Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1710 yuzao pregnancy

A month after his telegram, he received eight positive replies.

Her classmates Ma Xuan and Xu Jingran are coming.

Her senior brother Lu Wenli is coming. "

Senior brother?" When Zhang Xinmei heard this, she didn't look very good. "Is there a secret I forgot?"

Siyuzao chuckled, "no, if you don't believe it, you will see it by yourself."

After Lu Wenli arrived, Zhang Xinmei was not relieved. Three years' military career has changed Lu Wenli's indolence. He had his hair cut off like a chicken's nest, leaving only a few inches. He used to be a handsome man with clean and wrinkle free clothes and fresh hair. His temperament changed a lot.

Si yuzao was also stunned. "Elder martial brother, you are so impersonal that I almost can't recognize you." Lu

Wen Li said, "why, you all say that I have changed. Did I used to be sloppy?"

"Yes." Si yuzao said, "it can't be said that you were untidy. You didn't have any peculiar smell at that time, even if you were in disorder, your clothes and hair were in disorder." Lu

Wen Li touched his head. "Now it's not messy." His eyes fell on Zhang Xinmei.

He smiled and said to Si yuzao and Zhang Xinmei, "the first time I saw Mr. Zhang, I thought you two had a play. Fierce, Xuemei, you still catch up with me. Elder martial brother, I respect you as a man! "

Zhang Xinmei ""

what kind of ghost does he think this is and why does he have to worry about these two people? It's a waste of his time. "

elder martial brother, if you have someone you like, I can teach you to chase him." Si yuzao is complacent.

Lu Wenli sighed, "I may not like women." Yuzao almost fell over.

"You like men?" She asked.

"I'm an old man. What kind of man do you like?" Lu Wenli said, "I may prefer dogs. There is a black dog in our village. When he was killed by the explosion, I cried for three days and suffered for several months, just like my wife died. "

Mrs. Zhang was kind. Mr. Zhang commented on Lu Wenli in his heart that "this man is ill!" I know that all the senior brothers of Si yuzao are like this. He doesn't have to worry about it. Lu

Wen Li said, "Xuemei, didn't you ask me to go to your aunt last time? I haven't seen her. " When Chu Si yuzao went to the battlefield, the two adjutants joined the army respectively.

The wartime situation is special. With the air control, the airplanes of Si Xingfu can no longer fly to Shanghai, even if there is a military relationship.

It's also very dangerous to stay in Shanghai alone.

Gu Qingzhou knows that Gu Ke is also there, and sends her a letter. Gu said, "I'm not going to Singapore. I'm going to Peiping to find my mother, sister-in-law and sister-in-law."

Yuge came back alone. She was also smart. She took a car and a boat all the way and returned to Singapore two months later. The war became more and more fierce, and Shanghai suffered from the baptism of gunfire. Singapore was also besieged by the Japanese army. Half of the Malay Peninsula was lost. The news of taking care of the light boat could never reach Shanghai, and she had no time to think about other people.

It has been three years since Japan surrendered and the war ended.

She lost the news of Gu Xun.

Now the situation is still tense, and the situation of the Secretary's family is special. The Secretary and the government have applied for several civil waterways, which have been rejected. Therefore, it's not easy to go to Shanghai to find people.

Si yuzao can only send a telegram to let his classmates in China help him pay attention. Gu Qingzhou also asked others to look for him.

"Forget it, my mom can't find it." Si yuzao said,

Si yuzao got busy and settled down her classmates. Not only

to arrange work, but also to arrange life. Busy

too tired, she suddenly saw red.

Siqiongzhi asked her to stay in the hospital for three days, stay in the hospital for observation, Gu Qingzhou and sixingfu were frightened, and rushed to the hospital to see her.

Si yuzao has been pregnant for three months. "

why don't you tell us?" Gu Qingzhou said, "don't you pay attention to such a big thing?"

"I see it's good." Si yuzao is very aggrieved, "want to wait for the first three months to inform you." Gu

the canoe struck her twice on the forehead. Zhang

Xin Mei has reported to the Navy. Today, she went to sea and didn't return home. I don't know about the news that Si yuzao is pregnant or that she has become popular.

The secretary wants to send a message to the fleet.

In the sea, it's not easy to bury wires and make phone calls. It's still the old way to contact the fleet by telegraph. Yu Zao hurriedly stopped him from joining the army. "Abba, brother Jiuge only joined the army. Didn't he say that the new officers also need training for three months? I can't hold him back. " "Is it important for your career to have your pregnancy?" "

Abba, you should be reasonable." Siyuzao said. Gu

the canoe pulled the driver out.

Si Xingfu is concerned about chaos.

"It's OK, aren't we here?" Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "it's a small problem. I have good news for you. "


"Yuzao is pregnant with a girl." Gu chuckled. "I just gave her the pulse. I'm sure it's a girl." Gu

the medical skill of canoe is superb. She can judge the gender of the child by pulse.

His mood suddenly improved.

Last time, he told Gu Qingzhou that if yuzao was pregnant, it would be better for him to have a daughter, who is considerate. It's too bad. However,

it can be that he has three sons in his family. Si Xingfu thinks that all his sons are debt collectors, and his daughter is a little padded jacket. "

that's good." He pretended to be very indifferent.

Gu Qingzhou looked at him on purpose. "Not excited?" "I'm a little boy, how can I cry? What a big deal. " Gu

chuckles. The Secretary clenched her hand "don't make fun of me! Old husband and wife, be solemn! "

Gu Qingzhou couldn't stop laughing. The three younger brothers of yuzao also came to visit their elder sister.

As soon as the sparrow boat opened her mouth, she immediately lifted the bottom of her head. "Sister, mom Mu said you are a girl. Your daughter will be like you in the future. Will you and your brother-in-law have a headache? " She can't see the sky. Can she still have a surprise in her life? After five months of training, Zhang Xinmei returned to the land. Seeing his wife's big stomach, Zhang Xinmei was stunned and speechless for a long time.

Si yuzao said with a smile, "are you moved?"

Frown and nod. His eyes were sparkling with water, which could not be covered no matter how he coughed. "If you want to cry, cry. I don't laugh at you," Yu Zao said Zhang Mei carefully hugged her and kissed her on the lips.

Si yuzao felt the tears rolling on her face, and all the teasing in her heart was gone, leaving only a thick honey meaning.

She relied on a frown. At that time, Xinmei was too excited to speak. Later, she calmed down a little. He began to ask the East and the West.

"Do you feel sick with such a big stomach?" He asked Si yuzao.

Si yuzao said, "it's from scratch, not so big all of a sudden. I'm used to it." Late

in the evening, the two of them talk at night. It has been said that

a lot, and it also mentions Xiaoyi Guwei.

Zhang Xinmei hasn't been so excited for a long time. His mental strength is a little overloaded. What's going on in his mind. "

I know the difference." Zhang Xinmei said, "I hid her." "What is it?" Yu Zao was surprised? How did you hide it? Where did you hide it? " Zhang

Xin Mei wants to think more deeply, and then her brain aches like a needle.

He thought vaguely of his words, "since it's a dead man, how can someone find him?" He had a thrill. "

yuzao" he said with a little fear, "I may have killed her"

Si yuzao decided to look at her husband, and there was a thin sweat on her back. She thought of the person who was avoiding Hongmen when she met him at the beginning. She clenched her frowning hand "no, she won't"

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