Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1729 my own home

On the afternoon of the day before the Mid Autumn Festival, Uncle Wu hurried to pick up uncle Si and aunt Si.

After they left, Gu Xun locked the gate. She was sitting in the room by herself, and Bai Xian was in the room. They were only separated by one door. Gu did not lock his own door, for fear that he would be more concerned.

Bai Xian is walking around the room, as if he is packing things. Gu Zhen's heart can't calm down. She has all kinds of tastes in her heart. After

came, Bai Xian came to knock on her door.

Gu Zhen was surprised. He was mending a pair of socks. The needle went straight into her finger.

She quickly wiped the blood away and stood up to open the door. "

what would you like to eat at night?" Bai Xian asked her, "I'll help you cook."

"No, I'll do it myself." Gu fan Dao.

Bai Xian said, "then I will make a fire for you."

Gu said no, but Bai Xian insisted. Her kitchen is very big, but Bai Xian's head can still touch the beam. Gu

slightly turns around, and he is there, making her feel that the space is too small, so small that her every move is in the eyes of others, and Gu's hands and feet don't know where to put them.

Bai Xian saw the cock tied in the corner of the kitchen and asked her, "do you want to kill the chicken?" "

Yes." Gu said, "kill again tomorrow and eat tomorrow night." White

Xian sat in front of the kitchen table.

He was so tall that he couldn't squeeze the stove in front of him, so he put some firewood in and stood up.

Gu Xun is not comfortable. He cuts the vegetables slowly for fear that he will cut them. White

Xian says "Miss Gu?"

"Well?" "

just in the afternoon, you and uncle are in the yard. What are you talking about?" Bai Xian asked her.

Her face was red at the time. White thinks he is mean, he wants to ask tentatively. "

nothing to say." Gu fan Dao. She was cutting potatoes. Suddenly her hand slipped, and the potatoes rolled away from her palm. The knife was cut on the cutting board, and Gu Zhen was sweating. Poor

point cut to hand. White

Xian picked up the potatoes. He did not touch her finger a little.

Gu Zhen hurriedly withdrew his hand, and the potato fell to the ground again.

The atmosphere was awkward for a moment. She looked at Bai Xian. White

Xian is like a child who has done something wrong. He steps back silently and says, "I'll set the table."

After he left, Gu Xun quickly prepared a table of food. After eating

rice, Gu Zhen simply washed and went to sleep.

Bai Xian also lies on the bed, silently looking at the roof. The mid autumn moon, from the glazed tiles shine in, the guest room has a little light.

It is neither cold nor hot, the air is especially fresh, and the distant insects are not lonely.

Bai Xian has never lived in the country. If he came from a farm family, maybe he is much better than now.

He thought of the gap between the two, sweet and sour in his heart. He was thinking about something and Gu Zhen suddenly came out of the inner room. He sat up in a hurry. Gu

was stunned and stopped at the same place. "Did I disturb you?"

He was in the dark, breathing became heavy, all the thoughts rushed to him.

He'd love to rush right now and hold her tight. But

and he thought, after all, that she was mean, and that she had been with Luo. Even if he possessed her by force, he would not be favored by her. If she despises him, he would rather die than cut off his hands and feet. "

No." Impulsive into a thick sadness, he asked her in a low voice, "what to look for?"

"I forgot to fill the thermos. I'm a little thirsty." Gu fan Dao.

Bai Xian said, "I'll help you."

The kitchen is in the yard. You need to open the door. Gu

hurriedly said, "I really don't need to. Go to sleep. I've locked the gate. I'm afraid of anything at home. " From

home? Gu

walks out, fills the thermos in the kitchen and enters again.

He did not move, his body tight tight, do not let his desires.

A word of "own home" almost killed him. The idea that he had managed to hold down began to haunt him again. He wanted to keep her firmly in bed and make two people into one family.

These ideas are terrible. He despises himself when he is sober, imagines wildly when he is out of control, and the whole person is tossed to sleep all night.

It wasn't until dawn that he fell asleep. There is a rooster's bleating in the yard. After he woke up, he quickly got up, and then saw Gu Zhen. He was standing in the yard at a loss, with a kitchen knife in his hand. He didn't know how to catch the chicken. The chicken's wings and legs are tied, but as soon as Gu Wei gets close, he tries his best to flutter and frightens him to death. White

Xian stepped forward and said, "I'll come, Miss Gu." Gu ducked behind him.

Bai Xian killed the chicken quickly, then put the chicken blood in a small bowl, and said to Gu Xun, "OK, Miss Gu, you can cook some hot water."

"It's done." Gu fan Dao. She went to pick up the motionless cock. Remove the chicken's hair. It tastes fishy and smelly. Bai Xian avoids her "I'll come."

"No, no, I come by myself. Why do I always ask my guests to do the rough work?" Gu xiaorou said. Her sentence made Bai Xian's body slightly stiff again.

He is an outsider and a guest.

Whether it's a family or not, what she said last night was her own home, not theirs. White

in the heart of a virtuous man, he feels unworthy. When he fantasized about her, he was mostly wild and unrestrained, but in the face of her, his inferiority began to work again, which made him unable to move forward. Gu

is not quick to do things, but is practical. Male

the chicken was handled cleanly. She cooked rice porridge slowly and called Bai Xian out for breakfast. After breakfast, she will begin to prepare the mid autumn diet.

"I'll go out and get a fish later." Gu said to him. White

Xian Weiqi "leader? How can I get it? "

"There is a fish pond in the family, which is shared by all. There are a lot of fry. They will fight once every new year's day. Each family can get five Jin." Gu fan Dao.

"Fish don't need money?" Bai Xian didn't quite understand. Although he was born in a humble family, he didn't understand the rural clan very well.

"What you need is from the family." Gu Gu said.

"Where does the family get the money?" "

sacrifice money is paid every year." Gu said, "I'll pay it in the Spring Festival. My family's fields are planted for the fourth uncle and the fourth aunt. They don't rent their fields, but they want to help us out with the annual family expenses. " White

Xian thought about it and thought that life in the countryside was very interesting. "

not bad." He said. Gu smiled and said, "I can't wait for a long time. My mom hates them. People in the family don't read, don't read, don't understand culture and reason. They have to worry about little things for a long time. My mother always hopes that my sister and I can go out. If it had not been for the war, I would not have come back. " Her words hurt Bai Xian's heart.

He is also illiterate. White

Xian's face is a little pale.

The rice porridge in the bowl is tasteless in his mouth. He thought he was wrong.

She wanted to add a line. But

she is not a smooth character. If she says something wrong and then describes it, she has no such ability, so she has to eat in silence.

Unexpectedly, after a long silence, Bai Xian suddenly said to her, "Miss Gu, I can read the general newspaper now. There's no big culture. I know a lot of words. "

"I don't mean anything else," Gu said

"I know." Bai Xian stirred the porridge in the bowl with chopsticks. "Just to let you know, I learned the words carefully later"

when he said this, he stopped talking. The latter sentence "it's for you to learn", didn't say it at all.

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