Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1728 guest chasing

Gu Zhen is not the first time to hold his hand.

Once upon a time, when he knocked down Luo's main pen, she led him to flee. It was different at that time. When I was

, I didn't think about anything carefully at all, and my thoughts after the event were also in Luo's work.

Now it's different. Her attention is in his hands. His hands were dry, his palms were hot, his fingers were strong, and he clutched her hand. Her

heart was out of control and she pulled back her hand.

When she moved, Bai Xian hurriedly let go, and took a step back, explaining, "Miss Gu, I didn't mean to." Gu

hesitated. She is not in the mood to care about what he said.

She said, "you don't want to live in the shabby temple. There are many houses in my house. Let's live. You are also obedient, and I will not embarrass you. " White

virtuous nod.

Four uncles and four aunts came carefully later.

When they saw Bai Xian, they were a little afraid. They spoke to Gu Xiao in dialect.

Gu Wei said again and again that it was OK. Bai Xian understood these two words. Four

my aunt's back is a little bent. She helped Bai Xian make a bed and let him sleep in the second guest room in the East. And Gu Xun lives in the easternmost room. Gu's house, from west to East, is the master bedroom, where Xiangxue and Gu Xun's stepfather used to live; then the main room; the main room to the East is a guest room, which also serves as a storehouse when busy farming; through this guest room, the easternmost is another bedroom, where Gu Xun used to live with her sister lianer. There is a door connecting the room and the room.

In and out of the room, all of them need to pass through the guest room.

Bai Xian didn't make a sound. He never spoke. Gu may think that he was born with no love for words and didn't talk to him much, just talking with his uncle and aunt. It's over four o'clock in the afternoon. With the help of Bai Xian, Gu Zhen's bedroom has been cleaned. The hall has been cleaned. The kitchen is full of rice, and meat and vegetables are all brought back from Shanghai.

In addition, Bai Xian also helped her pick up a big tank of water under the guidance of the fourth uncle.

Busy, Gu took out some meat, two bottles of oil, and some cash, and went out with the fourth uncle and the fourth aunt.

Bai Xian asked, "where are you going?"

Gu said, "since I'm back, I'll go to the patriarch's house, otherwise it would be rude. You don't have to follow. "

The concept of clan in the countryside is very strong. Bai Xian is an outsider, and the patriarch certainly doesn't want to see him. Fortunately,

well, he doesn't live very often, otherwise, he will suffer again. At home, he is always in trouble. Without a moment in front of him, he couldn't stand it. He felt that his temper was bad, like a pervert, but he just wanted to keep her around him. When Zili calmed down, he could not stop playing back the scene of holding his hand.

His heart, a little jumping, burning, and palm burning, he wanted to kiss the place she touched, just like kissing her hand. But he didn't. It's too obscene.

He sat in the hall, counting the time, watching the little clock that Gu Zhen brought. An hour later, Gu Zhen finally came back. When it was 5:30, it was time to cook dinner in the countryside. Four uncles and four aunts helped her get down to the kitchen, and she went to the hall to talk with Bai Xian.

"What did the patriarch say?" Bai Xian asked her.

Gu said, "nothing." In fact, she wanted to say that the patriarch was not satisfied with her return, because many of the city's rich lords and wives had fled to the village recently. The long family's house rents out two rooms and charges a high price. He wants to rent Gu's house, too. Gu

as soon as she comes back, the idea will break. The patriarch thinks that she shouldn't come back. It's proper to work hard in Shanghai. But

the patriarch's son, with his eyes full of light, stared at Gu. These are all her own affairs. Bai Xian is instructed by Zhang Xinmei to do things. Sooner or later, she will leave. There is no need to worry him. But Hyun looked at her.

They went back to the countryside. It was mid autumn. In the south of the Yangtze River, rice is planted in spring and harvested in midsummer. In autumn, there are almost no big crops, and there are many spare time in normal days. Gu has been away from the village for several years. His childhood memory is both familiar and unfamiliar. She wants to walk. Bai follows her. He took a walk along the ridge of the field, and Gu Zhen slipped down once. She could stand still, but Bai Xian stood forward and let her whole body fall on him.

The sun is warm, so is he.

Bai Xian helps her steady and steps back, always walking behind her. He has been greedy at her back, his eyes are wrong.

Her hair was blown up by the wind, and a lot of things came to mind when she stirred her hair.

"You used to say, you have a fiancee. Are you married?" Gu Zhen asked him casually. White


He doesn't even remember it. "

No." He said, inexplicably gave birth to some hope in his heart, "later, he broke off, never saw it again."

Gu Zhen would like to ask you how your fiancee can let go if you are so promising later? "

how to break up?" Gu Zhen asks. Bai

Xian is very resistant to this topic. He wants to follow her, look at her silently and think about her, and let his dirty mind grow crazy, but he is not willing to divide up half to think about other people.

"I don't remember," he said vaguely.

Gu Zhen's heart sank.

She did not speak again. In the evening, Bai Xian's mind finally came out to think about what she might have misunderstood.

So, the next morning at breakfast, he said to Gu Wei, "Miss Gu"

Gu Wei, "Bai Ye, I"

"first." "

you see, you've been here for six days. There's nothing here. I can handle it. Can you take a letter to Mr. Jiuye for me? Tell him that everything is OK on my side. " Gu fan Dao.

This is a guest chase.

Bai Xian's heart is cold for a moment.

He held the bowl to death and wanted to crush her into his arms. He even wanted to swallow her, so that no one could let him go.

The evil thoughts in his heart, like fire, run high.

But in the end, he chose the most conservative saying: "I'll go to the town today, send a telegram to Shanghai Daily, and let my people pick it up. They'll be here in a few days, and they'll bother you in those days. " Gu made a sound.

He had breakfast and left.

As soon as he left, Gu Xun seemed to be evacuated. He could not stand stably. She went back to her room and lay down.

At noon, Bai Xian came back. He brought a lot of fruits and vegetables from the town, and two pomegranates that didn't look like them.

In addition, there are several boxes of fresh mooncakes. I was puzzled.

"The day after tomorrow is the Mid Autumn Festival." Bai Yin Road. The next day, the fourth uncle said to Gu Xun, "my aunt and I are going to your fifth aunt's house for the Mid Autumn Festival tomorrow. How many days are we going to stay? Do you want to go?" Four uncles and four aunts had a child when they were young and died. Four

Auntie was robbed by bandits for half a month, but four uncles didn't dislike her. The old two have been living together. Aunt is the fourth uncle's sister. She often takes care of the orphaned and widowed old people and takes them over every new year's day.

"I won't go. Mr. Bai is still there." Gu said, "maybe he will go back."

The fourth uncle asked, "do you want to go back?" "

I will not return."

"But it's not good for the two young people to separate before they get married. He goes back, and you should go back. " Four uncle road.

Gu Xun's face suddenly turned red. When Hao BAIXIAN came out and looked at them curiously, Gu Zhen's face was even redder and he was suddenly embarrassed.

"No, not this," Gu explained.

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