Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1718 I have a sweetheart

Bai Xian didn't sleep this night. From time to time, he dreamed that at the door of the coffee shop, Gu Zeyi said, "the dog sees the man low." later, he dreamt that she pulled his hand. Those memories are all in his mind, lingering in his dreams all night long. The next day, he woke up at four o'clock in the morning. He went up to the second floor to help arrange the goods in the storage room. He was busy all morning.

The director in charge of logistics saw it and handed him a box of cigarettes. "It's hard. You can do things quickly."

Bai Xian took over in silence.

He was silent and began to take a cold shower. He didn't pay much attention to these things before. When he was in the welfare hall, everyone was dirty and smelly, especially at the bottom of Hongmen. But all of a sudden he loves to be clean. He washed himself with cold water in the cold air of the first month, and then daubed the saponifia.

The clothes are still so shabby. The edge of the jacket is worn. When he had taken a bath and dressed up, he went downstairs slowly in the snow.

"Where are you going today?" Haoxue asked suddenly.

Women's acuteness is unreasonable. White

virtuous "stalking."

"Three or four months?" White snow frowns, "haven't you finished staring? What is it? "

"You ask me?" Bai Xian's voice did not fluctuate. "It's not my order."

Then he turned and left. Snow was very uncomfortable. She asked several people. This ballroom is all Hongmen's, and someone knows Bai Xian's trend.

"It's a big thing. I lost a very important thing. Even if there's a trace of it, keep an eye on it. " The man told haoxue.

Haoxue is relieved. She patted her chest. "It scared me to death. I thought that that bitch had a strange idea! I'm scared to death. " Another singer with the same status as haoxue just passed by and heard haoxue's words.

The singer, a little older than haoxue, said, "what do you always scold him for? He is good enough. If you scold him and run away, where can you find such a good one? He is both able and honest. " "

is he honest?" Haoxue sniffed, "I dare to touch my bed when I'm 14. Be honest! Where can a man be trusted? Give him some nice words. He doesn't know who he is. He's such a bad guy. He's not worthy of a good word. " Say

and she went upstairs twisting her waist. Song

the woman looks at her, but shakes her head, thinking that this woman is really sick. Fu

those who grew up in Litang have some flaws in character, but those who are as neurotic as haoxue are rare.

The singer is a woman of the world.

Haoxue is rolling in the wind and dust. Only when Bai Xian's self-esteem is pressed to a very low level can she feel safe. Otherwise, she will always worry that he looks down on her.

She can stand beating and scolding, but she can't stand contempt. White

Gu Zhen was going out when he was changing shifts. Today she is still very worried.

It seems that Bai Xian is not familiar with her again. She is far behind her and dare not lean too close. Gu got on the tram and ran all the way. When he turned the corner, he saw Gu Zhen's dignified face. She is still worried about last night. At the

newspaper office, Gu Zhen looked anxiously at the desk written by Yanluo. The main pen should have its own independent office, but the main pen is busy and can't stand being locked in a small room by himself every day, so he carried the desk to the back of the big office.

It's just that his desk is twice the size of others, and there's plenty of space around it.

He hasn't come yet. Gu looked once, sorted out his desk and looked again. Suddenly

however, she heard someone behind her asking, "are you looking for me?" There are not many people working in public offices. In general, Luo would not come to work so early.

He arrived early today. Gu made an awkward scene. "

I want to apologize to you." Gu Jiao turned back to his shoulder, and his eyes fell on his face, murmuring. Luo's face is not very good.

"Let's have lunch together and talk slowly, will you?" Luo wrote, "since it's an apology, is it more sincere to have a meal?"

Gu Wei said "no" and she felt that yesterday's misunderstanding was caused by the dinner the day before yesterday. Now she can't accept the invitation anymore. Luo

the writer sighed helplessly.

He took out a bunch of keys. "You come with me, you have 20 minutes to go to work. Let's find a quiet place to talk."

Gu Zhen nodded. Luo

the main pen goes out of the office and opens the door of the next corridor.

This is the staircase leading to the top floor of the fourth floor, which is not allowed to go up at ordinary times, but Luo said that his inspiration is blocked and he needs to go up to blow the wind, so the boss gave him the key alone.

There are two chairs on the roof.

Mr. Luo, please sit down. "Miss Gu, I see what you mean." When Luo Zhubi sat down, he could not help tearing his breath. However, after

, his back does not rest on the back of the chair. He was pushed by Bai Xian yesterday. Luo's back was bruised. "

I'm sorry that I was too abrupt yesterday." Luo wrote, "I thought that expressing my sincerity to you in front of all people can show you that I am not playing with you. I am serious."

However, Gu can't accept this kind of high-profile courtship, and her whole life has collapsed.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Luo. I have a sweetheart." Gu fan Dao. Luo

the main writer thought of her stop and look, smile the night before yesterday, her heart was in agony. Why did he lose to a vulgar man? Gu

is like a delicate and flawless flower. How can she insert it on cow dung? "

I still have a chance, right?" Luo wrote, "you are not married. It's not immoral for me to compete with your sweetheart for you, is it?" "

No." Gu said, "I rejected you. Luo Zhubi, I'm not playing hard to get. I'm serious. If my refusal bothers you, I will leave. "

The whole man froze.

He was humbled and wronged.

"It's my fault. How can I ask you to leave?" His heart was bleeding. "Please don't leave, or I'll feel guilty all my life."

Don't go, even if I can't get you, let me see you every day. He lived for more than 20 years, and for the first time he met such a desperate love.

Later, she and Luo finally reached an agreement.

Luo accepted her refusal and stopped pestering her. They are still colleagues and have nothing to do with each other. Gu

when he went downstairs, he had a lot of brisk steps, but Luo didn't follow her.

He sat alone in his chair and smoked half a box of cigarettes. Only when the chief editor came up to him and said he would hand in the manuscript did he stand up like a thousand pounds.

He looked over the railings of the high building and saw the people sitting on the stone stool downstairs. That

people are always motionless, but today they are marking something with their fingers on the ground again and again. Luo wants to kill him. But

he knew that once he started, he would use Yin moves secretly.

Gu Zhen seems to be soft and gentle, but he has a strong will to fight with guns. Once he violates Gu Zhen's bottom line, even if the rough guy disappears, he will never get Gu Zhen.

He turned and went downstairs.

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