Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1715 delivering

It's cold at night. It's still cold after the end of the year. Even if it is clear in the day, the cold air at night is still biting. White

Yin is sitting and lying half by half against the wall of the stairwell, with his fingers on his own legs, looking at the clouds and strokes.

The strokes of these two words, like heat flow, poured into his body in clusters. He is like an insatiable man, repeating it over and over again. No matter how cold the night is, no matter how gloomy the life is, it is enough to comfort my loneliness.

Gu could not sleep at night.

It's very cold in the quilt, maybe it's too wet. She can't make the quilt warm. The more she sleeps, the more awake she becomes. As for Yu Luo, she felt that she had to say something and could not pretend to be stupid.

It wasn't until after three o'clock in the morning that she fell asleep.

With such a delay, she got up late the next day. As soon as she opened her eyes, she had 40 minutes to go to work and had to run.

She simply brushed her teeth, washed her face, put on her clothes, took her bag and ran out. White

Xian is slowly eating pancakes, and he sees his hair in a mess. She holds her bag in her mouth, and her clothes and scarf are desperately wrapped around her body, and she is walking fast.

She usually wears high heels.

These women, even in the cold winter months, wear glass socks with single leather shoes. But today, she stuffed her shoes into her bag and ran in cotton shoes.

Before she ran out of the alley, one of the shoes in the bag fell out. She hurriedly went to pick it up. White

Xian came forward and picked up the shoes for her. "Are you going to be late?"

"Well." Gu Zhen is very worried, "get up late, get up late, damn!" White

Hyun grabbed her arm at once. "Hey, calm down, what are you afraid of being late? The streets are full of people and trams. Do you want to die for running around like this? "

Gu Wei looks up at him.

He is really tall. At such a close distance, she needs to look up very hard to see his face clearly.

"No, there was a piece of news compiled by me yesterday. I have to hand it in this morning. I locked it in the drawer. If I'm late, I'll delay the next printing of the newspaper. The evening paper will come out. " Gu Wei said, his eyes are a little red. White

the subconscious mind has released its hand.

He couldn't understand what she was talking about, which made him feel cowardly.

She is a scholar, engaged in a decent and bright career. Holding her arm across her overcoat, he felt that his hands were smeared with oil. He unconsciously wiped his palm on his pants and looked around. "Wait, I'll call a rickshaw." He trotted away. Gu also calmed down and trotted to the station. No, I just left for three minutes. Bai Xian came back with a rickshaw. He was so fierce that he robbed the car himself. The coachman ran after him. He dared not to be angry.

Gu Wei wants to say something. Bai Xian says, "get on the bus." He runs fast all the way. When he arrived at Gu Zhen's newspaper office, he was sweating all over, and he could feel the heat coming from him in the cold winter.

Gu Zhen wanted to say something more, but downstairs they all heard their editor in chief's roar, "how can you not be responsible for one by one, do you have a sense of responsibility, where have people died?" Gu didn't dare to delay any more, said a thank-you in a low voice and hurried upstairs.

Bai Xian waited five minutes for the driver to catch up. He was very anxious and scared.

When I got my car, the driver was very happy and said "thank you" again and again Hyun gave him the money.

The coachman dared not ask for it. He took his car and ran away. White

Xian looked at his far back, just on the glass door downstairs, saw his own shadow, thinking that he really looked terrible.

He is too tall. When he was a child in the welfare hall, he would rob everything he ate and drank. He can rob more than other children. He eats more and grows stronger.

Later, it became more and more uncontrollable.

He and haoxue left welfare hall at the age of 14. If he told others that he was only 18 this year, no one would believe him.

Like haoxue, he hated the world all the year round and looked old.

When he left welfare hall, he also worked as a rickshaw driver. I have been working for half a month. Once a rich lady got on his car. He was running too fast. He was asked to kidnap him. He cried and cried in fear.

The rich lady's man was waiting at his destination. When he saw his wife crying, he smashed his car in spite of 37-21. All the members who have been running for half a month have been confiscated. The boss lost a rickshaw and has no choice but to drive him away.

He begged the boss to make more money to return the rickshaw. The old

board said, "just like you, like a robber, I'm afraid that the team will be demolished by you." He has been to other places and even sold coolie at the wharf. However, no matter where he goes, he should be warned that he looks like a villain. Don't be afraid of him. He was fed up with insults and simply became a villain.

For example, this morning, he really just wanted to talk well, borrowed the car from the driver, but the driver was scared to hold his head and shrink his head, asking him to take the car but not hit people. He stood for a moment in the cold wind, and his sweat dried slowly. When he was about to leave, someone shouted behind him.

Gu Zhen has come down again.

She had a scarf in her hand. "I know you're going to wait here another day. You're sweating all over. Here you are. Don't freeze. "

Bai Xian looks at the snow-white scarf. It's hairy, long and thick. It should be made by herself. He shouldn't take it. He's in a bad sweat. He's going to get this scarf dirty, even if he can't wash it. But the hand extended out uncontrollably and took over the thickest warmth in his life. "

thank you. I've caught up. I didn't miss it." Gu Xun said again, then saw him holding the scarf, and said, "surround yourself, and worry about catching cold."

She turned to go. White

Xian suddenly said, "haven't you had breakfast yet?" He wants to buy.

I didn't think about it, but Gu said, "my colleague took bread and gave me one. I've eaten it." He made a sound and took a step back in silence.

He can't help her with anything.

After Gu Zhen left, he slowly wrapped his scarf around his neck.

The scarf is very warm. He can wrap it in two circles with such a strong body. It can be seen that it's really long.

It has a light fragrance on it.

He used to be in the singing and dancing hall. He didn't smell the fragrance used by the guests or the singers and dancers. It was light and slightly absent.

Sitting alone on a stone bench, he felt incredibly warm. All the sunshine was shining on him, and he had all his limbs. It's almost eleven o'clock in the afternoon. A man drove to the newspaper office. He was the one who went to dinner with Gu Zhen last night. Bai knew him, and he saw Bai Xian. He saw the scarf on Bai Xian's neck. His expression was tight. His gentle face suddenly twisted and his fist tightly clenched. Bai

Hyun had a clear picture of what he had done before he attacked the male creature, and he stood up immediately.

He was so tall that he stood up in a terrible manner. Even if he was surrounded by such a white and fragrant scarf, it would not affect his ferocity at all.

He has no good will. Luo

the main writer felt that he had only to be beaten when he got up with his bare hands. He resisted the impulse and walked quickly into the office building.

On the stairs, the cold air in the corridor excited, Luo's mind that was fainted by Qi was a little clear. He slapped himself on the forehead, "what's my memory?"

He finished talking to himself and went downstairs before he reached the office door. He picked up a bunch of fresh roses from the back of the car. When he took it away, he glanced at Bai Xian. However, seeing Bai Xian's eyes stagnant, he went upstairs with some satisfaction.

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