Si yuzao has a very good relationship with Yan's children.

Yan Kai and Yan Qi can't finish talking to her, though they haven't seen each other for four years.

Especially Yan Qi.

While they were talking, Si Ning'an, the younger brother of Si yuzao, also came with snacks in his hand. "

will you pick me up, too?" Si yuzao asked him.

Si Ning'an is a shy man with white skin and reddish cheeks, unable to match his words.

The sparrow boat laughs badly nearby.

It's not early. They haven't had a good time, so they have to leave temporarily. They have an appointment to get together again tomorrow morning.

When I went back, I found that Si Ning'an didn't go with them. Si yuzao was curious: "don't you go home?" "

I eat at my uncle's house." Sning'an road.

Xu Qizhen came out and asked for Si yuzao and Si quefang again and again: "you two also have dinner before you leave."

Si yuzao will go to see Zhang Xinmei in the evening. I'm afraid she won't be quiet.

Sparrow Fang understood her mood, and said to Xu Qizhen, "Auntie, tomorrow, let's come early tomorrow, and sister will go to the hospital in the evening." Xu

Qi Zhen immediately understood.

Si quefang takes Si yuzao back to the hospital and tells her on the way: "Ning'an is around her chess sister every day."

Si yuzao didn't understand this at first.

Then she suddenly realized, "really?" "

well, it's been a while." Sparrow boat said with a bad smile, "I told Abba and Muma to let them beat him. They ignored me. "

Yan Qi is six years older than Si Ning'an. She is a peer of Si yuzao, and Si Ning'an is only 14 years old this year.

She smiled helplessly.

This event aroused the interest of Si yuzao. She asked Si quefang, "do you have a girl you like?"

"No!" Sparrow boat way, "but elder brother has." Secretary

yuzao immediately lies on the back of the seat: "who is it?" "

Zhang Ying is his classmate." Sparrow Fang said with a smile, "he asked the girl to see a movie, secretly took her hand, and I saw it. I also told Abba and Muma. Dad laughed and said that he was a hooligan, and was kicked by mummy. " Si

yuzao: "... She

suddenly found that her two younger brothers were precocious, while Si que Fang, a mother's compatriot, was still in a state of watching everywhere.

"The second." Long elder sister is like mother's Si yuzao a little worried, "you don't think what's wrong?" "

What's wrong?" The sparrow boat didn't notice.

Si yuzao: "...

this child is insensitive, or her other two younger brothers are precocious.

"We are all married in the future. What do you do alone?" Siyuzao said. "Sister, I'm only 16 years old. You're too worried," she said

Siyuzao thinks so. It's the most amazing thing to make a second brother, who seems to be the most unskillful now. Maybe he will be the first to get married in the future?

Yuzao wanders around, eats with the bird boat outside, and doesn't go home. After dinner, she went to the hospital, sat by the side of Zhang Xinmei's bed and read him a newspaper.

Her aunt said that Zhang Xinmei would like to hear a little voice now. It's better to be her voice. Anything can be said.

Si yuzao doesn't know what to say. When he was lying here, Si yuzao's heart sank and his words were blocked. He had to read newspapers. Uncle Zhang, my younger brother and his sweetheart are in love. If you don't wake up, my elder sister will marry later than them.

I'm five years older than them. Didn't I grow up five years in vain? " Si yuzao sighed, "I passed by the wedding dress store yesterday. It was reopened after the war. All the wedding dresses are new. I really want to buy one." The fingers of Zhang

Xin Mei moved slightly.

Si yuzao thought that he was dazzled.

She stared at his hand, and began to call Uncle Zhang in her mouth, talking about marriage at random. This time, she did not read it wrong. Zhang Xinmei's left index finger and ring finger moved down.

Si yuzao hurried to call her aunt. Secretary qiongzhi came home from work and hurried to the hospital. This is a good omen. Since that day, Si yuzao has been on duty every morning, accompanied Zhang Xinmei in the afternoon and evening, and simply moved his things to the ward and lived next to him.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu have no objection. Her nonsense made Zhang Xinmei react a little and gave Si yuzao confidence.

Once she has confidence, she can't stop talking.

She talked to him about the three years of war, and about her missing for him.

"Did you kiss me that day on purpose? Later, senior brother Lu told me that many officers and doctors wanted to pursue me because they knew that I had a fiance and gave up. " "You must have done it on purpose. You've taken over me. You can't be irresponsible, or I won't have anyone to ask for it. "

The corner of the eyes, suddenly shed tears.

Siyuzao was stunned and stared, but all the optimism in her heart couldn't go on. Her tears burst: "Uncle Zhang, can you hear me? Don't cry, I don't regret it, just occupy... "And half a month later, when Si yuzao woke up one morning, she found that Zhang Xinmei opened her eyes and was staring at the roof of the hospital.

Siyuzao's hair is full of hair, and she can't care about cleaning up. She pours on his bed and kisses his lips with all her strength: "you wake up, you wake up!" Zhang Mei was awake for a moment, then he fell asleep again.

He really woke up five days later. Deep

in coma, Zhang Xinmei woke up on the fifty sixth day after the injury.

He doesn't remember anything, just Si yuzao.

"Yuzao." His hands were weak, and he wanted to hold the jade algae's, "my..."

voice was intermittent. To

what happened, who was Gu Qingzhou, and where other people were, he didn't remember all of them.

Siyuzao is very happy. "

if you don't remember, you don't remember." The tears of Si yuzao couldn't stop, laughing at the same time, "he became a fool, and I will keep him for the rest of my life."

It's not silly to frown.

After more than half a month's rehabilitation, he can complete the whole speech, although his memory is still very fuzzy. He only remembered Si yuzao, and he remembered that he wanted to marry her. "

remember your dad?" Si yuzao asked him. "I don't remember," said Zhang

In a flash, it's the old year of Singapore.

Gu and Si have invited many friends to Singapore for the new year, including He Wei and Huo Yue.

At the end of the war, how about the follow-up? Everyone is thinking about it. Together, we can exchange ideas. Yan's family also came.

Including Huo Fengjing.

When she got off the plane, she saw Huo Fujing holding Yan Yiyuan's arm. She was stunned. Yu Zao has known Yan Yiyuan since she was a child. During her growth, Yan Yiyuan has always been in Singapore. But

she suddenly felt that Yan Yiyuan was very strange.

On his face, which was full of happiness and anger, there was a light smile all the time, which made his facial features especially soft, and the whole person's temperament changed from gloomy to sunshine.

Si yuzao suspected that this was another person similar to her uncle. "

yuzao." Huo Fujing pretended not to see her eyes. "Your hair is so beautiful. I thought it was your mother when I saw it in the distance. She had such beautiful long hair when she was young Yu Zao was shocked by Huo shuojing before he recovered.

She didn't expect that Huo would laugh at her.

The silent Huo Shujing seems to be gone. "

aunt..." "

call aunt!" Yan Yiyuan smiled to remind her, "the boat is to know us first, then ah Jing, I should be in front. Is it ah Jing "

Yes." Huo's tone is flattering.

Si yuzao was stunned at the spot. Finally, grandma came to hold her hand, and she came back to her mind. "

what happened?" Si yuzao asked grandma. Yan smiled: "they are married."

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