Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1712 surveillance

In Shanghai this year, there is no atmosphere in the new year.

There is a red paper lantern hanging at the gate of the alley. It's turned upside down by the cold wind and tastes like water.

Gunfire blocked traffic, and Gu received only a telegram from her mother.

The telegram was sent to her by her classmates in Yuecheng. Her mother and sister thought she was in Yuecheng.

The mother said in the telegram: "the situation is too chaotic. If there is a war in Yuecheng, go back to my hometown, and the key is in the fourth uncle's house."

Fourth uncle is her stepfather's uncle. He and fourth aunt are very good to Gu Zhen's mother and daughter.

Gu Xun sent a telegram to her classmates and asked them to call back for help. He said, "yes."

She didn't feel that way.

The new year's news office has five days off and goes to work on the fourth day of the new year.

Gu Zhen got the first salary of the new year. She wanted to buy rice. Her family's rice is at the bottom. She usually goes back to cook at night.

"I have to buy rice as soon as possible. The price of rice is not the same as it was years ago. It is estimated that it will increase." My colleague said.

Gu Zhen is in a panic.

It's off work that day, and it's raining outside. The rain was rather heavy, cold and windy.

Her clothes were wet by the rain. Thinking of the bad weather, she was afraid that she would carry rice home. There were fewer rickshaws in the street.

But she thought of what her colleagues had said.

In case the price of rice goes up again, she won't be able to eat at this salary.

She hesitated and went to the door of the rice shop.

I can't imagine that there was a long line at the gate of the rice shop so late. The boy shouted at his voice, "if you buy ten catties for one person, if you have more, you can get the ticket first."

When picking up the ticket, the guy standing next to me looks familiar to me. I can't buy it many times.

Gu, who was hesitant at first, suddenly realized that if she didn't buy rice today, she might not be able to buy it.

She hurried to line up.

At a glance, she looked at the man who followed her.

The man persevered, following the wind and rain. Gu Zhen's fear from the beginning, to now, seeing him is reassuring.

At least, with him following her every day, she is safe to go to and from work.

She was in line for more than an hour, from dusk to dark.

When I saw that she was a thin girl, I said, "you can't carry more than five Jin."

"No, I want ten jin," Gu said

I can't help it. I gave her a ticket of ten jin.

She went to buy rice. When she paid, she saw the price. Rice was three times more expensive than it was years ago, which was pretty good.

She holds an umbrella in one hand, and carries ten jin of rice in the other hand. Her feet are still a pair of lonely high-heeled shoes, and the whole person is teetering.

She hugged rice and stood by the side of the road waiting for the tram.

When the tram arrived, the nearest station was about two miles away from the lane where she lived.

She took the tram for 30 minutes. When she got off, a woman and three children also got off.

The children were half old and not small. They rushed towards her at once. She stumbled and sprained her high-heeled shoes. Her feet hurt badly. The umbrella in her hand was swept away by the wind and rice was scattered all over the ground.

Instead, the child's mother scolded her: "don't you look at the road?"

Then he said to his children, "be careful. The rice in this place is useless for a little girl. If someone else has to step on it, he will slip. Do you want to pay for it?"

When the pain in Gu's feet eased a little, the woman had gone far with the child.

Gu Zhen took off his shoes and looked at the lower rice bag. There was only half of the bag left.

A few beggars came up and grabbed the rice pieces on the ground. You caught me one by one, and I caught them in pieces.

Gu Zhen was stunned when he knew it, and his body was slightly shaken by the rain.

Her umbrella has been blown by the wind.

Holding a small half bag of rice, she simply took off her shoes and walked home step by step.

The foot injury is not serious, but sprain. How is it possible to wear high heels without sprain? Just take off your shoes and walk as usual.

That's good news today.

Only barefoot wear socks to walk, the sole of the foot plate by the road stone diaphragm pain.

Every few steps Gu Zhen takes, he stops to hold the lamp pole beside him and let his feet rest.

The cold rain was still pouring on her, and the half bag of rice left in her arms was also wet.

At this moment, suddenly a dark shadow came near and shrouded her.

Gu Zhen is shocked.

Looking back, I saw that the hooligan of Hongmen came with his umbrella.

He didn't talk either. He put the umbrella in her arms and then he took her up.

All of a sudden, Gu Zhen almost screamed out. The rice bag and umbrella in her hand were about to land. She hurriedly held the rice and the umbrella tightly, but forgot to be afraid.

When she comes back to her senses, she is already in someone's arms.

This rascal has a bad character, but he is very tall and strong. His skin is darker than that of the ordinary people, which makes him very horrible.

"Put me down, I can go by myself!" Gu Zhen struggles.

The other side is very cold, arm hoop tight her: "I'm going to shift, who has the time to follow you slowly back!"

Gu Zhen's anger rose in his heart.

She would like to say: in this case, do not follow her every day!

She is a victim. Why does it seem that she has delayed others' time?

