Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1704 the daughter of Er Bao

There are five tables in the flower hall.

All of them are fully seated. Everyone is familiar with each other and has a heated conversation. Gu

after a simple greeting from the boat, he sat down at the table of Yan Xinnong and his wife. She was very moved when she saw Yan Yiyuan and Huo shuojing still holding hands and whispering from time to time, almost sticking together. When she was touched, her tears couldn't be controlled. Gu pretended to be coughing and said to Mrs. Yan, "Mom, please eat first." She left in a hurry.

Everyone did not understand. There was silence in the dining room. Department

let everyone eat and chase out.

Si yuzao was worried and sneaked out. At the same time, she saw her three younger brothers, all following. "

sister, what's wrong with Muma?" Asked the secretary. Yu Zao didn't know about it, so he said to them, "eat first."

"I'm going to have a look." Secchi road.

"I'll go, too," said Si Ning'an

"Let's go, what are you doing?" Sparrow boat also way.

Four of their children, before and after the foot to the yard of Gu Qingzhou. Gu

sits on the sofa and cries.

Si Xingfu holds her shoulder, kisses her hair from time to time, comforts her.

The children crowded in. What are you doing here? There are still guests at home, not like words! Go back to the table! " The three sons all took a step back.

Only Si yuzao refused to leave. "Abba, Muma, what's wrong with her? Is she OK? "

What else did he say? Gu raised his eyes, pointed to the sofa beside him, and asked all four children to sit down.

She tried to control her emotions, but her voice was still choking. "Do you remember Qi Er Bao I told you?"

All four children nodded. Bao is Gu Qingzhou's junior brother. When he was young, he fled Shanghai with Gu Qingzhou and was injured in the eye. After

came, a magician found him and said that his eyes could not be better. It's better to try to open the sky eye. That's after Gu Qingzhou arrived in Singapore. Shu

when Shi found him, he had married Kang Han and had a daughter. Kang

family disagrees. Kang

Han is determined to restore his husband's brightness, and encourages him to follow him. Without the consent of his family, Han takes his children with him.

Since then, the Kang family has lost the news of Er Bao and Kang Han's family.

They sent people to look for them everywhere. After hearing the news in Singapore, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu sent people to look for them. Yes, Gu told her children about it.

"He went to Guangxi at that time. There are many mountains over there. People from the Kang family and our family lost their way in the mountains, so there was no news of their family.

Later, there was another war, and our people withdrew. After so many years, the Kang family also broke the tracking line. When they set out to Singapore, the Kang family found Kang Han. " Gu Qingzhou road.

The four children held their breath and dared not interrupt.

Gu canoe said that here, also stopped, as far as possible to make the voice a little more peaceful "Kang Han said that the vision of two treasures later recovered 50%, it is no problem to take a pair of glasses to see people and things.

He took part in the Anti Japanese War, but Kang Han didn't know which army he was in. He had to go. Later, Kang Han found his "

er Bao died in the Anti Japanese war.

Gu Qingzhou has so many friends, and so many heroes have been sacrificed in the Anti Japanese War, but she has only lost two treasures. That's not the worst case scenario.

The number of sacrifices is cold, apportioned to each head, but they are painful. "

I have been looking for him all these years, except for the three years when Singapore was besieged." Gu Qingzhou said, "I didn't expect that I had such a shallow relationship with him. At the beginning, his eyes were because I hugged her and kissed her hair again without speaking. Four children are silent and dare not speak.

Siyuzao was also very upset. Many of her classmates and teachers have also died in the battlefield, although they are logistics doctors. The reunion of the family made siyuzao think that the cruelty of the war had passed. But

No. The pain of the injury is caused by a firm knot on the bone. "

mummy, would you like to send someone to pick up my aunt and cousin?" Sikai was the first to break the silence and ask Gu about the boat. Of the few children, he is the most stable. Gu's body trembled a little.

She can't go on.

Si Xingfu helped her to say "after finding Kang Han, I knew that their child was lost when he was three years old. Now she doesn't know what the name of the child is or what it looks like. When the two treasures were first taken away, it was a warlock family surnamed Hu. They lived in seclusion in the mountains for generations, and they were the generation who really knew the art. But

they also have enemies.

Enemies will fight each other. It was because Kang Han took his children to go shopping in the town, and they were attacked by people of poison Miao. They took Kang Han's children as the children of Hu family.

Poison Miao is good at poison. Who knows how they will beat the child. Er Bao and Kang Han have been looking for them for a long time, and the Hu family has been helping to find them. " When she heard this, she couldn't help sighing, "they are really miserable. If you had known this, it would be better to be a blind man and stay in Taiyuan. " Si

yuzao, Si Kaixuan and Si Ningan stare at Si quefang together. The Secretary also looked at him. He has four children and only one and two fools. Is he happy? "Isn't it not?" said the silly sparrow boat

Gu Qingzhou's tears were even worse. He whispered to his son, "in this world, the hardest thing to buy is regret medicine." Only then did she know what she had said wrong. No doubt he stabbed his mother's bloody wound.

He bowed his head and dared not talk more. When he finished, Si Xingqi said to the children, "go out for dinner. If someone asks, tell them the truth."

Four children got up and left.

As soon as he went out, Si yuzao gave Si quefang a punch on the shoulder, "stupid or not?"

"I'm telling the truth," she said, covering her shoulders

"Who wants to hear the truth? Mummy is so smart. To be honest, she doesn't know. Need you to tell me? It's consolation to say something nice, understand? " Siyuzao said. Secretary

quefang understands.

Secretary Kaichang shook his head helplessly, leading the dining room.

The atmosphere in the dining room is not good. Everyone is eating in silence and their voices are much smaller. As soon as he entered the door, everyone asked what was wrong.

Sikai was inspired by his father and told the people about it.

After hearing this, everyone was in a uproar.

"How's Han?" Cheng Yu asks Ye Wu. She knew Kang Han and was full of affection for the little girl, but she didn't know that she was so miserable now.

"A lot better. If you see her, you're afraid you won't recognize her. " "These things hit her too hard," ye said Many people said it.

Zhuo Xiaoyun said, "otherwise, tell us the appearance of the two treasure children, and we will send people to pay attention. Is it a boy or a girl? " "

is a girl." "If she was alive, she would be 15 years old this year," said Ye Kang

Yu added, "fifteen years old, one year older than Qin Xin."

"What are the characteristics?" He Wei also asked. Ye

thought for a moment: "her left foot is born with six fingers. Han Han is afraid that she will be discriminated against in the future. She went to the hospital to have her foot cut two months ago, but it's different from other people's feet, isn't it? But it doesn't work. "Who can see a little girl's feet?

Besides, it has been cut. Maybe it looks like ordinary people later?

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