Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1706 pray to me

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu begin to prepare for their daughter's wedding.

After Yan Xinnong came, the governor took him fishing every day and then played chess.

Mrs. Yan and the two aunts in charge of supervising the army are working on flowers and plants together. Young people are busy, so they don't need special care and find their own fun. Division

yuzao is going to get married. The elders are very happy. The younger generation are also happy, but Si Xingfu is unhappy.

Gu Qingzhou saw him looking at the guest list and smoking in silence, and sat beside him.

He put out the smoke. "

What's the matter?" Gu Qingzhou asked him, "don't you want jade algae?" We are very disappointed. "

when I first met her, she was so small. I said I was your Abba, and she knew her name was Abba. In a flash, he sighed.

It's that big in a flash. No matter how reluctant she is, she should respect her will.

Gu leaned on his shoulder. "I remember when she was born. She would have been transferred to the orphanage if we hadn't been quick. Can you imagine her wandering in the orphanage, following the children to grab food, growing up and being taken to the land of willows? " Secretary

made a shiver and stood upside down. When he thinks about it, he has the urge to kill.

How can his dearest daughter live like that?

"So I always thank God. And Xin Mei, if it wasn't for his two followers to sacrifice themselves to protect him, it would be him who was killed. At that time, can you imagine yuzao's mood? She'll be alone for a long time, until we all die, her brothers are married, she lives alone in the old house. " Gu Qingzhou road. The company pushed her away.

He could see that Gu Qingzhou was deliberately intimidating him and didn't want him to be better.

Gu chuckled, glued back, and put his chin on his shoulder. "Now, our yuzao has grown up, she has survived the war, and her lover has saved her life. From then on, she will live a happy life like me, and will give us a bunch of beautiful and lovely grandchildren in the future. Isn't that a good thing? " Si

walked back and stroked her hair. "

is right." He agreed with Gu, "our daughter is going to a better life, which she deserves." "Don't cry at the wedding," Gu said Secretary

took her in his arms and rubbed her into his arms. "You make fun of me!" Every time I see Gu Qingzhou, she always feels that time is still there, because her changes are not obvious.

It may also be that every day, the subtle changes are seen in the eyes, but the big changes are not perceived. Her hair is still dark and thick, her waist is thin, her eyes are a little old, but it doesn't affect her beauty at all. He didn't know when the time had passed, so he always thought yuzao's brother-in-law was still a child. Today, his little girl is going to get married.

"If Sima is still alive, he must cry at the wedding. He is weak." Suddenly, he said. Gu

chuckled, and his heart was inexplicable. It seems like a long time ago. In retrospect, memories are separated. It's a kind of illusion to stand beside the river and see the past.

"Yes, he has to cry." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "yuzao is so excellent. Such a good little princess is going to marry. Since then, she will follow the family name of Lao Zhang. Are you sad?" The Secretary also smiled. He caressed the hand of the caretaker, put it on his lips and kissed him. "If he was a father, he would not let yuzao go to war. He is more loving. We two are a bit of a jerk." "

he will spoil his children to the utmost." Gu Qingzhou said, "it's not good to spoil too much. Children will be weak." "

he used to hurt qiongzhi. He would be happy to know that qiongzhi is so capable now. " Si Xingfu road. Say

when they arrived at sime, they suddenly talked about Fangfei again.

It was Gu Qingzhou who first mentioned it.

"Qiongzhi used to hate us. After all, she was only sixteen or seventeen at that time, and later grew up to be a sensible person. You say, if Fangfei is still alive, will she change? " Asked Gu Qingzhou. There is a slight frown on the eyebrows of the driver.

He didn't want to talk about sifangfei. That is his sister. He loves her so much, but she wants to calculate the canoe.

From that moment on, the feelings for her had changed. He may be cold and vicious in nature. No one is his true love except for taking care of the boat.

In this way, he didn't say it directly. It's cool to say it. He just said, "maybe, maybe not. Look at ashow. He hasn't been married Gu

Shao is Gu Qingzhou's heart disease. For many years, he was still a man. Sometimes, when we get together and leave the venue, he is the only one driving home alone, so it's hard for us to take care of the boat.

She was hoping he would come out.

Si Xingqi turned the topic back to Si Fangfei and made the final statement: "it's very painful to ask but not to die. Death is a relief.". It's not cruel. It's a kind of luck for her. She must be reincarnated now and have a new life. " When he died, Gu Qingzhou thought of her younger martial brother Qi Erbao again.

In her life, he is the one who is most sorry. "

I really want to find his daughter, but the sea of people is vast." Gu sighed, "let's ask the magician to calculate?" "Can a warlock calculate this?" he said "

in the past, Mr. Ning, the one with long hair, said that he could calculate the direction through the number of plum blossom techniques?" Gu Qingzhou road. I can't remember who Mr. Ning is. "

can you still find him?" He asked.

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

Indeed, she can't find the mysterious Mr. Ning, and can't find the daughter of Er Bao. In the evening, when he took a bath, Gu Qingzhou made a wish to the night sky.

She didn't have faith, and she didn't know who to make a wish to. Anyway, she just made a random wish. "

in this life, let me find Erbao's daughter. I am willing to vegetarian for ten years and do a hundred good deeds." She prayed in silence.

I don't know if anyone heard her wish. Gu

after praying in the light boat, he turned back to his room and didn't notice that there was a meteor falling down slowly and a long shadow. She took a bath and asked what she was doing. "

I'm praying." Gu Qingzhou said, "I hope to find Erbao's daughter in the vast sea of people."

Si Xingfu wipes the water on his body, changes his pajamas and asks her "who prayed to?"? Bodhisattva or God? " "

into the night sky." Gu Qingzhou said repeatedly. The company has a good attitude.

"You are in urgent need of medical treatment, Mrs. Si!" He laughed and then circled her in his arms. "Pray to me. I've always been lucky. I'll give you some. I don't need to sacrifice, just give me myself. " Do you not need to sacrifice?

Gu Qingzhou called him a rascal in a low voice and was held down by Si Xingfu.

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