Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1735 avoiding the world

Bai Xian imagines too much.

He wants to leave the world with Gu Zhen and find a quiet place. Half of the money he brought was from his half year savings, and the other half was from the sale of the car. At the suggestion of Zhang Xinmei, he changed 90% of his money into gold bars.

In such a turbulent time, gold bars are more stable than cash. The money is enough for him and Gu Wei to have no worries.

In that half year, he was insane and did a lot of things before accumulating these. If retribution is needed, he wants to wait for the next life. He has suffered enough in the past ten years.

He knew the strict rules of the rural clans, but he didn't pay attention to them. Maybe he never wanted to live in the village. He doesn't like too many people.

There are too many people, they will covet. Who can not like such a woman? She has reached the acme of feminine beauty. As long as she is a man who seriously thinks about life and doesn't seek novelty, she wants to marry her. He can't stand the eye of a tiger.

Now, he finally did what he wanted, and Gu Zhen entered the mountain temporarily. There is a hunter's house in the mountain, but there is only one far away, almost completely secluded. He should have done what he wanted, but he regretted it. My uncle's thatched house is a wall with bamboo mixed with soil and a thatched roof.

Nobody comes all year round, it's broken.

Gu Zhen shouldn't live such a life. In

the village, she has a very delicate blue brick and ink tile house, which is better than most of the houses in the village. The rooms are spacious, with large windows and wide courtyards.

She sat there reading and drinking tea. That is to avoid the world, not to be poor.

The mountain is really poor and broken. "

No, we have to go back!" Bai Xian said, "this is not where people live."

Gu Jin said, "I can't go back for a while." Let's go to town and rent a house Bai Xian said, "the town is better than the mountain. It's too shabby."

Instead, Gu Xiao laughs, "you don't like it now?"

Bai Xian doesn't dislike it.

He can sleep on the road. But

he can't let Gu Xun live with him. He wants to give her a good life, even if he lives to change it. "

it's OK, clean up." Gu said, "it's mid autumn now. The air in the mountain is good. Let's spend half a month as a holiday. When it's cold, let's consider whether to go home or rent a house in the town. Isn't that great? You see the front "front

face is flat.

Standing here, you can overlook the towns and villages in the distance, and you can see the mountains and forests. "

the sunrise and sunset here must be beautiful." In my life, I have no chance to see the beautiful scenery. Live here. Tomorrow you will go to the town to find someone to repair it. It's easy. It can be done in a day. We can stay for about a month. "

Bai Xian was moved by her description. He would like to give her a hug.

When the thought stopped, he came to her and said, "why don't you go to live in the town tonight, and I'll bring a mason to repair it all night?"

"Good." Gu Zhen's face is inexplicably red. She's staying in the Town Inn for a while.

She once went shopping and saw several people in the same village. She stopped them and asked about the situation in the village. Most of the people in the same village were dissatisfied with the patriarch and said to Gu, "it's OK.". Fourth uncle is a good man. Everyone is looking at him. It's well known that the clan leader's kid has been dishonest. He should fight.

Beat him, it's your private affair with the clan leader's family, not involving the clan. The patriarch said that if you don't get married, you will bring a man back, which violates the clan rules.

The fourth uncle said that the patriarch sent someone to match you and wanted you to marry his son, but he didn't take you as our Qin family. You are a stranger. You can't care who you bring back to the family. It's just that he can't go to the ancestral hall to burn incense. " Gu was relieved. "

thank you very much." She didn't even know who she was talking to.

The man asked her, "are you going back?"

"I'll wait for the patriarch to put out the fire and think about it again." Gu Gu said. People laugh and say, "the clan leader is the easiest to put out the fire. When you buy two Jin of sugar and five Jin of meat, he'll smile. It's OK. It's not serious. " Gu

put down the heavy stone in his heart. In the evening, Bai Xian came back. He took people to repair the thatched house on the mountain for three days and finally finished it. Looking around, Gu found that the exterior wall had been reinforced with a circle of wood, the roof had been replaced with thatch, and a layer of rain cloth had been padded under the thatch, and a small fence yard had been built. It's not afraid of wind and rain. "

except that you can't spend a cold winter, you can do anything else." Gu Zhen smiled and said, "I will not live in the future. Give it to Uncle Wu. Let's go back to the village after a few days' stay. I heard it's all right. " White

virtuous nod. He has a feeling of marriage. Is the newly married man doing the same for his bride?

He was silent all the time, his face a little hot.

After cleaning up, they both settled down.

There are only three thatched cottages, all of which are relatively small. She lives in the west, Bai Xian lives in the East, and in the middle is the kitchen - there is no concept of a hall.

Gu's bed is covered with newly bought bedding, and the bottom is padded with thick thatch, which is very soft and warm. She lay down and began to think about what the villagers said. The villagers may be understating.

Fourth uncle knows where she is. If she is OK, fourth uncle will send someone to pick her up. Since the fourth uncle has not come yet, it means that she is right to avoid the patriarch for the time being and make the patriarch more depressed.

That night, she thought a lot, even the man opposite.

Everyone now thinks that she and Bai Xian are a couple. They don't know that he kissed her that day. He was a bit sleepy and woke up by the sound of something. She was shocked. She listened attentively as if it were the roar of a wild animal. There was an echo in the mountain. The voice was very close and far away. Gu Zhen was so scared that his scalp would explode. She shrunk herself into a ball. At this time, there were lights and footsteps outside. White

Xian deliberately put the footsteps heavily, walked at her door and asked her, "Miss Gu, are you awake?"

"Well." Gu Zhen quickly gets up and opens the door.

This bamboo door is not locked. Close it to prevent gentlemen from guarding against villains.

When Gu Zhen saw Bai Xian's face, he felt at ease. "

are you afraid or not?" Bai Xian asked her.

Gu Zhen nods hard. White

Xian said, "don't close the door, I'll pave the floor at your door, will it be more reassuring?" At this time, the roar of the beast is closer. Gu shuddered. She jumped into his arms and said, "let's go back to town, I'm afraid!" White

Hyun's hand, gently landed on her back, patted "not afraid, I have a gun and a knife." Gu


She didn't dare to go to sleep this night, so she let Bai Xian in and the two men were talking in the room. In the middle of the night, there are other voices, which are very scary.

Gu Zhen kept shivering and wished he could go down the mountain all night. It was more than five o'clock in the morning, when the forest was a little quiet, she could fall asleep. She was later woken up by the voice. My uncle is here.

Facing the new thatched cottage, Uncle Wu praised Bai Xian greatly.

Speaking of the beast's voice, the fifth uncle said, "don't be afraid. They dare not come near here. They are all shouting in the valley. It's scary to hear. " Gu

woke up. She asked Uncle Wu what to do. "

your fourth uncle asked me to take a message. For the time being, I'd better not go back to the village or the town. I heard that someone saw you and the patriarch lost his temper." Said the fifth uncle.

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