Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1696 deep memory

Si yuzao was awakened by the rolling smoke. Pan

LUO Ying wrote to her, saying that she knew the old story of Luo mansion. Luo Ying also said that the woman who abducted Si yuzao was her aunt. She

said that she knew the inside story and could let Si yuzao understand the secret of that year. Yu Zao enters pan Luoying's dormitory. She knows that pan Luoying lives alone and that she must have an evil mind. Before yuzao enters the door, he is ready.

She guessed that pan Luoying would look for help. After all, the Federation was criticized and many students were implicated. They are all rich families. It's human nature to hold a grudge.

But she didn't expect that there were four people in the dormitory. Yuzao is good at martial arts, but it's just common.

She wanted to study medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, which occupied most of her time every day. Her childhood was also very busy, and she didn't have time to follow her father or other instructors like her brothers every day.

Her father also sent song you and Li Xiao around her to make up for her shortcomings.

Therefore, when four young and strong boys stood directly in front of her, Si yuzao fell down. She had a few moves with them. She planned to grab pan Luoying and run. Someone suddenly held her down. However, I don't know who gave her a shot after


As the needle went down, Si yuzao became soft and tried to hold it, but her eyelids closed uncontrollably, and she fell head on head. At this time, yuzao thought of the Jianghu tricks that her father often said. Every time her father said it, she was distracted to recite her mother's prescriptions.

The prescription is too hard to recite. She has no such talent as her mother and relies on the efforts of the day after tomorrow. Therefore, she has learned a half tone of medical skills and has few Kung Fu.

Her father and mother are very diligent in teaching their children, but they may not have thought that their yuzao is an ordinary girl, not so good qualified.

When she woke up, there was a lot of noise outside. The smoke in the room was rolling and the flames were rising. There was no one in the shed. Pan's quilts and clothes blocked the doors and windows, making the fire crackle. When Yu Zao thought of Pan Luoying's uncle last time, she knew that she and pan Luoying were cousins.

"... stop, or I'll kill you!" Her hands were tied to the bedpost, unable to escape, and she inhaled smoke, which gradually blurred her consciousness. She saw the woman's face in a daze. That

is a very embarrassed face.

There is smoke in the room in my memory, and the flames are pushed in from the crack of the door. Si yuzao clearly sees that the young woman stabbed a dagger into Mrs. Luo's abdomen, and then she poured oil into the room and lit the fire.

She was completely unconscious later. When she woke up, she was already in the hospital. When she saw her eyes open, many people gathered around her and asked the East and the West. Department

yuzao is suffering in the lung and thirsty in the mouth.

"How do you feel?" Dr. Wu asked her. This is her doctor and her teacher. "

thirsty." Said Si yuzao. After talking, she found that she didn't make a sound at all. She just made a mouth shape. "Don't talk for a while, I'll give you a glass of water later," said Wu Secretary

Yu Zao subconsciously nodded his head.

In the ward, she saw song you, Yu Ge, Li Xiao, several of her classmates, her little aunt, and Zhang Xinmei.

She suddenly reached out and looked at Xinmei.

Zhang Xinmei stepped forward and took her hand.

She looked at him and seemed to want to say something. Zhang Xinmei shook her and said, "have a good rest and talk about it later."

Three days later, Si yuzao's voice can speak normally, and she can also be discharged from the hospital.

She sent a telegram to Singapore.

At the same time, she also told others that she finally remembered the old case of Luo mansion. "

it was Mrs. Luo, my aunt, who took me away and wanted me to worship my mother." Si yuzao said to Zhang Xinmei, song you and others. With the students gone, she was surrounded by only her relatives and close friends. She had no scruples.

She is Pan Shao's daughter.

Pan Shao offended Si Mu and was driven away before he died. In this

world, everyone's existence has significance. Pan Shao's stepmother was actually her aunt. She had a good relationship with her stepmother and stepsisters.

Her sister always remembers this. She even went to Yan's house to ask for Si yuzao to recognize Pan's grandparents.

Mrs. Yan objected, because Sima's last wish is that yuzao will no longer have anything to do with Pan Shao.

Mrs. Yan didn't tell the Secretary's family about these things, so as not to worry about the light boat and the Secretary's travel.

The pan family is a small official family. It's not rich, but it's worth a little.

Pan Shao's sister married Luo and became Mrs. Luo. Later, the Luo family developed and bought such a luxurious house in Shanghai.

Mrs. Luo doesn't know Si yuzao, but she knows Gu Qingzhou. She heard Yu Zao call Gu Qingzhou "Muma".

Gu Qingzhou is a famous person. After a little deduction, she knows that she can't have such a big daughter. This girl can only be si yuzao. Seven years old Si yuzao is a child. She sneaks out of Zhangjia to play. She was cheated by Mrs. Luo and locked in the back kitchen of Luo mansion.

Gu Qingzhou and Zhangjia are crazy. They look for her everywhere.

Big Shanghai is too big to start in a moment. "

I remember the newspaper saying at the beginning that the fire started in the kitchen. At that time, it was night and the Luo family were all asleep, so they were all burned. " Si yuzao said, "in fact, it's not. The kitchen is the last one to burn."

She always remembered that she stabbed Mrs. Luo to death with a knife in her hand. Then she poured the oil on her body and lit a match. The fire went up and burned her hair.

Last time I met a fire, maybe she knew it well. Her deep memory was not hooked up. This time she was really scared.

When she was scared, her memory hit her, and she immediately remembered.

At that time, there was a beautiful young woman who took people to Luo mansion.

She has a lot of conversation with Mrs. Luo. Her conversations are so deep in the memory of her youth.

She heard the woman say, "you all have to pay for your lives!" Mrs. Luo is very nervous: "don't be fooled. Your men and children have burned themselves, not us. Even if you want to be held responsible, you are guilty. " "

you husband and wife, they are cheating me. The house is on fire. How do I know? I'm just scared. It's all you. " The woman shrieked. Mrs. Luo wants to push her away.

The woman could not help but say that she was stabbed to death. Standing at the angle of Si yuzao, I clearly saw that the knife had been stabbed into Mrs. Luo's body and then pulled out. The white blade was dyed red with blood. The whole person of Si yuzao was scared to be silly.

The woman giggled and poured the oil on Mrs. Luo. She saw the algae.

Her smile, very tragic terror, Si yuzao dare not cry, Zheng Zheng back to see her. Female

enough laughter, throw the oil barrel and slowly take out the match.

When the fire rose, she first burned herself, the fire all over her body, and then she threw the remaining matchstick at Mrs. Luo.

The gliding arc of the match stick was clearly printed in the mind of Si yuzao. Yu Zao didn't dare to cry. She retreated to the door. The door was so hot that she tried desperately to open it. Then the skin of her hand and the doorknob were stuck together.

Just then, the back window broke.

Someone came in wrapped in a thick wet blanket and carried Si yuzao out.

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