Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1697 expedition and confession

This time, Si yuzao was hospitalized and took a week off before leaving the hospital. The loss of her

is not big, that is, her hair is burnt, and her calf burns a lot of blisters.

She simply cut short hair, like a middle school girl, both cute and a little childish. "

good, good cut." Song you road. Yu

Ge bangsi's jade algae scissors are proud: "right? I think it's good, too. " Secretary

yuzao looks at song you and fishing songs, and is very dissatisfied: "obviously, I am good-looking, how can I become you to cut well?" Yu

song took a picture of the back of her hand and asked her to stop for a while.

When the Fishing Song went out, song you sat on the chair beside Si yuzao: "what do you want to do with pan Luoying? The school just fired her and a few others. If you don't feel angry enough, I can find a way. "

Si yuzao sat in the sofa, stunned for a while. "

she is my cousin." Suddenly she said, "it's my mother's niece."

Song you is silent.

"It's OK to be expelled. I can't touch her after all. Let her live and die. It's because I thanked pan Shao for her love for my birth. I will die in the future, and when I see her underground, I will not owe her any more. " Siyuzao said.

Song you frowned: "what can't die!"

Si yuzao turned a white eye: "I mean when I'm old. You are old and immortal. Are you the son of a thousand years old? " Song

you are looking for a cigarette

Si yuzao shrinks his neck. She asked song you again, "didn't you send a telegram to Singapore?"

Song you promised her again and again, "No." She told song you to keep it from her parents. If her father had known, he would have killed all Pan's family.

Mother will be sad, too.

They take yuzao as their sweetheart, but the people who really gave birth to her and Pan's family never take yuzao seriously. Pan wants to burn her alive because of school. Thanks to the misfortune of

yuzao, her doubts have been completely solved.

She said to song, "I finally remember that my mom didn't cheat me. At that time, she told me that she was a wife surnamed Wang who took people to destroy the Luo family. But it's been two years since Mrs. Wang died. The police didn't believe the words of those arrested, and finally convicted them of burglary, murder and arson. "

Gu Qingzhou follows the clues and finds out the truth. Some people didn't lie. The royal family was on fire, but Mrs. Wang didn't die in it.

The Wang family is also a wealthy family. They have a good relationship with the Luo family. Most of Mr. Luo's fortune depended on the Wang family. Later, he started his own business and even robbed the business of the Wang family. Some people say that the Wang family has internal traitors, and Mrs. Wang has already had an affair with Mr. Luo.

It was also said that this was clearly a set, and Mrs. Luo was also involved in it. It was the couple who made the king's money and forced the king's family to die.

Mrs. Wang escaped from the dead, took the bandits to revenge, and made a false image of robbery and murder.

Later, Mrs. Wang got revenge and died herself. When nianyuzao disappeared, he went to Luo's house and was exterminated, only four hours before and after.

If you delay another hour or two, Gu can find her earlier.

"I was so impressed that I saw the knife go in and out, and there was fire." Si yuzao continued.

When she was in hospital, she heard the nurse say she killed someone.

Because she is the daughter of Si Xingfu.

No one would believe it if she were a girl of ordinary people. After all, she was only seven at that time. But she is Si yuzao. She has money and power in her family. The world is fascinated by her hatred of wealth. After hearing this, yuzao had a nightmare. In the dream, Mrs. Wang disappeared, leaving her and Mrs. Luo alone.

So the man with the knife became herself.

That's why she believed that she killed people and set fire to them. It was that nightmare that made her tamper with her memory. "

song you, I think I have finished my work in Shanghai, and I want to go home." "I want to go back to my parents," said Si yuzao Song

hesitated. Yu Zao came out to study for three and a half years. Now it's only one year, and she will go to the hospital for practice next year.

In addition, Singapore is becoming more and more restless. It's not safe to take care of the light boat and the company's business. It's not safe for the company to go back.

"Big miss..." song you wanted to persuade.

