Gu Wei thought it was the fourth uncle. No, it's the son of the patriarch who opens the door.

In his early twenties, the man had a greasy face and looked at Gu's eyes. "Sister, I'll send you some fish. I'll fight myself." Gu's face was a little white. If she is a little bloody, she will close the door and throw the man outside. But

her character is so soft that no matter how unhappy she is, she will not be embarrassed on the surface.

"No, I still have it at home." "I don't like fish very much," Gu said

"What do you like to eat, sister?" The man took a step into the door.

If he wanted to go in, he saw Bai Xian.

Bai Xian is really tall. In the South countryside, men are graceful and have little advantage in stature. The son of the patriarch is a middle-sized man in the village, not a dwarf.

But when he went to Bai Xian, the whole man was like a boy of insufficient size.

At the beginning, Zhang Xinmei was also a tall man, but also shorter than Bai Xian.

"What to do?" Bai Xian, with a black face, stood at the gate and looked at Gu Ke. Gu

understood and immediately retreated behind him and went back. The long son called her in dialect, and she pretended not to hear.

A minute later, Bai Xian dismissed the man.

Gu Zhen would like to say that when she was fishing at the fish pond last Mid Autumn Festival, she stood by and waited. The patriarch's son touched her back.

She was sure it was intentional, with a certain amount of hooliganism. So she cried in anger.

She didn't say that to Bai Xian. White

Xian sent the patriarch's son back to Gu Wei and said, "don't be afraid of Miss Gu. This kind of person bullys others. Don't give him a good face in the future." Gu

nodded. It was a very quiet afternoon. He sat at the table.

At first, Gu Zhen taught him, and then after teaching, he practiced slowly, and she wrote something nearby.

Bai Xian sees her look and concentration, and secretly aims at her.

Several times later, she found that she was very focused, and Bai Xian looked at her with good natures. Her side face is very delicate and beautiful, but she has a natural gentleness.

She works slowly and speaks slowly, which is like being engraved in her bones, a little more oozing out, and drawing with the tip of a pen at the tip of her brow. It's just right.

Gu Zhen took a rest, just in time to bump into his eyes. The sight ran into her heart, and she flung it away.

She seemed to hear her heart beating.

The noise made her eardrum ache. "Miss Gu, what are you writing?" It was a long time before she heard Bai Xian ask. I don't know how to answer. She said "a little bit about the current affairs of a period of time ago." Hyun immediately felt that she knew a lot. "

in the future, the newspaper is too late and the news is not so clever. Do you want to talk about current affairs?" Bai Xian asked.

"No, write a story later." Gu fan Dao. "

what kind of story?" Gu

is a little embarrassed. My former colleagues said that they would open a ghost story column and ask for some good stories. There are often legends in the countryside. They are all materials. " He was very surprised. "

are you afraid?" He asked.

Gu Wei said with a shy smile, "I haven't tried yet. I don't know why I want to try."

He asked again. Gu is not used to people paying too much attention to her and wanting to know all kinds of things about her. She got up uneasily and said she would pour a glass of water.

Bai Xian hurriedly said, "I'll pour it."

The topic was interrupted. Gu was relieved.

At dusk, the kitchen smoke, a pengpeng scattered into the orange sunset. The taste of cooking oil smoke, mixed with the fragrance of Osmanthus in the courtyard, is everywhere the fireworks in the world, but it is better than the fairyland of yaochi.

Gu Zhen and Bai Xian had dinner, and aunt four came.

She's not alone. She's followed by a middle-aged woman.

The two eyes of the woman, thief and thief, slipped around Bai Xian first, and then looked at Gu Zhen. Gu

did not understand what he called in dialect.

"You go back to your room first." Gu said to him in a low voice.

Bai Xian nodded. He closed the door from the hall to the two eastern bedrooms, and leaned behind the door to listen to the outside.

What did the woman say to Gu.

She is very able to speak all the dialects like foreign languages. Bai Xian can't understand half the words. Gu

accidentally inserted a sentence. At the end of the day, Gu Zhen stood up.

The voice of the woman rose abruptly like a rebuke.

Bai Xian immediately pushes the door out. As soon as he came out, he pointed at the woman with his high toe, and his anger was half weak. Aunt was in the middle, pulling the woman and pulling her out. Women

people still have different opinions.

Gu Zhen's face is very ugly. "

What's the matter?" Bai Xian is worried about her. "What did she say?" Remove the kerosene lamp.

In this era, great Shanghai is full of lights, but there is no electricity in the countryside. Everyone lights up.

She faltered.

Bai Xian pulls her arm "Miss Gu"

with a little effort, the kerosene lamp in Gu Zhen's hand falls to the ground and smashes.

The house was in darkness, and only Qionghua spread it through the door like frost.

Such darkness, there is a layer of ambiguity slowly into. White

Xian's voice is lower than "Miss Gu"

these three words, like a magic spell, drill into his heart. He remembered that day, in desperation, he pressed her on the bed and kissed her. Come on, isn't it disgusting that she doesn't mention it? How about kissing her today? But today, there is no Luo and no such strong despair. Bai Xian's courage will be greatly reduced and he dare not take risks.

The more cherished people are, the more cautious they are, and dare not make a mistake.

Gu Zhen moves and wants to take his arm back.

Bai Xian let go. "

nothing." Gu Wei said as she went to strike the match.

Bai Xian helped her find another kerosene lamp.

A small flame is lit and gathered in the lampshade. It is quiet and light.

Bai Xian thought she could not say anything, but she said, "when will you go back to Shanghai, Bai Ye?" White people freeze.

He thought a lot.

He gave Gu Zhen trouble, and at last the countrymen were gossiping. That woman must have come to teach.

Gu Zhen can't help it. If she wants to live, she must get rid of him.

He really can't live any longer.

Bai Xian bit his teeth.

Even if he could not live in the shabby temple at the entrance of the village, he would live in it. He has to settle down in this village.

He didn't want to go.

His life is here. What else can he do when he goes back?

In this world, no one thinks.

No one has such a delicate disposition as her, and no one is as delicate as her eyes and eyebrows.

No one can see Bai Xian except her!

"I'll go with you. I'm going back to Shanghai, too." I don't want to, but this is the way to go. White

Xian Leng looked at her and thought something was wrong with her ears.

Gu Zhen added, "let's go back. Things in the family are too annoying. My mother and my sister are not here. I can't handle them well."

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