Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1737 simple and sweet wedding

The red candle shadow is tiny. There are two silhouettes on the window.

White Xian's hand, gently through her black hair. The hair root is a little warm, cool and smooth.

Gu Zhen has been shaking.

She gently grasped Bai Xian's shoulder.

"I'm... I'm nervous..." she suddenly said, interrupting Bai Xian.

Bai Xian tries to untie her first button. Suddenly she says this, and his hand stops.

He's nervous, too.

All this came too soon, too suddenly, Gu Zhen and Bai Xian both felt untrue.

Bai Xian looks at her and doesn't know how to proceed.

This is the first time for him and for her.

"Can I call you ah Ke later?" He kissed the corner of his lips.

Gu Zhen is too nervous. He holds his hands tightly and shivers.

"Good." She said.

Bai Xian said: "then you still call me stone, OK? I call that when I was a kid. "

"Well." Gu Wei said again.

Bai Xian holds her hand.

Her palm in his palm released, Bai Xian held her hands full of sweat.

"What do you want to ask me?" He said, "anything. I can tell you everything. Last time in the village, you asked me not to kill people, and said it was not Hongmen... If you want to ask, what I have done in those months, I will not hide it. "

Gu does not want to ask.

She's not a fool.

She works in the newspaper. She has written about the ugliest side of society.

As long as she thought about it deeply, she felt that her marriage to Bai Xian had become one of her sins.

"I don't want to know." Gu said, "you say something else. Your fiancee, can you talk about her? And have you ever had a woman before? "

Bai Xian is shocked.

He had a hunch that he shouldn't say that on his wedding night.

But when gook asks him, he will say.

He told her all about himself and haoxue. From the beginning in welfare hall to everything later.

Gu Zhen was very nervous at the beginning. He got angry when he listened.

Haoxue is too selfish.

She traded the future of stone for her own. Haoxue knew that without the money, she was only sent to the prostitute's house.

Later, she became a singer, not too honorable, but better than a prostitute.

"Why do you put up with her?" Gu Zhen is a little distressed.

Bai Xian said: "she said that she should be responsible..."

Gu Wei: "...

are you stupid? These words are on her lips and almost blurted out.

She loves him very much.

Her heart ached, she snuggled into his arms, wanted to fill himself in his life, since then two people can take care of each other.

"... the first time I saw you, I thought this man was very tall. If I was with him, I would not be afraid of anyone." Gu Zhen's voice was low and his face was red. "The days when you followed me were the safest days for me in Shanghai."

Bai Xian's hand is even tighter.

If he had known earlier, they wouldn't have been apart that long.

He's even afraid.

After he left, he was determined to let go. If it wasn't for the reunion at Zhang Xinmei's house, he would have missed her completely - the best girl in the world.

Xiao Sun also likes him and is very nice, but he has no feelings for her.

Only Gu Wei.

"At that time, you knew someone was following you and kept looking back..." Bai Xian was a little embarrassed. "I have been infatuated with you since then."

He is crazy about her and dare not approach.

Until that morning, she called him in and asked him to have breakfast.

That night's rice porridge has warmed his heart so far, and also added a high wall to his obsession, so that it can't run away and forget.

Gu Zhen is not very interesting. He hides it in his arms.

She put her arms around his neck.

The intimacy at the back will come naturally.

It didn't go very well either. Gu Zhen was in pain at the beginning. As soon as she hurt, he didn't dare.

Two people would stop to talk and snuggle up to each other.

It wasn't until four o'clock in the morning that the etiquette was completed.

Get up early the next day, and get water to wash your hair and face. She combed up her bangs, revealing a bright forehead.

Bai Xian is a little dazed.

Without the cover of the bangs, her eyebrows and eyes were all exposed, exquisite and picturesque.

He breathed a little.

"What's the matter?" Gu Zhen asked him.

"It's beautiful," he whispered

Gu Zhen's face is slightly hot.

Within a few days of their new marriage, four uncles and four aunts came. They were both a little surprised to see Gu Zhen change his hair style, but they were not too alarmed.

Gu Zhen has been with this man, which is unclear.

"Fourth uncle, I'm married." Gu Zhen told the fourth uncle about himself and Bai Xian, "I don't know where the ancestral house of Gu's family is, so I won't sacrifice the ancestors. My mother's side, I'll send a telegram. But I didn't give you a meeting in advance... "

four aunts said:" what's the matter. You have a soft personality, but you have a good idea. You read books, and you know better than us. Since it's the one you chose, it's good. "

This time, the fourth uncle came to tell Gu Zhen that the clan leader's side has been deflated. Gu Zhen can go back to the village.

Gu Zhen and Bai Xian bought some gifts in the town, and they went back with their four uncles and four aunts.

When shopping in the town, Bai Xian asks Gu Wei to wait.

He went to a foreign firm on the street.

After coming out, he pushed a bike.

In Shanghai, bicycles are not a rarity, just like electric lights and telephones. But in the countryside, they are rare and expensive.

Bai Xian said, "I asked the boss of a foreign firm to buy it before, but I arrived recently."

In the future, it will be convenient for Gu to pick up the mail in the town.

Gu Zhen thought of the time when they couldn't borrow the ox cart. He went away for a long time after he got to the town, and then hesitated to buy nothing.

I bought a bike.

Gu Zhen's heart is hot.

The two of them returned to the clan and presented gifts to the clan leader. As expected, the past was revealed.

Gu Zhen's marriage with Bai Xian has also spread.

Both of them have been husband and wife formally. It's hard for others to talk. Four uncles also did a table of wine, invite a few close neighbors to eat, it is to fill the wedding feast.

Later there was a war in the city, but the countryside was always peaceful.

Three months later, Gu was pregnant.

The article she wrote had a good response. Her colleagues wrote to her, saying that they would send her a telegram every time they had current affairs, and let her write it and send it back, just in time.

Gu thinks this is not very good. He is determined to write the ghost column.

She thought she would be afraid.

But every time she wrote about the creepy place, she would take a look at her husband, and her heart was very stable.

Her column gradually got readers. Many readers wrote back to her, saying that she was very thrilled, and she gradually became a little famous writer.

And her remuneration has doubled several times.

"Stone, we have to do something good." Gu said to her husband, "I want to give half of the monthly remuneration to welfare hall."

Bai Xian is disgusted with welfare hall.

But he knew the meaning of Gu - he had a very bad and bloody life. Gu didn't want to ask deeply, but he was upset.

She wanted to make up for what he had done during that time.

"Well, it's all up to you." Bai Xian hugged her from behind.

The couple are newly married. It's the time of happiness when haoxue comes.

Bai Xian can't get away so easily.

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