Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1714 your name

It rained a few times in the first month of Shanghai, and it finally cleared up. However, the sound of fire is getting heavier and heavier, almost bursting in the ear. Every day's news of the newspaper is about war, and she's about to collapse. In such a chaotic time, people are like ants.

Even if it's sunny, you can't get a good mood.

She still goes to and from work every day. On the 10th day of the first month, when she got off work, she delayed for a while, just in time for an urgent news report, which needed to be published immediately.

When she's done, it's eight o'clock in the evening.

She stretched and found that Luo was there.

When he saw her stop, he also looked up to greet her and asked with a smile, "have you finished?"

"Finished." Gu fan Dao.

In fact, Luo Zhubi is OK. He intentionally stayed to wait for her. The whole newspaper is just the two of them.

Luo put his hand in the pocket of his suit pants and came to her and asked, "would you like to have dinner so late?"

This is Luo's former senior brother, who is also from Yuecheng. Her family is very rich.

He can drive a car by himself. It's very luxurious. He often has a girlfriend around him. He has a lot of frills and news. I heard that he has tangled up with singers.

Since Gu Zhen arrived at the newspaper office, Luo's main writer has always expressed his affection for her.

The other side has also converged a lot recently, listening to colleagues' comments that he has been careless and doesn't muddle around recently. His work belongs to him, and he will complete it on time and in volume.

In the office, he said at the volume Gu can hear, "I met someone I really like and decided to get married. Who was not absurd when he was young? Knowing what is wrong can change nothing. " Quarrel with the

people and ask him who he is interested in.

Goo also looked at them curiously. She saw that Luo's eyes fell on her. She didn't understand the meaning of this look at that time. Maybe she was a little dull in her character. After several times, Luo asked her to have dinner and to see a movie. That's why she connected his words with his eyes that day, and her heart was vaguely clear. Luo

the main writer took a fancy to her.

He said that if he changed, his character would change. He didn't make fun of his female colleagues, didn't go to work and finished his work in a proper way. The chief editor was moved to cry. He was praised every day for being obedient and obedient recently. However, it is not very exciting.

She thinks that Luo is the kind of person who likes to be lively. When she gets married in the future, her family must also be friends and companions. She can't be free at any time. However,

Gu Wei, when he is not engaged in social activities, prefers to hide himself and live a life of isolation.

It's such a busy life. She wants to blow up her scalp.

So, it's not that Luo's writing is not good, nor that she worries that he will return to the romantic character and betray her, but that she feels from the bottom of her heart that she is not the same person as him.

But the little hooligan who followed her every day, who was silent and could sit all day without moving, and could stand it.

"It's so late. Don't bother." Gu Xun said to the horse, "I'll leave first."

Luo's main pen is Luo Xiyuan. He can't help but reach for her.

He smiled bitterly. "Miss Gu can't really see me? I'm talking to you. You're distracted. " Gu blushed. "I'm too tired today. I can't concentrate."

For the first time, Luo's pen said that she couldn't see him, which was a very clear expression, while Gu's attention was on the word "wandering".

Luo Xiyuan is a human spirit, which makes sure that the little girl really doesn't like herself.

He was attracted by Gu Zhen, fascinated by her, not just her beauty. Gu is a very beautiful girl. She has small apricot eyes, thin shoulders and waist. In terms of appearance and facial features, she is very striking. But it was her character that attracted Rosie. She is very gentle and meticulous. No matter how impetuous the world is, she will not hurry to do her job well. Luo often has a blundering mind, so he loves this kind of quiet girl. It's just that this girl is a little hard to catch. But

LUO Xiyuan told himself that the pursuit of this kind of girl can't be urgent and requires patience. Her beauty and character are worthy of men's careful holding. "

will you accompany me to dinner as a punishment for your wandering? I'm too tired. I'll have a good meal to make up for it. " Rosie won said again. He

tried to invite again.

Gu Xun hesitated and agreed, "well, I'll let you spend the money."

Great joy to Rosie. The chaos in front of his eyes finally split, revealing a ray of light.

His face seemed to be covered with a layer of light, so happy. All of a sudden, Gu couldn't bear it. She was afraid of embarrassing rejection and wanted to agree this time. Next time, she said that the food he ordered was not suitable for her, so she made clear what she meant.

I don't think so.

"It's over." She wailed in her heart, "what can I do?" She packed up her things and walked out of the newspaper. She saw the man at a glance. He stood under the tree and looked this way.

Gu Wei stood still at the door.

The man didn't move, he wasn't close.

Rosie won went to drive, and two minutes later he drove over. Gu

got on the car and looked in the rearview mirror. She saw the man trotting up. This meal was very enjoyable, because Gu Zhen's judgment is good, and Luo is really articulate, so he can keep the topic on his own.

Gu Zhen follows him, just nodding his head to answer a few words, not coldly. All of a sudden, she felt that the excitement was not so hard.

It's just that I have to take care of her like this all my life. If I don't have a word to find, it's hard for Luo to write. After dinner

LUO sent Gu Zhen home. Gu

always feels that he owes him a meal and wants to make things clear.

She got off the car at the entrance of the alley. Luo

the author's car has driven far away, and he doesn't know how, so he wants to look back at Gu Zhen. No, at that time, Gu Zhen was still at the entrance of the alley, but he was staring at his car and didn't go back. Luo

the main writer is surprised and happy. He is going to die of happiness. He immediately transferred the car back. Gu was reluctant to part with him. Luo's pen was so excited that he cried. Tonight, anyway, he had to express his love and kiss her by the way.

Unexpectedly, his car stopped on the opposite side, and Gu Zhen's tense face suddenly relaxed.

There was a smile on her face. Luo

the main pen followed her eyes and saw a tall, thick man running panting. This is what people do at first glance. They are dressed in coarse cloth. They are extremely tall and strong, like a mountain. Gu turned around in a hurry, as if afraid of being seen by the man, and went back to the alley. Luo

the writer looked at Gu Wei's back and found that she didn't know his car at all. His heart thumped. White

Hyun and his partner changed classes. His

companion found that a car had been parked at the entrance of the alley, so he watched it for a long time, until Luo Zhubi raised a little strength, so he drove away. Bai

Xian returns to the ballroom. Dancing

when the hall is busy, Xiao Sun shifts to rest and talks with Bai Xian on the back steps.

Bai Xian said that if he wanted to read, he would really study hard.

He has learned the strokes well these days.

Xiao Sun wants to teach her simple words, but Bai Xian asks her "how to write cloud words of white clouds?" "

Nuo, look" Xiao Sun is on the ground. The words "cloud"

are very simple.

Bai Xian learned it after reading it.

He asked again, "take care of yourself, how do you write these two words?"

Xiao Sun said with a smile, "brother Bai, it's a little difficult. Let's start with simplicity."

Bai Xian is very persistent, "teach a good, take care of the word" Gu "how to write?"

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