Young General's Escaping Wife

1734 the stone of trouble

Bai Xian is not stupid. Gu

said so, he understood the woman's intention at night.

Not only for Bai Xian, the woman must have said Gu Ke, and even put forward some conditions that Gu Ke can't stand. Then

think of the man who sent the fish in the afternoon

"what did the woman say?" Bai Xian asked directly. Gu did not falter this time.

She may be too aggrieved, want to find someone to tell.

"She came to matchmaker and wanted me to marry the patriarch's son. You may not know that this is not my family, they are all surnamed Qin, only my surname Gu.

My mother had a good relationship with the family. My sister was also the real Qin family. My stepfather was also the Qin family. Before my mother became a concubine for my father, she also became a concubine for a landlord of the Qin family, as we all know. " Gu fan Dao.

Bai Xian can't listen to the words behind him. He only heard the saying "matchmaking", and his mind was about to explode. He clenched his fist, and his forehead was blue. He wanted to kill the patriarch's son.

"I will not marry him." Gu said, "but if you continue to live here, you will not be disturbed by them. It's better to go back." She was very depressed.

I thought it would be safe to come back, but in this world, it's too hard for a woman to live. Women in the countryside are more miserable than in big Shanghai. However, for hundreds of years, those women are so used to it. But there is no way. She has read the books of the new era and worked on her own. She can't simply explain the rest of her life like the women in her family.

She is weak in character, but she is extremely stubborn when she really knows the right thing.

If not, she would have been with Luo. At the beginning, Luo wrote to pursue her, which was also sincere. He paid a lot for her. Gu

Yu and Bai Xian finish talking and plan to go back to Shanghai in a few days.

When she washed her face and feet in the room, there seemed to be a sound of opening the courtyard door outside. She was immersed in her own thoughts at that time and didn't care much.

Later, she washed and washed well. Lying in bed, she planned to read a few pages of books. She felt that the candle fire was too weak and her eyes hurt. She simply lay down in a daze. She can't help but float in her mind all kinds of things Bai Xian kissed her on that day.

In that scene, she has put her heart back and forth for tens of millions of times, and her heart beats faster and she is in a trance every time. She was thinking about these things, and suddenly there was a voice from the four uncles, "ah Ke, ah Ke!" Gu

hurriedly gets up. Four

uncle was very anxious. "That white Lord, he went to the patriarch's house, knocked the patriarch out with a fist, and dragged the patriarch's fifth brother out. Now he doesn't know where to go"

the patriarch's fifth brother is the one who molested Gu Wei.

Gu Zhen was shocked and lost his color.

"Where has he gone?" I don't know what to do. Fourth, uncle is more nervous than her. She "doesn't know"

the patriarch is a "parent" in the countryside. He is a person who sets rules and offends him. He is afraid that he will be expelled. Gu's family still has fields in this village. Once their family is expelled, those fields may be confiscated. It can be made by people in the family


"This" Gu Wei hurried out.

She didn't know why. She felt that Bai Xian would go to the fish pond, because that day she was teased by the patriarch's son, which was over there. Fortunately,

the moon is bright on this day. Gu Zhen walks all the way and shouts. She really finds Bai Xian.

Bai Xian put the son of the patriarch into the water. That

people don't know whether they are stunned or what, they have no voice. "Don't kill, Bai Ye!"

"He damn it!" Bai Xian said. Gu is scared to be crazy. "Don't kill people for their lives. It's not Shanghai or Hongmen.". He can't help loosening his hand. The long son choked on the water. But

it could be that he woke up, jumped up, scolded in dialect, and then ran away. Gu was sweating all over. He said to Bai Xian, "come on, Bai Ye." She walked very fast on the way home. White

Hyun followed her and dared not say a word. He was uneasy and felt that Gu Zhen was mad at the moment.

After coming back, four uncles and four aunts are waiting anxiously at home. My uncle said to Gu, "girl, you have to send this man away all night. Tomorrow, the family will stop him. They won't tolerate such nonsense from strangers.

If you go, you will never come back. I am also an elder in the family. If you don't come here, I can speak for you. After all, you are just a child. " Gu

nodded. Four

Auntie said, "go to the town first, and I will send a letter to your five aunts to pick you up."

Gu Wei said yes. When she talked with her fourth uncle and aunt, Bai Xian was very nervous. He can't understand them, but he knows they're going to let him go. He didn't know how to stay this time.

Then, he heard Gu Xun say, "Bai Ye, let's go together. Hurry up and clean up." Say

she's in the room by herself.

Only in this sentence, Bai Xian felt as if he had set off fireworks, so gorgeous. He doesn't mind where to go, he just can't leave.

As soon as he collected his box, he could go with it.

Gu Wei spent at least ten minutes organizing.

Ten minutes later, they locked the gate of the courtyard and went out of the village to the town. The color of the moon makes the road clear and bright. Bai Xian always follows Gu Ke.

After walking for a few minutes, he said to Gu, "I will carry you on my back so that we can walk very fast." Gu hesitated and nodded. White

there was a rope in the Xian box. He tied himself and Gu's box with rope, hung them on his waist, and carried Gu's back.

Gu Zhen is not as heavy as a box.

His clothes in autumn are not thick, and he just got wet again. Now Gu Zhen lies on his back, and he can almost feel the warmth of her skin. He is very sweet in his heart.

Gu Zhen's heart beat very fast at first, and then he may be too scared to sleep on him.

Bai Xian is faster than the ox cart. He walked for three hours and arrived in town at midnight. There are not many inns in the town. Bai Xian lives down and asks people to leave a message. In case the fifth uncle comes to know them.

At three o'clock in the morning, Uncle Wu went to the town and found them all.

Uncle Wu took a few puffs of hookahs before he said to Gu, "girl, there's another war outside. You can't go back to Shanghai." White

virtuous and speechless.

He didn't want to go back to Shanghai either.

The fifth uncle continued, "from the town to the south, there is a mountain about four or five miles away. I used to be a hunter, and there were several cottages in the mountains.

If you want to hide from the family, it's better to live in the mountains first. It's more than an hour's walk up the mountain. It's even closer to the town than from your village. It's just that it's exhausting to go up the mountain. "

Gu Zhen said this to Bai Xian in official language.

As long as Bai Xian can be with her and die, he simply said, "you make up your mind." Gu

left Shanghai to avoid the military disaster.

Now back to Shanghai, I can't live at all. The daily needs of Shanghai have become priceless.

There are starving people in the countryside, but she still has some money. Besides, the fourth uncle will secretly give the food to the fifth uncle and then transfer it to her. "

otherwise, let's go into the mountains." She said to Bai Xian. She knew that Bai Xian had taken all her belongings and would never return to Shanghai.

Bai Xian was overjoyed. "OK."

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