Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1730 found the gold bar

Reading and reading is a big project for Bai Xian.

Even if he was tired, he would practice a hundred words every night and memorize them all.

He is under pickpockets and cramps to learn, and soon will be able to read the newspaper.

However, these are too superficial for Gu Zhen, who studied since childhood. He used to be inferior to his own straw bag and work, but now he dare not show his superficiality. After breakfast, he cut the firewood silently, cleaned the house again, cleaned the kitchen clean, and then took two buckets to carry water.

In the countryside of the south of the Yangtze River, there are almost no water wells. The villagers are all in the same river for drinking, washing clothes, vegetables and toilets, or even choosing to go home. White

a good man is poor for most of his life. Naturally, he will not feel that this is wrong. The river is just behind Guzhen's house. It's not far away and doesn't need to pass through the village. He has great strength. He carries two buckets of water as if he were carrying two vegetables.

When I got to the gate, I saw Gu Ke from afar. Gu

has a big fish in his hand, which looks like ten jin. She lowered her head.

Bai Xian wants to call her, but when she is at the gate, she raises her hand to wipe tears and blinks hard.

The blood rushed into his head at that time.

He wished he could hold her in the palm of his hand and put her on his head. Could he bear other people's bullying her? "

What's the matter?" He strides forward and interrupts Gu's plan to cover up the past.

Gu xiaoleng turns around in a hurry.

Bai Xian wants to pull her body, but she doesn't have the courage to start.

He carried the bucket in and let Gu Zhen in.

Gu puts the fish down and sighs.

"I'm fine. I just got dirty in my eyes. It's always painful." Gu Chan murmured.

"You tell me." Bai Xian's face is not good. "It doesn't matter. Tell me, I will help you out. Don't be afraid, no one. "

Gu Wei smiled bitterly, "it's really OK." "

if you don't say it, I'll ask myself." Bai Xian turns to go. He is really angry. As soon as he saw her wiping tears, his heart felt like an ice cone. "

no!" To prevent. Seeing that he didn't listen, she had to catch up with him and pull his sleeve. You can't pull

. Gu couldn't help it. He hugged his waist in a hurry. White

Yin can't move in a moment. He turned back abruptly, picked her up, put her in his arms, put his lips on her neck, and kissed her cool hair.

Gu Zhen exclaimed. When he picked her up, her feet were off the ground, and she screamed with fear. This call made Bai Xian sober up. He bent down slowly and put her down like a child who did something wrong. He was afraid to look into her eyes. The whole person was frightened and frightened.

His desire for her was a burning fire, and there was always a time when he lost control.

However, most of the time, he was very rational and felt that his mud was not suitable for the lake on her white wall.

He finally did what he had imagined for a long time today. He was afraid that Gu Zhen would drive him away. Gu's face is red and she can't speak. What happened just now, all in a flash, she was a little confused.

"You go and clean up the fish." After a long time, she said this, and then quickly went back to her room. White is hesitating. He was thinking, do you want to follow him?

Is she shy or angry?

He paced uneasily on the spot. He picked up the half dead fish on the ground for a long time, took it to the kitchen, opened its belly, and cleaned it up. Gu didn't stay in the room much, so he changed his coat and came out. Her face is a little red, but she doesn't dodge to look at Bai Xian. "It's time to make lunch. You can go back to your room first. You don't need two people."

Bai Xian answers. He went out while he didn't pay attention.

Gu has not made a fire yet. Seeing him go, she wants to shout for him, but she thinks of the scene just now. Her heart almost jumps out of her throat.

"Let him go. He's not familiar with the land, and he doesn't know where to look." Gu Gu thinks.

When she went to make a fire, she found that the match was used up.

She remembered that there were still drawers in the guest room.

Just in the absence of Bai Xian, Gu Zhen goes to the guest room to get it. When she stooped to look in the drawer, she saw Bai Xian's box under the bed.

There will be mice or worms in the countryside. It's better to put the box on the table or in the cabinet.

When I came back from Shanghai that day, I brought a lot of firewood, rice, oil and salt in the trunk of my car. Bai Xian's trunk was put in the back of the trunk. Gu Zhen didn't see it at that time.

Later I learned that he was ordered to stay for a few more days. Gu hesitated and decided to take it out for him and put it in the cabinet. She pulled it first, then lifted it, and found that the box was not locked.

She wanted to help lock it and noticed that he was throwing his clothes around.

Gu Zhen is a little strange and stubborn about tidiness. She can't stand the mess and wants to clean it up for him. She opened the box and saw him putting his clothes around.

Take it up.

This time, she made a big jump.

Bai Xian intentionally let go of his clothes to cover the things in his box.

He brought a box of money, in addition to cash and gold bars, especially heavy. Under the gold bar, there is a white scarf. One corner of the scarf is stained with something dark black.

She was frightened and hurried to put her clothes back and put the box under the bed. When she found the match and came out of the guest room, she was very flustered.

She thought, "why does he bring so much money?" Is it true that he was ordered to accompany Gu Zhen, or did he commit a crime himself, and Zhang Xinmei asked him to hide in the countryside?

No wonder he doesn't leave without being urged.

From his performance these days, Gu Zhen is about to make it clear that he has a little interest in her and thinks that he might really want to accompany her.

But now at the beginning of the year, didn't he follow her impatiently every day? He seemed to avoid her those days. Then the mission ended. Didn't he disappear completely?

If a man likes a woman, how can it disappear so completely?

Her face was a little pale. From

to be amorous, embarrassed and embarrassed. Gu

buries himself in cooking. White

Xian went out for a walk. The people at the fish pond were scattered. Everyone went home to cook.

He knocked on the door of a family, scared them half to death. The host took a rake and tried to hit him.

He wanted to explain, but the other side could not understand his Mandarin or his Shanghainese. And the dialect of the other side, he can not understand. If he goes on like this, he will stir up gossip for Gu Zhen. Although he didn't think it was worthy of him, he still wanted to live in this village. He went home. Gu is still busy in the kitchen. He came in with a short body and stood behind her. He wanted to say something. Seeing her busy in the fog, he felt very good at the moment. He said nothing. Gu was shocked when he didn't watch out for him. "

What do you do?" She asked, "get out, don't be here." The sentence is very stiff. He has known Gu Zhen for some time. She is always a soft girl in my memory. She seldom talks hard from character to speech. Now, it's a very impatient sentence.

Bai Xian feels that her stink has reached her, and she finally gets impatient and retreats in silence.

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