother followed them.

They were going to take me, but I was about to graduate and didn't want to move. After I graduated from middle school, I started to find work in Shanghai and now I am in the newspaper office. " Gu Wei said again. "

are you alone?" Si yuzao is a little surprised and envious at the same time. "

well." Gu fan Dao.

Gu Zhen was very shy when she was a child. After her stepfather died, they moved to Yuecheng. She was arranged to go to school, but her character remained unchanged and she was still pretty. She is not very talkative, but she can do her own things well and doesn't need her mother to worry about her. She has a steady mind, which is why her mother can go with her sister.

Her mother also felt that Yuecheng was a safe place, and Gu Qingzhou asked Yan's family to take a look at Gu, and her mother was relieved to keep her at school.

She is a young and beautiful sister-in-law. She lives with her sister and brother-in-law. Her mother is worried about trouble. In this respect, her mother's careful thinking of being an aunt is clear at a glance. However, her sister lian'er has only eight fingers. My brother-in-law doesn't dislike her. Instead, my mother always worries about her daughter's disability and worries all the time. "

my mother didn't know that I came to Shanghai after graduation. She thought I was in Yuecheng. Mrs. Yan often asks me to go to her home for dinner, and sister Luoshui takes care of me. My sister and brother-in-law are relieved to stay with me. " Gu Wei explains again.

Although she is alone, she is not left behind.

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