Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1717 visiting the park

They have been out all day.

Gu had courage to face it several times and apologized to Luo. However, she was too counseled and had stage fright.

She is not afraid of loneliness and difficulties, but of dealing with people.

She and Bai Xian hang out in the park.

The first month is still cold, and the sun is thin, hardly warm. They sat down for a moment, and goo was frozen to dry. She looked at the people around her eyes and saw that he was still wearing a thin jacket. She sat on the stone stool downstairs for a whole day. From winter to spring, she wanted to ask him, "aren't you cold?" However, this is not appropriate.

What can I do if it's cold? He is just a small person, not a person to watch her. Can he find a shelter because of the cold?

He lives in this world, even more involuntarily than Gu Zhen. Gu stood up and said, "let's go."

It's warm to walk. "Don't your feet hurt?" said Xian

"No pain, no tiredness. Let's go." Gu fan Dao. He has been monitoring her for more than three months and helped her many times. She didn't know his name yet. "

What's your name?" Gu Zhen asked suddenly.

Bai xiandun.

He didn't want to tell Gu Zhen his ironic name, so he said, "my name is stone." Gu smiled, "stone? What's your last name? " White is silent. It's hard to say? That's okay. My name is Gu Ke. There are different opinions about Gu panshenghui. " White

Xian only thought that she spoke very well and had a cultural appearance, but he was confused in his heart.

Isn't it a cloud of white clouds? Which word is that? "

how to write?" He asked. Gu

Jin was about to say it when he suddenly remembered that he said he didn't know the word, and then unconsciously bit his lip and felt that he had said a stupid word again. She seems to be showing off on purpose, although she usually introduces herself in this way.

She drew on the ground with her toes. White

just remember, there are several more. "

a nice name. Who gave it to you?" He asked. Gu said, "my father, I don't know. My mother used to be an aunt to a large family. Later, the family was in a bad situation. My first sister gave me severance pay and we went back to the countryside. She said it was my father who took it. I don't know. I haven't seen him. "

Bai Xian listens carefully. Every word of her seems to be engraved in his heart. Gu asked him, "are your parents still alive?" White

Xian "don't know."

Gu Zhen looks at him.

Bai Xian: "I was left in the welfare hall when I was young, not raised by my parents." Gu's face was a little pale.

She smiled awkwardly. "I'm sorry. Look at me. I'm so stupid today that I don't ask anything right. "

Bai Xian shook his head. "What can I hide? You didn't offend me. In this world, it's good to be left in welfare hall, at least to survive and be left on the side of the road. "

Gu Xun had to smile. She asked Bai Xian, "are you married?" White felt as if he heard something breaking, which pulled him from his dream to reality. After a few seconds of silence, he said, "no marriage, but someone"

Gu's fingers curled up involuntarily, and she held them tightly.

Bai Xian continued, "I will marry her in the future." "

that's the fiancee." Gu Zhen's voice was much lighter. "It's very good. Together, two people can finally become a family. It's good to live a safe life." White

Hyun hum.

Until dusk, Gu Wei said he would sneak back to the newspaper office to get his bag.

The key to her door is still in her bag. The same

business has been going on and on. Several saw her coming and saw her with her head down. They were too embarrassed to make fun of her. They just said hello.

Gu Wei took the bag and left. White

Xian told Gu Zhen about his own affairs, especially after the sentence of "marriage", he was in a bad mood. He changed classes with his companions and left without a clue. He went to the back door of the singing and dancing hall. Every bone in his body seemed to be filled with cold wind. His skin and flesh would be frozen to death. He was cold, almost unbearable. It seems that he has never been so cold in his life. He took the scarf off, wrapped it around his waist, sneaked into the stairwell, and stuffed it into the quilt.

And Gu Zhen said those words, every sentence is echoing in the ear, his viscera are empty. He

previously felt that there was a gap between him and her in the two words of "Gu" and "Yun". He learned it and was a little closer.

Only now did he know that there were "different opinions" and "different opinions" among them. Let alone write, he had never heard of them.

He sat quietly against the wall. This

carved song and dance hall is still in business. Someone will pass by and call him "Bai Xian, have you come back so early?"

He was not in the mood to listen, so he had to climb the roof alone. He sat on the top of the cold building and heard the voice of the singer on the stage. It is

bright snow.

He didn't like white snow when he was a child.

Haoxue was also called Sanya at that time. He was very clever and strange. He often fought against him. Later, she said that he always ignored her and she played tricks on him to attract his attention. After he was 12 years old, he was very tall, full of the stature of an adult. Although he was still young, he could help others to do things - serious business, not petty theft. Fu

Li Tang's children are either adopted or have to pay for their own meals since they are six years old. No matter how you do it, you have to pay every day. Bai thinks he needs to find a way out in the future, so he helps to do some chores from the age of six and gives them to welfare hall. He can save some secretly.

He is not greedy. He hides a little at a time, which is invisible. He kept the secret until he was fourteen and his money was gone. He has saved for several years, which is enough for him to buy a train ticket and a set of luggage to leave Shanghai, and to rent a house in another place for a month, so that he can stand on his feet and change his face.

Lost the money, but the people of welfare hall found that his hiding was more terrible, so he didn't dare to expand.

He paid close attention to it for a few days, and thought that it was haoxue who stole his money.

That day, he sneaked into the girl's dormitory while sleeping in haoxue. In order not to wake her up, he felt under her pillow.

No, he suspected that she was hiding under the quilt in the bed.

He climbed up. The white snow, who had been sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes. She put her arms around his neck, pulled him to herself and kissed him.

It was his first kiss with a girl.

Haoxue doesn't know what he ate in the evening. He has a strong and strange taste in his mouth. He's not excited. He's a little sick in retrospect. The next day, haoxue said to him, "let's leave the welfare hall and give your money to them, even if you redeem us. When you get into my bed, I will be your person, and you will be responsible for me. "

His years of hard work were all destroyed by haoxue's hand. He paid the money and was released from the welfare hall. For example,

if they don't go, haoxue is likely to be sold to Tangzi. He gives haoxue a chance to choose, though only between the Kabuki and jinu.

It's still different.

Haoxue knows about it, but she never thanks him. When she was in the welfare hall, she would vent her anger towards life on other children younger and weaker than her, and now she gave it all to Bai Xian.

Two people do not know the word, almost no way out. In the days to come, he still kissed haoxue, even he felt it. Snow never gives herself to him.

She often said, "the first time a woman can sell money, is it worth enjoying such a valuable one? When I want to leave in the future, I will exchange it for a sum of money, enough for us to buy ten mu of land! Ten acres of land, stone. We have completely changed our ways and become landlords. "

He didn't force it. He knows that he is abusive and that people like him can marry a good girl. What's more, haoxue?

Haoxue always controls him, and he doesn't resist. He went to bed first, no matter what.

He was wrong first, so he had to bear the consequences. Haoxue beat him and scolded him. He thought it was right. He was very painful and numb. It's common for children growing up in the welfare hall to beat and scold. Only

Yes, he used to live in mud. Why does God want him to smell flowers?

He would hear Gu's soft voice: "Gu, who looks forward to life, has different opinions."

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