Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1707 dog legs

Si yuzao wants to get married, but the time is tight.

Gu Qingzhou sent a telegram to Siqing, Zhang Xinmei's mother, for the first time.

Mrs. Zhang has always been thinking about Shanghai in the United States, but the gunfire blocked the sea route, and she can't come back.

These days, she began to believe and went to church every day, praying for God to bless Zhang Xinmei.

When she received the telegram from Gu Qingzhou, she wept with joy and was ready to come to Singapore that day.

Then, Gu Qingzhou sent a second telegram, saying that he was negotiating with the United States for a civil air route and sent a plane to pick up Mrs. Zhang. Please wait for Mrs. Zhang.

Since airplanes have been used in large-scale wars, the sky can no longer fly around, and they will be shot down accidentally.

It's not as convenient as it used to be.

Half a month later, Si Xingfu finally got a special route and set off for the United States.

After a long journey, Mrs. Zhang and her two daughters, son-in-law and grandson, arrived in Singapore.

Gu Qingzhou went to pick her up.

"What's the matter with Xin Mei, boat?" Although Mrs. Zhang doesn't know what happened, she also knows that it's not good.

Zhang Xinmei used to send a telegram every half a month, but in the last few months there was no news. Moreover, when she arrived in Singapore, Zhang Xinmei didn't pick her up in person.

Zhang Xinmei is not afraid of her mother.

For him, his mother is the emperor Laozi. When his mother comes here, he will come to meet him even if his leg is broken.

Mrs. Zhang knows her son best. When she got off the plane, she didn't see him. Her heart first cooled.

Can think of Gu Qingzhou to say that Zhang Xinmei and Si yuzao are going to get married, and Mrs. Zhang can restrain her anxiety.

"Sister, get in the car. Let's talk slowly on the way." Gu Qingzhou road.

She and Mrs. Zhang Siqing had a good relationship at that time, but they didn't see each other for a long time, so they were very strange.

This one elder sister, pour is to call old time memory back.

Then she ordered the adjutant to send Zhang Xinmei's two sisters and brother-in-law to their home for a rest.

There are not so many people to visit Zhang Xinmei.

Too many people, his thoughts will be more confused.

"Xinmei has no other problems, just can't remember things." On the way to the hospital with Mrs. Zhang, Gu Qingzhou said to her.

She told Mrs. Zhang all kinds of frowning and his identity.

Mrs. Zhang listened in silence.

She knows the identity of her husband and her son best.

Zhang Xinmei is still alive, sacrificing two attendants for one life. Mrs. Zhang sits still, motionless: "it's good to live."

The car went straight to the hospital.

Zhang Xinmei and Si yuzao are walking in the corridor courtyard of the hospital. He has moved freely.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou, he smiled.

Then his eyes fell on Mrs. Zhang. He subconsciously wanted to make a dogleg like son to sell a good boy. He had returned to his mind, but he didn't know where the impulse came from.

He must be watching.

Mrs. Zhang stepped forward and shouted, "Xin Mei."

Zhang Xinmei's brain is buzzing, a sharp pain. He tried to hold back. There was a sweat on his back, and his expression was a little twisted with pain.

There is a memory, is about to come out, he obeyed instinct to open: "Mom."

Mrs. Zhang's eyes are a little hot. She tries hard to keep her calm: "I still remember your mother, you are filial. Your life is very precious. You have to cherish it after you have exchanged two lives of others. "

Zhang Xinmei's mind is full of chaos. Everything follows her feelings. She has no sense. "Mummy, I'm wrong."

Mrs. Zhang took his hand.

When she saw the drama, she would cry when she saw the emotional part, and when she heard others say sad things, she would also cry. But when her husband died, her son died, she did not cry.

When the most important person encounters misfortune, she is the pillar of support. Her face does not change in the strong wind and heavy rain.

She is the most solid support of Zhangjia.

"It's good to know that you can change your mistakes." Mrs. Zhang said, "you're going to get married. Mom Mu comes to have a wedding wine. I wish you and yuzao a happy life."

Si yuzao didn't make a sound.

At the moment, she said, "thank you, aunt."

Gu looked at his daughter and said, "my name is Muma. Since then, you have two mothers. "

Si yuzao opens his mouth.

"Muma" is the most important word for everyone. These two words weigh a thousand kilograms.

Since she was a child, she had only one mother, Gu Qingzhou. All of a sudden, she wanted to call someone else. She wanted to open her mouth, but her tongue was not very good.

She held it for a long time, and then she said "Muma" to the gnats.

Mrs. Zhang was very happy. She took her hand and put a small box into her hand: "darling."

Later, Si yuzao opened it and found it was a valuable jade bracelet.

Mrs. Zhang wants to talk to her son. Si yuzao and Gu Qingzhou avoid it for the time being.

Sitting in front of the bed, Mrs. Zhang touched her son's head and face once: "no fool, mum is happy."

Zhang Xinmei said: "Muma, I can't remember you very much..."

Mrs. Zhang has heard Gu Qingzhou say.

He was in a coma for nearly two months. His memory was vague and limited.

"I don't remember." Mrs. Zhang said, "in this way, it doesn't mean that you have betrayed the party. You're really dead once. Waking up is like a second life. Once upon a time, you died for the party.

I used to worry about it. How do you end up in the future? You can't do it all your life. It seems that I have more to worry about. God has arranged it. "

Zhang Xinmei didn't know what to say.

He nodded vaguely.

His former identity, Gu Qingzhou and Si yuzao also told him, although he could not remember.

When he is exposed, his status will be worthless. For the party and the state, he is already a failed chess piece. When he goes back, he has no status. He can't lead the troops to fight.

He has no such experience.

If he remembers it all, he will suffer.

"Your sisters are here, too. Take a rest and see them one by one tomorrow." Mrs. Zhang said, "your brother and sister haven't seen each other for years."

"I can't remember," said Zhang Xinmei

"There's no need to remember. Mom will tell you. Just get to know her again. What's the big deal?" Said Mrs. Zhang.

"Zhang Xinmei smiled:" Mu Ma you talk like this, I feel very familiar

Mrs. Zhang subconsciously pinched his ears, not light or heavy: "just do it."

When their mother and son meet, they don't have any moving words, just gossip.

After Mrs. Zhang left, Zhang Xinmei's condition was much better. Before that, many uncertainties were left behind by him.

They eat lunch in the canteen of the hospital, mainly with Zhang Xinmei.

At that time, Si yuzao was upset, but since she opened her mouth and broke the beginning, she also slipped away, short of Mrs. Zhang's mother.

Zhang Xinmei looked at them, and then looked at Gu Qingzhou. "Shall I call you Muma, too?"

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "what else?"

Zhang Xinmei heard that yuzao said that she was not born to Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu, but adopted.

So, Zhang Xinmei thinks that Gu Qingzhou is very young, like Si yuzao's sister, it's not too strange.

He can't talk to such a young mother-in-law.

"Yes, you haven't called Muma yet." Si yuzao said, "call one!" Zhang Xinmei: "..."

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