Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1725. You need to move forward

Later in the middle of the night, Bai Xian was sitting in his living room sofa in his shirt and shorts.

His left thigh was covered with gauze, blood oozing out.

He sat in silence.

Every time when he is sad, he will cut his thigh. The sharp pain in his leg can relieve the pain in his heart and make him a little more comfortable.

When he first left, he was full of violence.

He didn't want to go to Gu.

Not worthy of her. It's blasphemy to look at her more. He would spare himself, but his heart would not.

So many nights, the pain is really unbearable, let him give birth to the idea.

Since I was a child in welfare hall, I have endured countless humiliations. I will not kill myself for love, will I?

The knife cuts on the leg, does not hurt the sinew, does not move the bone, does not hurt the life.

He would write "Gu Ke" on the ground beside him with his bloody hand.

There are different opinions about Gu panshenghui.

In wartime, the great Shanghai was so strange that the situation changed in a flash. It was as rich as a cloud. It was easy to come and easy to go.

He turned over in half a year, and became the incense master from a pawn in Hongmen. In addition to the appreciation and support of dignitaries, he also had his own efforts. In this half year, he learned to read, which also provided him with a lot of convenience.

People in troubled times, also become a mess, their own destiny can not control, ups and downs as a family.

Then he was too busy. He died several times, so he stopped thinking about it.

He thought he had forgotten her.

But so coincidentally, I met her again.

The dust on the heart was blown away by the storm, revealing its original trace. Everything has never faded. It's just buried.

So the storm swept over him, destroying and destroying all the defenses he had built.

When he came back at noon, he was very sad. When night came, he could not bear it again. He had a longing in his heart to hug her and kiss her, like countless times in eight months.

These thoughts, the devil's vines, will strangle him. If he didn't give himself a knife in time and let the pain wake him up, he would have rushed to her house.

If he did that, he would be obscene and obscene, hopeless.

"White Lord." Someone knocked at the door and whispered outside.

"What's up?" Bai Xian asked

"Miss Sun's money has been called." Outside humanity.

Bai Xian said, "well, you go to have a rest."

That humanity is, turned around to walk.

Miss sun is the girl who taught him how to read words.

People at the bottom have a very hard life. Gu Zhen is also suffering, but it is not the suffering method of these lower class people.

He broke with haoxue that day and left the dance hall. Later, Xiao Sun begged the manager to find him.

The manager thought that he was good, found him and led him to Zhang Xinmei.

"You have to open your mouth," said Zhang Xinmei. You open your mouth and say that you want to make progress and make a living in Hongmen. If you want to ask me for help, I will help you. But you have to speak and do what you say. "

He knelt down for Zhang Xinmei.

He said, "Jiu Ye, you give me a way out. I'll be your slave all my life, and I'll let you drive me.".

Zhang Xin Mei doesn't need him to be a slave. He only needs an eyeliner over there. He introduced Bai Xian to one of his uncles and asked him to take Bai Xian with him.

That uncle is the deputy leader of Hongmen. He is Bai Xian's noble man.

Later, Bai Xian did it step by step. To speak well, he relied on himself. In fact, he only made every step of his promotion a little persuasive.

There is a new face, his success is doomed, how will give him.

For that point of prestige and persuasion, he was desperate not to lose face to the dignitaries, nor to Zhang Xinmei.

He has always been loyal to Xinmei.

The people of Hongmen find haoxue and say that she and BAIXIAN have broken up. Please don't go to him again.

Haoxue didn't dare not listen. As expected, she didn't find it.

Little sun often meets with him.

She held him, cried in front of him, wanted to be with him.

He refused.

Although he didn't want to be a husband and wife with Xiao Sun, he often helped each other.

Xiao Sun's father owes a lot of debt. She is very hard to support her family and pay back the debt. Later, she said to him, "my brother is a bit promising. He works in the factory and knows to take the money home. My life will be better in the future. "

Three days before she finished speaking, her family was smashed by the people in the casino.

Her brother didn't make progress. Instead, he was addicted to gambling. After owing a lot of money, her brother ran away by himself.

Her shabby home is worse than ever.

In order to support his family, Xiao Sun went down from a dancer to a jinv.

During that time, Bai Xian was busy picking up a batch of goods. He didn't know about it day and night.

When he knew it, it was late.

He got the first sum of money and redeemed Xiao Sun. Every month after that, I will give her some money.

She is not good at anything else. She still goes back to be a dancer. She still meets him, teaches him to read, and recommends to him.

She even asked him, "brother Bai, who is Gu Yun?"

Bai Xian was shocked.

Xiao Sun said, "the first time you asked me to teach you how to read, I learned those two words. I think she must be the reason why you want to read and the one who gives you the scarf. "

He bowed his head deeply.

He said: "it's a girl with a good family..."

little sun sighed: "I really hate the men in my family, my father, my brother. If it wasn't for them, I would be a girl with a good family, and you would like me."

Bai Xian smiles.

"No, I don't like her because she's a nice girl." Bai Xian said, "the first time I saw her, I knew there were so beautiful people in the world."

He always remembers the day when he was sent to follow Gu Zhen.

He saw her for the first time. She was wearing a cheongsam with a blue background and white dots. She was covered with a snow-white sweater. She always knew that someone was following her, running and turning around.

The wind scattered her hair and some strands fell on her white face. Every time she looked back, his heart moved inexplicably.

In chaos, a flower blooms.

He lost a lot of blood and his heart languished all night. Finally, he was able to lie down.

He still remembered that Gu Xun was in Zhang Xinmei's study, and Zhang Xinmei asked her if she was going back to her hometown.

She is going to leave...

thousands of miles of war. Maybe she will never see each other again in this life.

Last time Bai Xian disappeared, he was ready to disappear in this life, and he also endured the pain.

But Gu is like his opium.

The first time I gave up her, I naturally peeled her skin, and the pain was hard to describe with words; the second time I met her, it was like picking up a cigarette gun again.

This time, there is no determination and courage to quit. When he got up early the next day, he went to the bank and went to find Xinmei.

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