Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1716 white scarf

Bai Xian's eyes are full of the rose's red color, which is as red as blood. At present, there are wars all over the place, and it's cold winter, so fresh roses can't be bought with money. Because

is the relationship of haoxue, Bai Xian knows all the secrets on the Fengyue field.

Only the popular singer will get the rose from the distinguished guest. Haoxue is only 18 years old this year. She is beautiful but has a shrewd personality. Singing is not good. She can't receive such roses. She often said to Bai Xian, "I really want to throw that rose on the bitch's face, pull out the blood on her face, and make her feel better!" She is as vicious as Bai Xian. If you dig their flesh and skin, it is estimated that they are all dark and dirty, from flesh and blood to bone cracks.

He didn't hate the red rose like haoxue. Every time he saw the noble guest sending it to the pillar, haoxue could crush his teeth. He was indifferent. Up to this point.

He felt that the prickly flower had been pulled from his heart and pierced with holes. That man is rich, knowledgeable and tasteful. He is the same kind of person as Gu Zhen.

He felt that Gu Ke, who received the flowers, must be like a big singer, with pride and pride on his face, as well as a sweet smile. But he was wrong.

Gu Zhen was as dull as a chicken, looking at the flowers handed by Luo. After two seconds of silence in the office, there was a roar like a mountain and a tsunami.

The voice was very loud, and Bai Xian, who was standing downstairs across the street, heard it.

The stab on the tip of his heart pierced two more points into the meat.

He subconsciously covered his scarf tightly, buried his humble head deeply, and no longer looked over there. But after

he heard footsteps. Gu rushed down. She changed her high-heeled shoes this time, and her shoes were ticking on the floor tiles in the street. That is to say, Luo Zhubi also went downstairs.

Bai Xian immediately crossed the street and caught up with Gu Zhen. "Miss Gu, did someone bully you?" Gu

tears on his face, his face dismal. She stopped, and Luo came to her, apologizing, "I'm sorry, Miss Gu, I didn't mean to embarrass you. I love you. I want to show my sincerity by openly courting you. I will never tease you. "

Bai Xian's face was ferocious. He pushed the main pen hard to "roll!" Luo

the main pen didn't pay attention to it, so he pushed it to the wall, making a dull noise and almost carried it.

Bai Xian can almost throw Luo's pen across the street with one hand. Gu

looked at the scene, and people were in a daze.

If she is an exquisite character, she should apologize to Luo at the moment. And people have never come to the end of no disrespect, even if she is invited to eat is extra care for her. It was

she was frightened by the coaxing herself. She thought she didn't make it clear last night. More

Jia is that the person who followed her fell and hurt Luo's pen.

She should apologize and scold Bai Xian.

Bai Xian regrets it.

He felt that she would not hit him in the face like haoxue, and would scold him for something wrong.

I didn't think about it, but Gu Ke just held Bai Xian's hand, just like a child who made a mistake and ran away without any responsibility.

Luo Zhubi looks at this scene, and his heart almost crumbles. He was thrown to the ground and watched Gu Zhen pull up the back of the man running away. His vision gradually blurred. He cried.

I don't know if it's painful or sad. He was a little desperate. Gu

ran over two streets and made sure that Luo didn't catch up, so he stopped.

She kept panting and forgot to release Bai Xian's hand.

Bai Xian didn't remind her. He is like a marionette, she can hold it. Gu

panted smoothly. Later, he took back his hand, which was full of sweat.

"I'm too bad, I'm too bad," she gasped

Everything she does today is horribly stupid. With a little brain, she can't do such a wicked and absent-minded thing. With a character like her, she can't be on the table.

Bai Xian didn't speak.

He clenched his palm as if to keep the warmth and softness.

She went on in silence. White

Xian follows her.

Two people walked three streets in silence. White sage seemed to gather enough courage to say, "are you hungry?"

It's time for lunch.

Gu Ke shook his head. "I'm not hungry. My legs are a little sore."

Bai Xian said, "I'll carry you. Where do you want to go?"

Gu doesn't want to go anywhere. She just doesn't know what to do now. "Let's find a place to sit down, even if we don't eat," she said

There is a coffee shop just in front.

She was in a trance and went straight in.

I don't think so, but the man stopped Bai Xian. "I'm sorry, you have to wait outside. There are many guests today. There's no room for this. You can't come in without spending."

Bai Xian's face was originally black, and now it's even darker.

Gu Zhen's heart was stabbed inexplicably. She immediately turned back and said, "how do you know he doesn't spend? Look down on people! " Say

well, she took Bai Xian and left the coffee shop. Little

What did the guy say behind his back? Gu Zhen didn't hear it. White

half of the body is a little stiff. At the end of the day, they found a shabby little restaurant. Gu said they couldn't walk. They wanted to sit down.

The benches and tables in the restaurant are greasy.

Bai Xian takes out the paper on the table and wipes it again and again for Gu Zhen. When the landlady sees it, she complains, "what do you pay attention to when you are poor?" He didn't get angry today. His hatred of the whole world seemed to be frozen in a thousand feet pool and could not rise at all. He ordered two dishes and a soup. Bai Xian didn't eat much, but Gu Zhen was hungry and enjoyed it. "

What's the matter?" When she was free to eat, she saw Bai Xian sitting dead and asked him, "why don't you eat?" He also wore a scarf over his chin. If eat, need to take off scarf, otherwise she wants to ask again, appear more strange.

At the moment, he would rather chop off his head than take off the scarf. He had to say, "I'm running too fast. I've got a bit of a fork in my stomach. I'll have a rest first." I believe it.

When she had finished eating, her mind occupied her mind again, and she sat worrying.

She didn't know how to get back. In the age of chaos, there are not many jobs in Shanghai, especially for women. She offended Luo Zhubi in this way. If Luo Zhubi retaliates, she must go. The boss and the editor in chief will definitely let her go.

She's just a little compiler, not even a journalist. How can she compare with a famous person like Luo?

She sighed.

Bai Xian doesn't look at her. He looks at the desk in front of him, only Yu Guang glances at her. Gu sighed several times.

"May I help you?" Bai Xian just started. "You can't help," Gu said White's heart sank. He can't help. Today, he pushed Luo's main pen. In fact, he is full of selfishness. Otherwise, he won't play so hard.

He not only failed to help, but also brought her a disaster. At the end of the day, he paid the bill and went out with a heavy heart. Gu took a few steps to remember that he didn't eat anything, but he had to pay for it, so he said, "I'll give you the money for the meal." White

the look of a virtuous man has changed to "no use."

"Why not?" Gu was embarrassed. "I can't take advantage of others just because I'm in a bad mood. Besides, you sent me to the newspaper this morning. I want to thank you anyway. "

"Then give me this scarf, and I will not return it." Gu

raises his eyes and looks at him. He is very tall, and Gu Zhen is not usually the kind of person who likes to see people's eyes and talk. She ignores that he is still wearing the scarf.

When she looked at it like this, she just ran into his low eyes. There's no reason why she blushed. She whispered, "well, here you are."

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