Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1701 you say you are reserved

Grandma is very uncomfortable in the plane, and her face is not very good.

Siyuzao was itchy, but she didn't bother her grandmother. Well, aunt Luoshui is here.

In the car of Yan Luoshui and Xie shunmin, Si yuzao can't wait to ask about Yan Yiyuan and Huo Fengjing. "

cat made medium." Yan Luoshui said with a smile, "ah Jing picked up a cat and raised it. I went to see it with your uncle once, and the cat would run to our house every day." the company asked Yu Zao for more details, but Yan Luoshui could not wait to ask her own concern: "I heard that you and the children of Zhangjia are going to be engaged? How is he? "

"I'm awake." Siyuzao said.

She also asked carefully, Yan Luoshui didn't give her a chance to ask her many things first. When I returned home, I found that there were relatives and friends.

There is a very beautiful and fashionable wife, with a tall man, laughing from time to time.

"Really, I'm not old at all, am I? Si Xingfu, did you not want me when you were blind Si yuzao heard the woman say.

She could not help standing still.

She looked at her parents.

Father was rolling his eyes, while mother smiled softly.

Siyuzao suddenly remembered that this was Cheng Yu. My mother said that she was married to Zhuo Dashuai of Peiping, and that she was free and easy-going and straightforward.

"Your children are all here. I'll give you some face today. Don't make trouble!" He threatened her in a low voice.

Far away, they also saw Mrs. Yan and Yan Xinnong. Gu

leaving other guests behind, the boat and Si Xingfu first welcomed all the Yan family. "

Muma, it's hard on the road!" Gu took Mrs. Yan's arm and said, "are you tired?"

Mrs. Yan said with a smile, "I'm a little tired. I'm really old and useless. I told your adoptive father that when I arrived in Singapore this time, if the environment was good, I would not go back and live here for the aged. "

Gu chuckled, "that's really the best." She helped Mrs. Yan.

Cheng Yu squeezed over: "Mrs. Yan, do you remember me?"

"Madame drow." "Mrs. Yan said with a smile," you haven't changed at all. You are still so young. " Cheng

Yu holds his sideburns with a smile: "the old lady teases me, you are healthy and hale, just like before." Gu

the boat couldn't help laughing at her: "Oh, you know humility. My jade trepang must be your age to know how humble I am! " "

my age?" Cheng Yu bit his teeth. "Dead girl, I'm as old as you!" "

I'm not a girl anymore, my daughter is." Gu Qingzhou road. Mrs. Yan laughed: "it's all girls. In front of me, you are all children. "

Her tiredness was relieved by such a talk. There are too many guests at home. Gu Qingzhou blinks with Yan Luoshui and Huo Shuo Jing, and sends Mrs. Yan to the guest room to have a rest. When waiting for

to come out, Gu Qingzhou saw that the jade trehalo was wrapping around Yan Luoshui, while Huo Fujing and Yan Yiyuan had been holding their arms. He is more intimate than any other couple. He seems to be afraid of losing each other. They stick to each other all the time.

Gu Qingzhou goes up: "yuzao, don't you go to the hospital to see Xinmei?"

When she looked at her watch, she found that it was almost time to make an appointment with Zhang Xinmei.


go quickly. Your uncle and they can't run. Ask slowly when they are free. " Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "you are impatient, like your father!"

Xie shunmin is laughing.

Gu Qingzhou asked him what he was laughing at. "You women are the same," said Shun. "The advantages of children are like you, and the disadvantages are like us. I thought that Luoshui was the only one "

when he said that, Zhuo Xiaoyun, who was very stable, also laughed.

The men looked at each other, and they understood.

Looking back at them, Si yuzao only felt that it was the time of a generation, all of which were concentrated on them. And their age is the proof of their time. She is envious.

"When I get old, do you have such a large group of close friends?" Siyuzao asked himself.

She thought and went to the hospital.

Zhang Xinmei kept looking at her watch.

He frowned all the time, until Si yuzao came in, he was relieved: "fortunately, I thought I was confused again." "

No, I'm late." "The family is very busy today, but you can't get out of bed. However, tomorrow will be more lively. People from Taiyuan and Hong Kong haven't arrived yet. " Zhang smiled. Yu Zao said: "my uncle has changed completely. I can hardly recognize him. He's a very good-looking man with a very different smile. " Zhang Mei looks at her. Yu Zao said: "he and aunt a Jing have been together for more than ten years. They're very kind. You can see them at a glance. " Zhang

smiled. When he was in a coma, Si yuzao always talked to him. Now it's a habit. It can't be changed for a while. Even Zhang Xinmei can't get into his mouth.

"I really want to know the process." Si yuzao sighed again, "at night, I'll go back and make it clear to my aunt Luoshui." After a long time, she found that Zhang Xinmei was looking at her.

Si yuzao touched his face: "why, I have ash on my face?" "

No." Said Zhang Xinmei. He was silent and asked Si yuzao, "I don't remember our process, can you tell me?"

Si yuzao chokes. In fact, there is no earth shaking process for her. At that time, Zhang Xinmei was an underground party. He was worried about his sacrifice at any time and his family. Bi

the parents of Jingsi yuzao are so entangled with the military that they have relatives and friends even if they leave.

Zhang Xinmei can't bear to drag Si yuzao into a dilemma.

When did he start to like yuzao? He can't remember. Even if he remembered, he couldn't make it clear. It's like cancer. Doctors can't tell when and how to get it. But when people are uncomfortable, it's hopeless.

When Zhang Xinmei is sure that he is hopeless, he is already deep in mud. He ran to the place where Si yuzao started, kissed her in public, and told her that he would wait for her to come back. He is a soldier, but when his family and country are in danger, he can only hide in the rear, which is a kind of suffering for him. He didn't stop Si yuzao, and even envied her. He knows there will be sacrifices.

All her life, Zhang Xinmei has been bearing these things. He is not afraid. Yuzao is willing to die bravely, which is her honor. Zhang Xinmei is proud of her.

But privately, he is also an ordinary person. He is afraid that something will happen to her. His feelings are so full that he can't hide with all his strength. It's like the iceberg is all under the water, only showing a tiny corner. The corner of the kiss.

Kiss is so shallow, but yuzao knows the deep feeling behind it. "

our process" Si yuzao's orbit is a little hot. The process of my

people is that you are secretly in love with the suffering, and I am ignorant to obtain.

"When I first came to Shanghai, you fell in love with me. You said I was a fairy." After that, you began to pursue me.

I'm a girl, of course, very reserved. I've told you time and again that I'm not going to fall in love, but you have to marry me. I was under great pressure at that time. Would fairies like me fall in love with mortals like seven fairies and Dong Yong? Later, your piety touched me, and I agreed. " Zhang

after listening, she frowned at her. Yuzao: "why don't you believe me?" "

you said that you were very reserved." Zhang Xinmei considered, "I think from this sentence, it's probably all false." She was so angry that she wanted to scratch her eyebrows.

Zhang Xinmei is ticklish, which is known by yuzao. He keeps hiding.

In order to subdue Si yuzao, he pressed her on the bed.

When four eyes are opposite, Zhang Xinmei bends over and kisses Si yuzao. Good

for a long time, he stopped, his breath slightly disordered: "I don't remember, but I remember my feelings for you. I think what you said is true. I love you very much. "

He was warm and straightforward, totally different from before. The eyes of yuzao were immediately wet.

That's what it means. She has got the best Uncle Zhang. She has nothing else to ask for, even if he doesn't remember his past life. Only if he remembers her.

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