Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1702 time of reunion

Thanks to God. Zhang Xinmei is still the same as before. If he doesn't lose his memory, he will stay in Shanghai. He always remembered that he was Gu Qingzhou's younger brother and his identity with Si Xingkai. He could not let go and fall in love with Si yuzao.

In his year in Shanghai, he didn't say anything, but he was always concerned about her. "

Uncle Zhang, there are many people in my family. I wish you could go." Si yuzao is sitting by the bed of Zhang Xinmei, leaning his head on his leg and talking to him on his side.

She held his hand.

Zhang Xinmei's expression slightly converged.

He asked Si yuzao, "why do you always call me uncle? Let's "

Si yuzao sat down in a hurry, afraid that the duck would fly.

Fortunately, she is good at gossiping and lies face to face without stumbling: "I was trying to set off my youth and beauty, deliberately suppressing you, saying you are very old and useless. Am I beautiful? "

Zhang Xinmei: "this is a familiar sentence.

"If you're not happy, I'll call your name, OK? You walk at home. I call you brother Jiu? " Si yuzao is coquettish. Zhang also can't remember her family. He thought blankly, "I have so many brothers and sisters? Isn't my mother very hard

"No, your father married too many times, and your mother gave birth to you and two sisters. According to your stepbrothers and sisters, you are your father's ninth child. " Si yuzao said, "I have a classmate. Her parents have given birth to seven at a time. Are they fierce?" "

it's very hard to support." Said Zhang Xinmei. He also accepted this statement. Yuzao had no principle. He said that he would change. Soon he changed his name from "Uncle Zhang" to "brother Jiu". Finally, he leveled the ranks of the two people. She thinks she can bend and stretch. If she is a man, she must be very good at coaxing her wife. For the sake of

here, the yuzao is very beautiful all day. The next day, when all the guests arrived, the courtyard was a little empty. Now it was full of people and very lively.

In addition to the parents, there are many peers. She was dazzled, took her mother's arm and whispered, "mummy, I really want brother Jiu to come." Gu

the light boat was stupefied, but he didn't react at once, and then he was dumbfounded.

Si yuzao doesn't understand: "what are you laughing at? Isn't it normal for us to be intimate? " Gu

lightly grasps her daughter's hand and laughs: "you are more and more like your father. It's not fair. I want you to be more like me. "

"I'm also like you," said Si yuzao, "I'm so beautiful, as beautiful as an immortal, and I have excellent medical skills. They are all like you. Don't be jealous, mummy! "

Gu Qingzhou: "my daughter is born with a preference for and imitation of her father, but it's just like that, and it's very sad.

Fortunately, her marriage problem was solved by herself. As long as her mother-in-law doesn't dislike her, it doesn't matter how she looks like Si Xingfu. In the eyes of

GU Qingzhou, her child is a treasure. She only thinks yuzao is cute. Jade has a strong self-confidence, which is only found in children who have been bathed in the family's favor and grown up. Before Gu Qingzhou met Si Xingfu, she did not.

She is very pleased that she and Si xingxu may not be so successful as parents, but for the children, they have paid all. His children are not very perfect, but they all have a strong and compassionate character. They are very satisfied to take care of the boat.

"It's hard for him to get better so soon. Give him a little more time. He will be able to join us in the new year's festival next year. " Gu Qingzhou road. Si

yuzao nods.

She was dazzled by too many relatives.

She saw Huo Yue and He Wei, as well as their three children. The children of the Huo family are not very old. The youngest one is only three years old and still has milk fragrance on him.

Yuzao sees her father holding Huo Yue's youngest son and teases Huo Yue: "Huo ye, you are in good health!"

He Wei's face is red. Gu

the boat went over, took the child, and said to Si Xingfu, "don't be so bad, be virtuous!"

Si Xingfu is dissatisfied: "I envy Huo ye, too?" "

when yuzao gets married, you will have a grandson. Then you will talk like this in front of grandson. How about solemnity? You learn how to be an elder from Abba. " Gu Qingzhou road.

The whole person was stunned.

He felt that he was still a handsome young man, but in a flash, his eldest son knew that he was quietly pulling the girl's hand, and yuzao was about to get married. Look at

the company's running and running, and Huo Yue laughs: "one thing falls to another, and only a light boat can cure you! I've been talking about you for a long time. Be serious! " Jade is laughing.

Si Xingfu saw her and said, "go, what are you looking at?"

Si yuzao laughed: "Abba, you are angry! It seems that you are really at a loss. "

Everyone laughed. The secretary was defeated completely and complained to his wife in a low voice: "give me some face." When yuzao heard her father's coquetry, she had goose bumps all over her. However, it's a good way to be coquettish. Miss Si yuzao has learned it secretly while she dislikes it. Yuzao also saw other people.

Most of her know each other, because we meet by chance. Even if we haven't met, Si yuzao has seen the photos. Among the people, she saw a very handsome man. This is a tall man, comparable to the jade algae father, with a scar on the tip of his left eyebrow. Strangely enough, the scar did not damage his face, but added some hardness to him. He stands tall and big in the crowd, especially noticeable.

Si yuzao stepped forward and asked him, "why haven't I seen you?"

The other party was stunned and immediately smiled: "are you miss yuzao? I am Yexiu. "

Si yuzao remembered.

This is the youngest son of Ye dujun in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. Her nickname is qiongying, which coincides with the aunt name of Si yuzao. When her mother talks about it, she remembers it. "

Ye qiongying!" Siyuzao said with a smile, "the first time I saw a real man, you are so handsome, just a little less than my father and my nine brothers."

Ye Xiu: "

Ye Shao is probably the first time in his life that he heard the other side boasting so much. For a while, he did not know whether to be modest or to refute, and he was stunned at the spot.

"Is your father here?" Asked siyuzao. Ye said, "I came with my sister. Miss yuzao, I'm going to find Qin Xin. She just slipped away. " Jade

algae asked: "who is the heart of Qin?" Ye explained to her. Yu Zao remembered that when her mother was in Shanxi, she was a tutor of Ye dujun's family. She taught her third daughter ye Wu to study and play the piano. Later, she married Kang Yu and had three children, two women and one man.

Their youngest daughter, Kang Qinxin, is 14 years old and loves to stick to her Uncle Ye Xiu. Ye took her with her, but she disappeared in a flash. "

it's OK. I'll help you find it at home." Siyuzao said. She chatted with Ye Xiu and looked around. At last, she saw Kang Qinxin behind the rockery. Kang

Qin Xin is holding up a stone, opposite to the sparrow boat, with tears still hanging on her face. "

Qin Xin." Ye Xiu shouted. Kang

Qin Xin turns his head and tears in his eyes seem to be beads of broken thread: "little uncle, he bullies me and helps me beat him!"

Si yuzao: "br >

Ye Xiu:" "

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