Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1721 nightmare becomes true

Gu Zhen has been in a daze all morning.

In recent months, it is better to have a man to protect Hongmen than to have her followed every day.

At the beginning of her life, when she saw his silence, her heart was steadfast.

When a girl reaches her age, if she is still in the countryside and has no study or work, she may be able to run all over the place. Naturally, she also wants to get married.

Plus Luo's pursuit, let her face her feelings in a hurry.

Gu Zhen always felt that even if she studied and lived in the city, she was still a peasant woman's aesthetic. Men like

stones must be very popular in the countryside. He can choose the farm work of his family without the work of his mother-in-law.

He is not frivolous. He doesn't flirt around in his spare time. He repairs all the old farm tools and furniture in his family. He is tall and strong, and the idle men in the village dare not bully his wife and children, especially to protect people. In the eyes of a peasant girl, he is the best. Because of this, she also thought that if the war did not stop, she would save some money and go back to the countryside.

Her mother had a lot of land, but now she has not sold it and rented it to the fourth uncle.

She can take the stone back to the countryside to avoid the military disaster and lead a life of men's cultivation and women's weaving. She doesn't need to work in the city. She can write some articles for the newspaper and send them to the newspaper office. He has several column writers in our newspaper. They are from the gentry family. They live far away and far away. They write several articles every month. They pay a lot of money.

The article is sent, the newspaper is sent back, only need to go to the town once a month.

She felt that life must be very good.

He went down during the day. She cleaned the house and cooked food at home. Then she read, wrote and ate together. If you want to have a child, please ask four uncles and four aunts to help you take it with you. Anyway, four aunts and four uncles have no children and no daughters. They also rent and grow her family's fields. I'm sure they will. She once had insomnia in her mind. When she came, she asked him tentatively to know that he had a fiancee. It's not uncomfortable.

Fortunately, she didn't say anything, otherwise she would be like a fox. What about now? If her performance in these days falls into the eyes of stone's fiancee, it is probably very cheap and rough.

And stone, may feel her close, so far away, do not want to see her.

Gu Ke is in the mood. She went to the bathroom halfway, passed the windowsill of the stairway, and saw the stone standing outside. He used to do nothing in silence, but these days, his fingers are always writing and drawing on the slate, like practicing calligraphy.

But he was illiterate. "Is he worried?" he asked When people are anxious, they will have these small movements. He is a man of Hongmen himself, and follows his opinions every day, which is of no help to his future. Does he have other opportunities, but he can't get rid of the tracking here, so he worries all day long?

Gu does not want to delay him.

She had been in class all day and was in a bad mood. She didn't even go to lunch and had no appetite at all. After the

class, Bai Xian, who used to be a little closer, went further this time and didn't look at her. All day's speculation has been confirmed. She didn't think she was good. Maybe unconsciously, her style was already annoying.

He was avoiding her. His heart sank. She stayed up all night and thought about many problems. In fact, there is a document in her belongings given to her by her missing colleague. It is found that Zhang Xinmei is secretly the secret report of the underground party.

Once the secret report falls into the hands of Hongmen or zhangxinmei, they will kill all those who handle it.

He is cowardly, but not stupid. When

she sees the document, her first thought is to hide it so that it doesn't exist. Hide

up, 50% of her may die, but give it to her, it will be 10% of her. All the people in Hongmen followed her at the beginning. She didn't mean anything to the people she followed. It was also due to her lack of heart, because she was not wronged. She did hide something. It is because of her that Bai is beside her. If the future of him is delayed, she can't pick it up. She's not innocent.

Can you hand it in? If you give it to Zhang Xinmei, she may die. Zhang Xinmei has a good relationship with the Secretary's family, but it's too much involved. How could he let go of it for the lives of countless people in his secret line?

If not?

Hongmen won't give up, Zhang Xinmei won't, and stone has to do nothing to follow her. Gu

thinks that it's time for him to make a decision because he has been weak and timid all his life and has been greedy for life and death.

She has to be brave once. The next day, she went to BAIXIAN with thick black eyes. White

Xian retreated a few steps to the side, and Gu Zhen called him "hello." A sentence "hello" seems to erase all the friendship in this period. He is no longer a "stone", but a running dog of Hongmen. White

Xian's heart seems to be pierced by something. He looks up at her.

"I have something very important to talk to Mr. Jiu. Can you help me to make an appointment with him?" "It's very urgent," Gu asked

Bai Xian is shocked. Gu asked again, "in fact, you work for Mr. Jiuye, don't you?"

Bai Xian didn't deny it. He was silent for a while before he said, "OK, I'll let you know." Gu is the aunt of Si yuzao. There are many possibilities for her to find Zhang Xinmei, but Bai Xian is very upset.

It was like a knife hanging over his head.

At the end of the afternoon, Bai Xian took the initiative to come forward and say, "Jiu Ye has come. You cross the street. There is a coffee shop over there."

Gu Zhen nodded. She entered the coffee shop and was led to the back door. Finally, Bai Xian picked her up. This time, he drove a car, which should be prepared by Zhang Xinmei. Gu

got on the car and saw the black curtain hanging on the window, almost without any light.

Bai Xian drove to a lane and finally stopped in the dark. The eyes are slow to adapt to the light. Zhang

Xin Mei asked her, "what's the matter with you?" "

this is the document. I always wrap it in oil paper and hide it in the flowerpot soil of my office." Gu fan Dao.

There was silence in the car. Big

the eyes at home are all adapted to the light. The City neon outside is a little light. The expression of Zhang Xinmei is a little shocked when it comes from the front windshield. He received the file. Click

to light the match. With a little light, Zhang Xinmei can see the document clearly and ignite it at will.

It's what Hongmen found. It's what he's looking for.

"I knew that none of your women were good at picking fault." Zhang Xinmei exclaimed, "Hongmen didn't take you seriously. They just turned over your house, not your office. They all looked down on you." Hong's people just don't believe that she stole things in case of emergency.

They think, how dare such a quiet girl?

Only Zhang Xinmei knows the woman who cares for her family.

He never let down his vigilance against them.

"Will you kill me?" Gu Zhen asked him.

Bai Xian's hand, firmly holding the steering wheel.

Zhang Xinmei was silent for a long time.

There are half windows in the car, but the smell of burnt paper lasts forever. It took about two minutes for Hsin Mei to say, "can you say anything?"

"I won't." Gu fan Dao.

"Well, I believe you. You have to remember that in Shanghai beach, it's more terrible to offend me than anyone else. Don't do extra things. Yuzao always cares about you. It's for yuzao. Do you understand? " The voice of the frown was cold. Although it's not severe, it's creepy.

Gu Zhen nodded.

Zhang Xinmei sighed and asked her, "what do you want in return?"

Gu Zhen is silent.

What she said in her heart was on her lips, but she could not say it inexplicably.

She almost doubted that she would cry.

But she didn't.

She just paused, and then her voice clearly said her request, "would you please move with Hongmen and stop sending people to follow me?" White

at this moment, Xian heard the blade cut through the air, and the knife hanging on his head split him in two at once. The dream is true.

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