Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1705 the most beautiful ship

The Secretary's family had a hot and noisy new year. Although

is a bit of an episode, it soon passed. Big

families are enjoying the peace after the war.

"There must be sacrifice in war. It's glory." When the governor heard about Er Bao, he comforted Gu Qingzhou. "When Singapore was besieged, my two 13-year-old grandsons went to the front line. My 19-year-old granddaughter was also on the domestic front line. My son's daughter-in-law and daughter's son-in-law were all on the battlefield. Do you think I feel better?

Fortunately, our family is still there, and the children have survived and gone through the war. For the best, don't be so sad. "

Gu Qingzhou nodded, "yes, Abba."

She didn't show her half again.

The new year is over. On the third day of the first half of the year, ye Wu and Kang Yu went back to Taiyuan. "My father is going to retire. He will go to Singapore in person for three months," said Ye. If my father comes, he may bring private soldiers. I don't know what the division seat and the commander-in-chief think. " Gu

the canoe gently hugged her. "These are for the men to consider. After a while, the Secretary will go to Taiyuan in person and discuss with your father. "

Ye Wu nodded. She came here to enjoy the rest of her postwar life and want to relax once. On behalf of her father, she tried to explore the family atmosphere.

Her father was only ten years younger than the governor, and could not stand up to the huge Shanxi Province. The forces of Fang are complex, and ye dujun is very difficult to deal with every time and always loses his temper. Ye Wu and her stepmother both hope that their father can learn from their father and son and find a place to enjoy their old age. Ye's family wealth, one tenth of which can be wasted for several lives.

The selfishness of Leaf Charm, more want to be together with Gu Qingzhou, can drink an afternoon tea by chance. "

teacher, if my father comes to Singapore, I will also come. After the death of my grandfather and aunt, the Kang family split up. Now we are more free and can go anywhere we want. " Ye Wudao. Gu

nodded in the canoe. On the fifth day of the year, Huo Yue and He Wei also left with their three children.

When the war broke out in China, some fled to the countryside, some fled abroad, and Huo Yue sent people to take the whole family of He Wei to Hong Kong. Hong Kong has also been shelled.

Now, they all live together, and mu Sanniang's health is not very good.

"Sister, you are free to go to Hong Kong." He Wei repeated. Gu

canoe road "I will go." Huo

Yue and Zhuo Xiaoyun left in the morning and afternoon respectively.

Cheng Yu also joked with Gu Qingzhou, "your eldest son-in-law is good-looking and has a good character. How about being my son-in-law?" "My son is going to be a son-in-law or a good grandson for a mother-in-law who is so difficult to serve," said Xing? You don't want to think about my family. " Cheng

Yu is angry with Zhuo

Xiao Yun who secretly pulls his wife. "A Yu, our daughter is not cheap."

Gu Qingzhou laughs beside him. After these people left, the family seemed to be half empty.

Yan Xinnong and his wife, Yan Luoshui and Xie shunmin, as well as Yan Yiyuan and Huo Rongjing, are not going to leave. Because Mrs. Yan wants to stay in Singapore for rest. New

Jiapo has a good environment and a suitable climate in early spring, which is very good for Mrs. Yan and Xinnong.

Yan Luoshui's two sons are all in England. She didn't have any business in Yuecheng. The war even blocked everything. Now she has lost what she should have lost. Besides, her second and third elder brothers went back to Yuecheng, where they could take care of them.


Yan Yiyuan and Huo Fengjing love drinking water, and go everywhere. "

let's choose March and let's get married to yuzao." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "Muma, you have been looking forward to the five elder brothers and a Jing, now they are good; you also look forward to yuzao growing up, getting married and having children, and having a good home." Mrs. Yan nodded. Her body is not as good as it is every day. The last thing that she can't put down before is probably yuzao. Gu

the light boat also told this to Si yuzao. Miss yuzao has no skin or face. She asked Gu Qingzhou, "Muma, how many dowries do you give me? First of all, if there is no dowry for brother Jiuge, you can't abandon it. "

Gu Qingzhou said, "what kind of dowry do you want?" Yuzao thought about the house. Anyway, I don't have the money to buy it. All the belongings of brother Jiu have been left in Shanghai. Now I can't go to get them. I don't know if his mother has brought them to America. In addition to the house, I need some cash, so I don't need business. Anyway, I work in the hospital, and my aunt will pay me. "

"House and money?" Gu Qingzhou laughs. Her daughter is too pampered by the manager. She has everything since childhood. Even if she is greedy, she is greedy and has no idea. What she wants is drizzle.

"Yes, there is a home, a little pocket money, work and love, parents and brothers and sisters. What else?" Siyuzao asked.

Gu Qingzhou is stunned.

After the war, people know the value of peace. Her jade algae are not incomprehensible, but too well understood.

Gu Qingzhou always forgets that she has been in the front line of war for three years, and she is no longer the little girl who can only be coquettish. "

you are right." Gu Qingzhou exclaimed, "yuzao is really sensible." For the dowry of a daughter, even if she doesn't take care of the boat, she will be subsidized.

"There's another one," Gu said "

what?" "

when Zhang Longtou died, I would like to send Xinmei to Singapore to seek a position in your father's navy fleet.

Now that the war is over, we can't help but watch out. The navy fleet will not be reduced, but will be expanded. Your father will leave him an official position, which is also one of the dowries for you. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Then he can't accompany me every day However, she said, "a man should have a career, otherwise he will waste himself, which is not my favorite brother. OK, thank you mom and Dad! " Gu

touched her head in the canoe. Yu Zao went to the hospital and told Zhang Xinmei about it. Zhang Mei looks at her and smiles.

"So happy?" Si yuzao asked him.

"Zhang Xinmei said," I always feel that I'm on a thief ship. " "

you don't want to go on such a beautiful ship?" Siyuzao asked. Zhang

Hsin Mei felt that she had been molested, and she was silent for a moment. She was a bit full of laughter, but her heart was full of honey. He had been in a coma for nearly two months, and he almost never woke up. He forgot everything, including his parents. But

he remembered that he was deeply in love with yuzao.

She is probably the deepest concern in his heart, even if he walked in the reincarnation of life and death, he firmly remembered her.

"Brother Jiu, will you be sorry?" Si yuzao asked, "do you want to wait for you to restore your memory and we will get married again?"

"I'm sure," said Zhang Xinmei, "the only thing I'll regret is to delay my marriage with you. My heart knows what I want. It wants me to marry you earlier. "

Si yuzao looks at him and smiles.

Zhang Xinmei asked her what she was laughing at.

"You would never have said that before. If you like me any more, you have to hide in your heart. Once upon a time you were very duplicative. " Siyuzao said with a smile.

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