Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1732 practicing calligraphy

Family chores take a lot of time.

In the morning, Gu Zhen, with the help of Bai Xian, washed all the sheets and covers, wring them out well.

She was in a trance by chance. White

Xian asked carefully, "Miss Gu, are you tired?"

"No, I'm thinking about the writer." Gu Zhen said truthfully.

Luo Zhubi has worked hard to get such a result. If he changes it into himself, he must hate it. Gu couldn't think how much he hated, just worried about whether he could go back safely. If

not in the battlefield, but in her home, she will surely feel guilty for life. White

Hyun's face is a little pale. He was silent, and the sinews of his forehead moved. What should he ask.

According to Gu, she and Luo are in love, but there is no explanation, so it's not appropriate to drive them away.

He also wants to argue. Bai

in the first half of the year in Hongmen, he also learned some skills of dealing with people. But these words are too heavy for him. Each word weighs a thousand pounds, and he can't say a word. He was silent and allowed his own mistakes to continue. Anyway, he was not a good thing.

Gu Xun just thought about it. She didn't want to go after it.

The cowardly and irresponsible side of her character was revealed at this time.

She can't be responsible for other people. She can only do her best not to cause trouble to others. Always

two people have their own thoughts and the same cowardice. In the afternoon, Gu said he would go out.

Bai Xian immediately followed "where are you going? I'll go, too. " Gu

said: "when I leave Shanghai, I have made an agreement with my colleague to write some small articles for the newspaper, and he will help me to send them. If it doesn't work, he will recommend it to other newspapers. I have written it. I want to go to the post office in the town and send the article. By the way, I want them to contact me. " White

Xian volunteered, "I'll send it for you."

"Let's go together. I'll borrow the ox cart first. Let's go tomorrow morning." Gu fan Dao.

It's not easy to borrow a bullock cart. Cattle are luxury goods in the countryside. They are labors in the early spring. No one can afford them.

Gu Zhen didn't come back for many years. She was not familiar with the people in her family. She had no one close to her except her fourth uncle. Everyone refused to lend her anything. "

then I have to walk." Gu Zhen sighs. White said, "I can recite you." Gu would like to say that he is bigger than Niu Ke and can't help laughing.

But it's a joke. She can't tell him.

With such a smile, Bai Xian's heart sank and trembled all day.

The biggest worry in his heart disappeared, and the taste of yesterday's kiss slowly reverberated in his mind. His face is red and his ears are red.

Fortunately, Gu did not see him. Fortunately, at dusk, the fifth uncle sent the fourth uncle and the fourth aunt back with a bullock cart. Listen to

Gu Zhen is going to town tomorrow. Uncle five left her the ox cart and went back three hours by herself.

Gu Wei was a little upset, and the fourth uncle said, "don't look outside, my uncle." The next day, Gu Zhen and Bai Xian got up early and started before dawn.

The ox cart was padded with bedding. This is what the four aunts have sat on. They haven't taken it down yet. It's bumpy. She's very comfortable to sit on. At first, Xian was not very good at driving cattle. After all, he didn't do farm work. But

he learned things very quickly. After a few steps, he found out. Driven by him, the old ox walked forward very meekly.

The sun rises from the sky, and Gu Xiaoding looks at it. The sky is blue and white, and a few wisps of remnant clouds seem to be on fire.

She sighed with Bai Xian, "I haven't seen the sunrise for a long time." White

Xian also looked at it. "I've never seen such a beautiful house. It's so beautiful that even the sky is cleaner than other places."

Gu Wei smiles. When I got to

Town, I went straight to the post office. There are many people in the Bureau. Gu Zhen fills in the form in the crowd. Bai Xian rushes over to her and says, "Miss Gu, I'll go shopping. When you're busy, wait for me here. Don't walk around." Gu wants to ask him what else to buy. He has gone out.

The progress here is relatively slow. After filling out the list, I have to wait in line again. Gu Zhen looks at his watch. He has been waiting for more than an hour.

And Bai Xian, the things are back.

Gu Zhen came out and saw that the cart was empty with only a few packets of snacks. He was surprised, "what did you buy?"

Bai Xian falters and says, "I didn't buy it." Gu did not pay attention at that time. He took care of the ox cart. They went around and bought some daily things.

Gu Zhen also bought several books in the small book shop. "

do you want to practice calligraphy?" Gu Zhen asked him.

Bai Xian looks at her. "

you don't mean that you learned to read later. Have you practiced?" Gu Wei explains.


"There's a post here. Do you want it? I'll buy it for you. " Gu fan Dao.

Bai Xian felt that he wanted even poison.

"Yes!" He gave a succinct and forceful answer. Gu spent a little money to buy this calligraphy post and some paper pens for him. Go back to

and teach him to write. Two

people sat on the table of eight immortals, occupying two directions respectively. White

Xian's vision falls on her slender hand. Her fingers are long and thin, white, and her nails are pink and pearly.

He'd love to kiss. He often has such an impulse against Gu Zhen, and before he has any action, he will first despise himself, and then cut them off. "

Nuo, this sentence -- Xianyuan Chunnong peach is in bloom, and its branches can be easily broken, so I'll practice this sentence today." Gu Zhen points to the beginning of the post, and before she finishes, Bai Xian interrupts her, "I'll start with your name first. Gu Wei, practice these two words. "

For the first time, he seemed to call her name in front of her.

He kept calling her "Miss Gu.". Gu

somehow the tip of the ear is red.

She lowered her voice. "My name is a little more complicated, start with yours. In your own name, it's a little simpler. " "

that's not mine." He said, "I don't have a name. My father and mother didn't give me a name. It's just someone else's favorite name. It's nothing to do with me."

Gu was stunned. She whispered an apology.

"Or use yours, will you?" He asked, his voice involuntarily carrying some entreaties.

He wants to write her name.

Those two words, engraved on his heart and soul, are bloodstained, and each stroke is his pain.

He's like a pain addict and can't wait to need that.

Gu Zhen is silent. She felt that it was a very shy thing to teach others to write her own name.

She was silent for a long time.

As soon as she was silent, Bai Xian gave in. "

how to start with the immortal character?" He asked. Gu raised the spirit. She

on the paper, wrote the strokes and the order, and then told him how to start and how to write. White

in just a few months, Xian can read through articles by brute force. When writing, he learned from Xiao Sun seriously, only the words "Gu Yun".

Later I learned that the two words were half wrong. Yes, he wrote a little bit like a child. Chuckle and chuckle.

Bai Xian is embarrassed to "write badly"

"it's OK." Gu said, "take your time, practice makes perfect."

They're both writing. There's another knock outside. Gu asked him to practice and went out to open the door.

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