How could it be!

But where is the world reasonable?

Gu Zhen is a soft character. She can't do evil words. She bears them silently.

Man's legs are long. Gu Xun has to walk for more than ten minutes. He will arrive in a few minutes.

At the gate of the lane hall, he put down Gu Ke and took his umbrella rudely. Without looking at her, he turned around and went out.

The successor is here.

"Nothing today." Bai Yin Road.

The companion shrunk his frozen hand and scolded him in a low voice: "this ghost day, it's cold and wet! What's the use of watching her? Can't you use torture to extort a confession quickly? "

"I guess it's also a way to prevent the fish from escaping." Bai Yin Road.

They are useless in the gang. They are at the bottom of the gang. It's better to find something for them.

Therefore, the companions feel that tracking Gu Zhen is of no value, but they ignore the root cause because they are of little value to the gang.

Bai Xian simply said a few words and turned to go.

But the companion laughs to pull him, lewd way: "want to go to white snow to sleep again?"

"White Xian light way:" yes

"Well, go ahead, you two are very affectionate." The companion said with a smile.

Bai Xian's brow was frown inadvertently.

It's not that he's unhappy, it's his partner's lewd and greasy attitude that makes him uncomfortable.

Haoxue is a singer. Her surname is Bai. She works in a singing and dancing hall.

The real behind the scenes boss of that dance hall is Zhang Xinmei. He also knew Zhang Jiuye and became his undercover agent.

He and Bai haoxue are both orphans of the welfare hall. They were not close when they were children. Later, they grew up and left the welfare hall together. They haven't read books and don't know words. What else can they do besides coolie?

When he was a child, he was called stone and haoxue was called Sanya.

Since entering the dance hall, haoxue has changed his name and his own.

It's changed in a different way.

Haoxue gave it to him, good or bad, he had to accept it.

He also lives in the singing and dancing hall, but not in haoxue room, but under the stairs of the storage room.

In such a heavy rain, it's the new year's pass again. The singing and dancing hall is still bustling. The French concession in Shanghai has the feeling that "the first half of the soldiers are dead, and the beautiful women are singing and dancing.".

"It's shameless. I promised to accompany you tonight!" When he got closer, he saw that haoxue was drunk because she was holding on to a guest.

The guest's hand fumbled and said, "I really have to go back. My uncle will arrive in the morning."

Haoxue doesn't give up: "bring your brother-in-law with you. You are not allowed to leave anyway."

The guest was a little anxious and almost pushed haoxue to stagger.

Bai Xian comes forward and pulls haoxue off the guest. The guest runs away in a hurry.

Haoxue is really drunk. She can't stand pushing and shoving like this. She holds the stone pillar beside her and vomits.

After she vomited, she looked up and saw Bai Xian. She chuckled, "stone!"

Bai Xian asked, "Why are you having trouble with the guests again?"

"These dead things are stinging one by one! It's not easy to catch one, but we have to dig out some oil and water. " Bai haoxue said.

Bai Xian helplessly helped her to the dressing room to rest.

He took warm water to wash her mouth and asked for a plate of hot water to wash her face and hands.

"Or don't do it." Bai Xian couldn't help saying.

Bai haoxue said with a smile, "is it difficult to go to the next hall? When we were young, we always had to earn some money. In the future, we will go to the countryside to buy a piece of land, and we will have a foothold for the rest of our lives. It's better to be a singer than a jinv. Why do you think I'm dirty? "

Bai Xian's eyes were cold.

Haoxue pulls his face: "Yo, are you jealous again?" She used to have a good temper. When she said this, she suddenly felt unhappy and slapped Bai Xian in the face: "are you still jealous? What is your right to be jealous? How dare you despise me when you are a rascal? Did I go to sell it?

Bai Xian has a stiff neck.

"I tell you stone, you never want to leave me in your life! You don't like me. What did you do when you were 14? The hooligan, who was a bitch since childhood, has a long face now! " White snow scolds.

Bai Xian lets her scold her. Her fingers are deeply in the flesh, and she pinches out the deep traces of her palms.

Later, several other dancers came in and held down haoxue and said, "don't be angry, sister Bai."

Bai Xian turns around and leaves without saying a word.

A little dancer who has just been in business for half a year catches up with him and whispers to Bai Xian, "brother Bai, don't be angry, sister haoxue is drunk today."

This little dancer is always looking for a chance to talk with Bai Xian. She looks after him very much.

Don't think about it, white snow rushed out.

She grabbed the dancer's collar and slapped her in the face: "you little wave hoof, seduce my man!"

After that, she slapped Bai Xian in the face again. "I knew you were upset, you stinky, you poor man!"

Finally, the manager came forward to subdue the noisy snow.

Bai Xian goes downstairs to call Zhang Xinmei's people and tell them all about Gu Zhen.

After that, the person over there suddenly asked on the phone, "white stone, are you crying?" "No." Bai Xian hangs up the phone.

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