Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1722 death and old age

Zhang Xinmei looks at Bai Xian who is driving. He asked Gu "why did the boys of Hongmen bully you?"

"No." Gu fan Dao. She wants to say something else, but it's not a smart character. She doesn't like to tell lies, she just doesn't want to. "Yes," said Zhang One

hammering. White

Xian gets out of the car, Zhang Xinmei's entourage gets on the car, drives the car away, and sends Zhang Xinmei and Gu Zhen back to each other. He walked in the dark, his feet seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and he could not breathe after a few steps. He wants to rest in one place. He sat on the side of the road. The light on the road is broken. There is no light on the whole street. It's dark. It's still cold at night.

Bai Xian has been abused countless times since he was a child. Physically and mentally, he has lived to the present. His skin is rough and his flesh is thick, and almost nothing can hit him. But

until this moment, he felt a sharp pain again.

The man, who was under twenty years old, was so tall that he shrunk himself together and sat on the curb.

He has never experienced such pain, spreading from the heart and mouth, tearing his bones and flesh, inch by inch.

It's impossible for him to see her in the future.

He didn't know what Gu Jiao had hidden. Even if he was burned by Zhang Xinmei now, he still didn't know. But

must be important, even fatal.

Gu Zhen's daring to hide means that it is very dangerous. And now, in order to get rid of them, maybe it's mainly him, she would rather take risks.

He thought that it must have been his hands that night that hesitated for a few seconds, revealing his indecent thoughts, letting Gu Xun know his lewdness and the worst greed in his heart. She was afraid.

People like him are like a piece of stinky mud. Who wants to stick it on his white dress? So we need to get rid of it. Is she aware of his attempt and worried that he will hurt her?

Bai Xian won't.

Even if he died, even if he chopped his greedy flesh and blood, he would not touch her, nor hurt her. He had no strength to sit, curled up on the side of the road like a tramp. Eyes

tears rolled down the eyes, onto the bridge of the nose, and then onto the other cheek.

He tried to wash himself and climb out of the mud, but now he has to climb back again. The light on the heart is ashes.

He was lying on the side of the road for more than three hours, only to draw a little strength and move back to the dance hall step by step. Ling

in the morning, the dance hall is still bright and the noise of the night is not over. He went in through the back door and went directly to the stairwell below the storage room. There is a small light bulb behind the door, and the switch is at the door.

When Bai Xian pressed the switch, the light suddenly turned on. He saw a woman with a white face, sitting on his quilt, wearing a white fox fur stage Cape.

It's white snow. She was looking at Bai Xian with a cluster of snow white in her hand. It's a scarf. White

Xian subconsciously grabs it. When he catches it, he finds that the snow-white is not a scarf, but a thread torn down by the white snow. His

eyes were immediately congested and he asked, "did you do it?" The snow stood up.

Wool was all over her body and wrist. "Who gave it to you?" she said coldly

Bai Xian is desperate to catch it. That scarf is very long, which is the warmest thing in his life. When it's torn down, it's almost everywhere. White

Xian's hands are not enough. He tries hard to pick and pull. He wants to gather them in his arms, but he can't hold the thread if it runs a little here and there.

He's going crazy. A slap in the face made haoxue hold his collar. "You're looking for a wild woman! Good you are a bitch, you betrayed me! " Say

and she kicks Bai Xian again. White

Xian lets her play, she kicks, just grabs the wool.

But Hao Xue took the wool in her hand, wrapped it around his neck and tightened it to death. "You dare to betray me, I will kill you! You're such a cheap bastard. You're born to be unwanted. I want you, and you dare to betray me! " The hair is very sharp and thin. It is drawn into the palm of the white snow and the neck of the white Xian.

The blood bead dyed the wool red.

When Bai Xian saw the blood drop, he woke up suddenly and threw the snow back. Every time there are

fights, it is haoxue who beats him. He did not know how bright snow was. His strong arm could crush her to death in a flash.

He's still trying to get the wool together. He threw the snow out for at least ten meters, and suddenly hit the opposite wall from the stairwell. The whole person was stunned and hurt all over. The bones seemed to be scattered.

She went over and cried. Li and the dancers all crowded in. White

Xian carefully put up the dyed wool. He wanted to rub it clean, but the blood was coagulated. He turned slowly.

The people in the dance hall seemed to see the evil god. His eyes were red, his neck was bleeding, and he stood there tall and big.

He didn't continue to fight against haoxue or make trouble. He just said to haoxue, "from now on, I have nothing to do with you! If you dare to come to me, I will kill you myself. You are all witnesses to this sentence. "

He tucked up all the wool with bedding, held them, and strutted out of the dance hall. "You are a heartbreaker, stop for me!"

She ran out in spite of her pain.

But Bai Xian walked so fast that he couldn't catch up at all. Soon he disappeared into the night. Snow sits at the door crying. People also crowded out to watch. After

managing to let her pay attention, don't affect the business, send someone to hold her hard and put her back in her room. Some singers and dancers are watching. She didn't like haoxue at all, but she relieved Bai Xian. "

haoxue used him as a slave, and when he moved, he beat and scolded. He's very decent. Last time I asked him to help me move things, he came into my room and did not look disorderly. " A singer said.

"More than a slave? It's like being a dog. Bai Xian looks like he can't help Hao Xue. That's why he's very manly. I'll live a good life after I'm gone, and suffer less. " A few personal comments broke up.

Only the dancer, Xiao Sun, was on the stage when there was a disturbance. After retiring, she heard about it and immediately plunged into the night and chased out. "

What are you doing?" A little sister called her, "come back!" "

little sun is so infatuated. It's pathetic." There is humanity. Two hours later, Xiao sun came back crying. She ran all over the body sweat, the makeup on the face all spent, did not find Bai Xian at all. She trembled. "Will I never see him again in my life?"

The other dancers held her up. "You don't want to mess up. There is white snow. What are you doing? Do you want to be the little wife of haoxue's man? "

"I think so!" Little sun choked and said, "I want to be a little wife. Let me follow him, and I will die! "

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