Li Xiao came back from the outside and hurried up the stairs with heavy footsteps.

Both Si yuzao and song you look at the door.

Li Xiao opened the door in a panic, and his shoes couldn't take off. He handed a stack of newspapers to Si yuzao: "big miss, there's a war. It's Xuzhou." Yu Zao and song you went to the newspaper in a hurry.

Half a month later, Si yuzao's school was closed and the shengdebao hospital was closed.

Because the press called on doctors to go to the front line to do medical logistics, 80% of the doctors in St. Paul's reported, and 90% of the students in school reported.

Si yuzao also signed up.

There are not many medical schools in Shanghai. There is a shortage of medical staff in the front line. All students above grade two can act as regular medical staff. Secretary

yuzao is going. Song you and Li Xiao are not stopped. They both signed up to join the army, and Deng Gao incorporated them into their own guard regiment.

In this case, Deng Gao sent a telegram to Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu said that it is everyone's responsibility to protect her family and country. Si yuzao has grown up and she has the right to protect her motherland. Yuzao was very moved and felt that her father trusted her and loved her.

But what she didn't know was that there was also a war in Singapore, and the Japanese were trying to capture Singapore, and they were too busy.

To let Si yuzao go home is the same as to let her stay in China. He said in his early years that once there is a war in the future, all his children should go to the battlefield. He never breaks his promise.

"... you and your aunt stay in Shanghai. The French concession is still very safe." The day before she left, she sang to the maid, "if you have anything to do, please go to Uncle Zhang."

The song of fishing keeps wiping tears. "

miss, would you mind not going? You are a girl. Let them go. " Cried the fisherman's song.

Si yuzao touched her head: "stupid! When Shanghai falls, who cares if you are a man or a woman, you will die. If you don't want to die, you have to rush to fight. I'm a doctor. If I'm an ordinary student, I'll never get involved. "

Fishing Song can not stop her, or keep crying.

Zhang Xinmei never came to see Si yuzao. For half a month, he should have known that Si yuzao would go to the battlefield. He also knew that song you and Li Xiao had reported to Deng Gao's army, but he didn't come. Yuzao is a little worried. Is something wrong with him? As a result, on the day the logistics medical team set out, Si yuzao stood in the team and Zhang Xinmei came.

He mobilizes with the city people. When the family saw him off, he went to Si yuzao.

He reached out his hand and straightened her military medical gown: "it's very nice, it's very powerful."

Si yuzao looked at him: "Uncle Zhang..." she was very sour. At this moment, she suddenly wanted to hug him, because there was no eye for gunfire on the battlefield. Although she was doing logistics, she might face life and death.

If she died in battle, she would never see her Uncle Zhang again. "

I am not a soldier and cannot leave Shanghai." Zhang Xinmei reached out and flicked her collar. "I envy you. I can fight in the front line. You are going to be a hero, yuzao! " Yu Zao understands that Zhang Xinmei is an underground worker, and his battlefield is just as cruel, and he is in Shanghai.

He can't leave here. He didn't stop yuzao. As yuzao said, he knew it was her responsibility.

Her family name is si. Her parents told her from a young age that the family members should stand up to the heaven. Her

classmates and teachers have all gone to the battlefield. It is impossible for her to stay in such an environment.

So, Zhang Xinmei didn't stop her and didn't say anything discouraged. It is difficult for a country to take the lead. Any tenderness should be relegated to the second tier.

"Last time you asked me if I had a secret to tell you." The voice of Zhang Xinmei is not high or low, very gentle. Si

yuzao looks up at him.

He suddenly leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

People all around saw it, some people shouted, some people were laughing and making a lot of noise. But yuzao can't seem to hear anything. The lips of Zhang

have been lingering for a long time, as if to remember her taste.

Finally, he said in her ear, "when you come back alive when you win, I will tell you the secret. I have a secret. You must come back alive to listen to your secret. "

The tears of Si yuzao burst out.

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