The weather in early autumn is very good, even sunny, people are also spirit. Gu

but his steps are heavy.

She can't lift herself up these days. Another colleague resigned.

This colleague is to change a newspaper office and feels that the newspaper office has no future.

The landlady said nothing.

Who knows this world class, the former colleague arrived near the newspaper office, just stopped Gu Wei. "

Miss Gu, we are short of a compiler. You are always safe in your work. I'd like to introduce you. I've just passed. I'm not familiar with the place of life. If you go, we'll still know each other. " The colleague said with a smile. This colleague is a man in his thirties. He is also very decent and has a good relationship with Luo.

The reason why he was so interested in Gu was that Luo told him to take care of Gu before he went to the front. Gu was not with Luo.

After Bai Xian disappeared, Luo Zhubi pursued her hard for several months and showed his sincerity of 12 points. The more serious he is, the more intolerable he is. He simply tells him that he has a person in his heart and cannot accept other feelings for the time being. Later, Mr. Luo went to the front line to be a war reporter with his boss. If I can come back alive, will you give me another chance

Gu Zhen was very sad at that time. What do you want her to say? Can't you say


Is she going to curse Luo Zhubi for not coming back? At

she said "OK. You can come back alive and we'll talk about it. " "

then don't marry before this, don't cut off my hope." Luo wrote.

Gu Zhen nodded.

This man loves her so much that he would rather bet on life and death. A few days ago, at dinner, Bai Xian asked her if you had a boyfriend? She was eager to ask if you wanted to pursue me? But

she can't promise to others. If he said "yes", then she would tell him that at least she would have to wait until Luo Zhubi came back alive, and when the war was over, she would refuse Luo Zhubi herself.

If he says "no", isn't she amorous? She has always had a thin face, which she dare not think of. She didn't say these secrets. She and Bai Xian are like two strangers. Once upon a time, he followed her every day, which was Hongmen's task and Zhang Xinmei's entrustment. Didn't he never show up again?

If he wants to pursue her, he will not disappear completely.

In the end, this is the only place in French concession.

"Miss Gu." The colleague called her again, "how about Miss Gu?"

Her colleagues found her wandering.

She is always in a trance recently, and seems to have many things in her mind. She is too showy, even if there is a secret, she will not tell her colleagues. It is inconvenient for her colleagues to ask more. "

I should not change places." Gu said, "I want to go back to my hometown. In the future, if I have a chance, I also want to write an article for the newspaper and be a columnist. You know my writing, too. I think I can do it. I'd like to thank you for seeing more people in the new newspaper office and enjoying their time in the future. " Think about the same thing as

"such a year is not easy for everyone. Well, I'll tell my friends to have dinner tomorrow night? " It's a good idea. The next day at dinner, my colleague specially called a female colleague from the new newspaper office, so as to avoid hesitation.

I don't think so. That female colleague likes to have a drink.

Gu Zhen is inquisitive and her female colleagues are forthright, so she has to meet up with them.

After two drinks, she knew it wasn't very good because her brain was in a coma.

My colleague is very sorry. "Miss Gu, I didn't expect you to have such a bad drink. Why don't you refuse?"

Gu is not very good at making excuses. "You can call me a rickshaw," she said to her colleagues That

side, the dinner has not been finished, the female colleagues have not had a good time to drink, complaining that Gu is in the way, and the colleagues are not good enough to leave their new colleagues to send Gu, so they have to call for a car for her.

At the gate of the alley, Gu Wei still knows how to pay.

But as soon as she got out of the car, she walked a few steps, and her glass of wine was completely revealed. She walked along and flopped down on her knees.

Knee knock on the floor tile of the alley, clear and crisp, the rickshaw puller who hasn't gone far hurts for her. He wanted to go up and help him, but he felt that the woman was drunk. He was afraid that it was not a good thing and didn't want to cause trouble, so he turned around and ran away, pretending not to see it.

Gu Zhen couldn't get up on the ground for a long time. She struggled twice, and when she was about to make a third effort, a dark shadow blocked the light. However, after

the black shadow stooped to hold her.

Gu Zhen didn't know anyone, but she didn't struggle and felt safety from her subconscious.

She let the man return her to the house.

Bai Xian never thought that he would see her drunk again.

For the first time, he knew that she could drink.

He held her carefully, found the key from her bag, opened the door, and put her on the bed.

She fell asleep after falling on her pillow. Hyun took off her shoes and tried to fetch water to wipe her face, but he was afraid of waking her up. He just helped her pull the quilt. There was no light in the room. He stood in the dark, his eyes adapted to the light, and could see her outline clearly.

He slowly sat down by her bed. His heart leaped hard, his breathing was hot and short.

He wanted to reach out and touch his sweetheart's face. Only in such a dark night, when she sleeps in ignorance, can he dare to be so unbridled.

The idea together, how also cannot press down. His

fingers slowly landed on her cheek.

Her cheeks were cool and her skin smooth.

His heart lake is surging, waves are beating, he clearly heard his heartbeat. Touch gave him courage.

He did not restrain himself, and finally leaned over and touched her lips gently.

He heard the roar of the sea, the wind passing through the forest on the high mountain, the horse's hooves in the snow - all the shocking sounds.

This is the blood boiling all over him.

He got a kiss from his sweetheart, a shallow, unconscious kiss. Even if you die, you'll have comfort in your life, and you'll get what you need to die for. He walked out of her room in silence and dared not stay any longer. He is happy in his heart, but when the wind blows outside, he lowers his head again, adding guilt to his joy.

Did he despise her or molest her for his own sake? He felt that no matter how he changed his face, the filth of inferior people flowed in his bones.

He ran away quickly, trying to find a haven for his wretchedness. I don't know all this. She didn't even know how to get home. After getting off the rickshaw, her memory was like a fault.

Because she felt safe, she let herself lose her mind.

"Why do you think it's safe? Did I enter the house at that time?" She asked herself in a muffled voice.

Her bag is on the table, the key is on the side, and her shoes are on the floor.

It's not like a drunk person can do it.

She thought of the shadow. "

is it a dream, or is it true?" She asked herself. Yesterday, is it true that someone came to take her home?

None of these can be tested. Gu

settled down and went to the newspaper office.

I don't think so. The owner's wife came early.

Gu thinks she has a little time, but things are earlier than she expected. The newspaper can't last.

"I'm sorry for you." The landlady said, "I have to go back to the country to take refuge. These are your two-month salary, and I only have so much. "

Everyone has an envelope on their desk with their salaries in it. Gu

got it and found it was thick. This is not a two-month salary. Gu

opened it quietly while cleaning up, and found that it was a full three-month salary.

The landlady's side is ready to go downstairs. She stopped the landlady.

The landlady knew what she was going to say. She took hold of her hand and shook her head gently. "Are you going back to the country, too? It's hard to walk on the road. As a young girl, you need to be careful everywhere. There are many places to spend money. I can't help you. Take care of yourself. "

Gu's tears came down. "Take care, Madame. When the future is peaceful, we should exchange information and report peace. "

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