Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1711 wartime Shanghai

Gu Zhen looks at the empty apartment and feels lost. It's very cold in Shanghai in winter.

Yuzao and her aides went to the front.

There are wars all over the place.

The maid's Fishing Song is very lonely and brave. She went back to Singapore alone. Gu

the canoe also invited Gu to go. Gu's character is a little silent. She looks good on the outside, not dull. In fact, she is not very good at dealing with people. Strangers will make her very uncomfortable. Gu

although the boat helped her a lot, it also changed her fate, so that she could read books. After her stepfather died, she had a dependence with her mother and sister.

Thank you. Gu Xun is not familiar with her, but still thinks she is a stranger. She's going to a stranger's heap with a fishing song.

Just thinking about it, Gu Xun felt cold from her bones. She was timid.

So she would rather stay in Shanghai.

Half a month after yuzao went to the battlefield, Zhang Xinmei came to look for Gu Ke again. This time, he tore off his kind face and said to her coldly, "Miss Gu, if you have anything, you'd better give it to me. Hong

the people in the gate haven't found anything and haven't given up looking. The document is lost. If they suspect you again, they will torture you. Do people in Hongmen worry about you when Zao leaves Shanghai? You give it to me, at least I'll keep you safe. Miss Gu, you have to weigh it. I can't take care of you just because yuzao said a word. If I want to deal with you, I have the means, and I can also ask the manager to choose correctly. " Gu's tears fell.

"I didn't take it," she said

She cried her heart out. Xin Mei is a cold-hearted girl. She looks at her crying and doesn't let go. If she were not siyuzao's aunt, he would torture her now. He pressed for a while, but Gu insisted he didn't steal.

She left with a smile on her face. When he went downstairs, he saw a man in black with cloth shoes standing in the corner of the corridor.

. On such a cold day, he was wearing a thin jacket. He was taller than Zhang Xinmei. He had a black face and broad shoulders. He was a full and strong man. Zhang

peeps into the corner.

The corridor was cold and gloomy, and Zhang Xinmei casually lit a cigarette. The hot smoke made his viscera warm, which made him a little more comfortable.

"Jiu Ye, did she really hide the documents?" The man asked Xinmei. Zhang said "the woman who takes care of her family" without a clue. He was always afraid to take care of the woman who takes care of her family. Gu

the canoe seems to be more gentle and innocent than Gu Zhen, but in terms of means, countless people are folded in her hands.

On the surface, Gu Zhen has no problem and is very pitiful. But Zhang Xinmei doesn't know whether she took the document or not. Zhang

Xinmei is very clear that if the document is still there, no matter Hongmen or Zhang Xinmei, they should kill the manager's mouth to ensure that it is safe.

Gu Zhen may be aware of the danger if she is not as weak as she appears, so she destroyed the document first.

In this way, no matter how to check, she will not be involved too much. If there is no Wen, she will be unimportant and will not hinder anyone's eyes.

"Bai Xian, keep up with her for 18 hours a day." Said Zhang Xinmei.

This man, black and reckless, is neither white nor virtuous. It's funny to call him that.

Bai Xian was a member of Hongmen. Later, he was bribed by Zhang Xinmei to work for Zhang Xinmei secretly. When

however, tracking Gu Zhen is Hongmen's task. He only deals with private affairs for Zhang Xinmei while executing.

Both Zhang Xinmei and Hongmen let him keep up.

They sent two men to follow. White

the day is Bai Xian, and there is a guard outside the apartment in the evening.

It's been three months since we followed.

Gu Zhen is getting used to their existence.

"Yes." Bai Xian said to Zhang Xinmei respectfully. Zhang gave him a cigarette, patted him on the shoulder and turned away. White

Xian finished smoking silently and looked at the eye tower. He finished reading and looked at his watch again. It was more than nine o'clock in the evening.

Gu Zhen is still awake. When the replacement arrived, Bai Xian also left the apartment building. The next day, Bai Xian heard the night shift watcher say, "she didn't turn on the light last night, and now it's off." It's more than six o'clock in the morning.

Bai Xian is talking to the man. Gu Zhen goes downstairs.

He winked at his companion and let him go quietly. With the help of a shop stall, he pretended to buy pancakes and kept silent.

Gu Wei stopped a rickshaw. What did she say to the coachman, the coachman put down the car and followed her upstairs. White

Yin nibbles at the oil cake and slowly approaches at the same time. After the cut, the coachman carried a large rattan trunk downstairs. White

Xian was shocked, lost the pancakes in a hurry, and went to the front to hold the rickshaw that was about to leave.

Once he saw it, he was not easy to get into trouble. The rickshaw puller knew this kind of person and looked at him in a panic. "Sir, this is a" car. "Br >

he is nearly forty years old. He lives on rickshaw pullers and is most afraid of these thugs. White

Xian didn't look at him, but at Gu Zhen, "Miss Gu, where are you going?" Gu slightly shrunk his shoulders and was a little afraid of him.

It's as if he could squeeze one hand to death.

Gu Zhen didn't want to have a conflict with the hooligans in Hongmen. She just wanted to calm down, and the man followed her for three months. There was no trespass. She said truthfully, "I'm going to move back to my previous house. This is not mine." White

Xian thought about it and said nothing. He hesitated for a few seconds and let go of his hand.

He trotted all the way to the alley of Guzhen's new home.

Gu Zhen has moved back.

She just wanted to discuss with the landlord's wife and let her move back to live, but the landlord's wife said, "we're going to fight. We're going back to our ancestral home.". Would you like to collect the rent for me if you want to come back? " Mrs. Dong trusts Gu Wei very much, and knows that she has read books. She has some decency and is not greedy for her rent.

"Well, I'll watch for you. Even if I have to leave, I will find someone to take care of you. Don't worry. " Gu fan Dao.

So she cleaned up all night and moved back to the old alley.

The coachman helped her to take the luggage in. Bai Xian stood at the door and looked at it as if he wanted to check all the rooms.

After moving, Gu took the rickshaw to the newspaper office again, and packed his luggage after work in the evening. Bai went with her again. The driver took the money and ran very fast, for fear of being affected by bad luck.

It's as if nothing happened.

When she got off work, Bai Xian was not far away. Gu looked at him and didn't respond.

She had dinner at the landlord's house in the evening. Mrs. Dong gave her the spare keys of other households and told her which household should pay the rent on which day and how much and so on.

Gu took a small pen and paper and wrote them down one by one. "

Miss Gu works carefully." The landlady praised her, "then I'll entrust it to you." The next day, the landlord and his family went back to the village of Zhejiang to avoid the war. In addition to going to work, it is to help the landlord look at the house.

The sound of gunfire is getting closer and closer. All the people who can escape are gone. Most of the remaining people are worthless. If they escape and leave a result, they will not move.

Gu Ke also belongs to such a humble life.

She was appointed, not alarmed, and lived in silence.

It's just that it rains in winter, and the house is damp and cold, which makes the life of muddling along a layer of mould.

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