Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1736 let's go together

The fifth uncle is a hunter and is good at all kinds of traps.

He told Bai Xian that if he was afraid at night, he would bury a circle of traps outside, just be careful.

Bai Xian is very serious with him.

After two days, I didn't catch the prey at night, which means that the beast won't come near here.

But the movement of the forest, and the roar in the distance, still call Gu Ke afraid. She can't sleep at night, and she can't sleep in daylight. She's very sleepless.

Even if Bai Xian lives next to her.

"... can you sleep with me?" That night, Gu asked him.

Bai Xian's whole body is stiff from head to foot.

He held his breath.

"I'm afraid." Gu said, "we can do something with two quilts."

Her face was red when she spoke.

That night, Bai Xian did move all his bedding.

After simple washing, Gu Zhen climbed into the bed first.

It's not a bed, it's just a layer of wood on the ground, bamboo board on the wood, and then a thick thatch, which is not comparable to home.

After she slept well, Bai Xian came up.

He is well dressed.

There was still a sound at night. Maybe Gu Zhen didn't sleep very much these days. She was not in a good mood. Maybe people around her made her safe. She was confused, but her heart was quiet.

Her side is quiet, while Bai Xian's side is stormy.

His ears have been beating like drums. The evil thoughts in my heart began to bubble again.

He fancied that he and her fingers twined, skin blind date.

His knees touch her feet across each other's quilts.

He hesitated and tentatively approached his knee.

Gu Zhen didn't respond.

Bai Xian leaned on the past, waited for a long time, and could not calm down.

Later, he heard Gu Xun's even light breath, and she was already asleep.

He can't sleep well.

When it was about to dawn, he felt the movement of people around him, and Gu Zhen turned over several times.

Bai Xian asked her, "what's the matter?"

Gu Ke sat up and said, "I'm thirsty."

Bai Xian immediately goes to pour water for her.

After drinking the water, we lost sleep. At the end of the night, they lay in silence, feeling that their breathing rhythm was not right, and they held their breath.

Then Gu Wei asked Bai Xian, "shall we... Have a time together?"

Bai Xian doesn't believe his ears very much.

He didn't seem to understand the sentence: "what, what?"

"Let's..." Gu Ke's voice trembled. "I can decide my own business. How about you? Do you want to......

Bai Xian heard clearly this time.

He opened his quilt and rolled over her.

Gu Zhen's breath suddenly held.

His hand, gently stroking her hair, and then her cheek......

his palm is hot, his cheek is cool, and she shivers.

"Miss Gu, I will not leave you even if I am ready to die." Bai Xian's voice was a little choked. "If you want to follow me, I can die for you."

His hand, still resting on her cheek, brushed her hair and ears gently, and then he felt wet.

She cried.

Bai Xian was a little nervous: "Miss Gu..."

GU Xun's voice was so hoarse that he could hardly hear: "when you left, I was seriously ill. If you are sincere, then i... i...

her voice is split, and her voice is about to be blocked by sadness and joy.

She finally put all her strength into it: "I do."

Bai Xian's lips fell.

His strategy at the beginning was very fierce. He tried his best to absorb her breath, and wanted to linger with her. Slowly, he seemed to calm down a bit, and the kiss became long and light.

He opened goo's quilt and got into her bed.

Gu Zhen thinks this is inappropriate.

But now in this world, what's wrong? She closed her eyes slightly, waiting for something.

Bai Xian just hugs her.

He seems to have picked up the baby, kissing her hair and touching her cheek from time to time.

Occasionally, I will try my best to hold her tightly, as if I was afraid it was a dream.

It's getting light outside.

As the sun rose, the light in the small room became brighter.

"Miss Gu, I'll go down the mountain and go shopping in the town. Are you not afraid to be alone in the mountains in the daytime? "

"I'm not afraid. Go." Gu fan Dao.

He didn't come back until dusk.

As the sun gradually drifted westward, the sunset shrouded the whole field of vision, and gave the side face of Gu Xiao a warm glow.

Song waves, the setting sun melting gold, such a beautiful scenery, Gu Zhen did not appreciate the mood.

She is worried about Bai Xian.

What happened when I didn't come back for so long? Was it found by the people in the village?

At this time, she heard footsteps. Bai Xian took a big package and came back sweating.

All the worries dissipated.

She stood up to meet him.

Seeing that his hair was wet with perspiration, Gu said, "you have to walk so fast?"

"Yes, I'm afraid you're worried." Bai Xian said, "Miss Gu, I'm sweating. I'll go to the front mountain stream to wash."

Gu said, "I'll cook. You go."

After that, she was busy in the hall.

She would like to see what Bai Xian bought.

Bai Xian washed it soon.

During the meal, he wanted to say something several times, but he wanted to say nothing.

Gu does not speak.

Two people silently finished eating, Bai Xian just put down the chopsticks, the voice is a little light: "Miss Gu, what you said this morning... Do you regret?"

Gu's face was also inexplicably hot.

How could she repent?

It was a secret in her heart, dark and deep. She used to be sick for it, but also because it's sweet.

Finally, how can we pull it back?

"No." She said.

Bai Xian seemed relieved: "then... I don't want to wait. What etiquette do we need to get married? Let's take care of it later. I want to worship heaven and earth with you, and God will testify that if I lose you, I will not die. "

Gu Zhen is a little flustered.

She is not ready yet.

But what do you want to prepare?

There are wars everywhere. Her mother and sister are thousands of miles away in Peiping. They can't come back.

Bai Xian has no parents.

None of the people in the village, except the fourth uncle, are her close relatives, and she does not need their consent.

"I believe you." Gu Chan murmured.

Bai Xian opens the bag.

The reason why he came back so late is that he made two sets of happy clothes. He gave double the money and stared at the tailor.

No matter how hard the tailor tries, he still needs one stitch. He can't finish it in three or five days. Finally, the tailor called out his wife and daughter to work together.

The work is not the best, but it's decent.

He also bought red candles, wedding characters and so on.

In addition, he bought jewelry for Gu Xun: gold bracelets, necklace rings, and a jade bracelet. This is his dowry. The girl's marriage needs these common things.

"I was in such a hurry that I only prepared these." He was very guilty. "Tonight, let's worship heaven and earth, OK?"

Gu Xiaojie really experienced a new bride's mood - uneasy, but a little vague expectation and joy.

She nodded, "OK."

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