Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1740 moving and saving soldiers

Yan Kai went to his uncle's study. There are several generals in the outside study of xingxu. They are talking about something. They are not like military affairs. Yan Kai walked in at ease: "uncle." Secretary

nodded: "are you back?"

"Yes, I came back yesterday." Yan Kai Dao. He looked around, and the generals seemed to have finished their words. With the intention of leaving, Yan Kai said: "uncle, I have a few words to tell you." The generals stood up and left one after another. Secretary


When everyone went out, Yan Kai sat respectfully in front of the Secretary: "uncle, you have a sharpshooter named Su Peng. Is his shooting skill OK?"

Su Peng, who is in his forties, was originally dug by Si Xingfu from Taiyuan government. Now he is still working as a senior staff officer in his barracks.

"What?" Si Xingfu flicked the ash. "Your shooting is very good. Do you want to learn it again?"

"No, not me." Yan Kai showed a flattering smile. When he wants something, he has to be extra dogleg. "Uncle, I've built a bunker in Manila," he told Si Xingfu of his plan Manila is the largest city in the Philippines. It used to be a colony of Americans. During the war, Americans evacuated. At the beginning of the year, the Philippines established its own independent government.

Because the current international situation is unclear, the independent government of the Philippines is a living target, and the whole Philippines is in a mess. Nyala is also in a mess, but Yan Kai is not doing serious business. The more chaos, the better.

"Bunker?" The Secretary frowned, "what do you want to do?" "

as you know, when the Japanese army was besieged, I had a group of people under me, some of whom were outstanding. They don't want to go into the army, they don't want to do arms business. I've thought about it over and over again. I have to settle these people and give them a bite to eat, so I'm going to build a mercenary Corps. " Yan Kai Dao.

He didn't speak carefully, but he understood everything.

Singapore's army is home-based.

The Secretary's family has his own confidants. Yan Kai's people will not necessarily be put in a position of importance. They are very aggrieved by those brothers who live and die with him.

But the Yan family itself does the arms trade, is goes black. Yan Kai's men were brave and fearless when they were fighting against Japan. They all had integrity and righteousness. Yan Kai couldn't bear to let them participate in their own black business.

Besides, his own business also has his father's and grandfather's people.

Some time ago, someone surnamed Luo found him and told him about the mercenary Corps.

"... there will be another war at home. Apart from China, the situation in Japan, Europe and the United States is unstable. Because of the complex topography of the South Ocean, many political prisoners have fled here. Once they escape to Nanyang, it's hard for government agents to get them back.

Our family has been engaged in shipping business in Nanyang for three generations and along the lines of Japan and India. This territory is not unfamiliar to our family. If I make a name, the secret agencies of other governments want to arrest people and make an agreement with me. I

catch political prisoners for them. They give me expensive commissions, which can not only make money, but also give my brothers a bite to eat. " Yan Kai Dao. Yan's family is indeed a local snake of Nanyang. All the guilds from the governor's office to the lower levels of the three sects have deep friendship with the Yan family.

There is no place beyond the reach of the Yan Family in Nanyang.

At the beginning of his family's arrival in Singapore, in addition to relying on his uncle, Yan Ziqing and Yan Lao also helped them stand so steadily.

"That's a good idea for you." He pressed the end of his cigarette into the ashtray and took two sips of tea.

This is a good way, and a reasonable use of the resources of the Yan family.

"The base camp is in Manila, Philippines, which is not bad." Si Xingfu said again. Philippine announced the establishment of an independent government at the beginning of the year, and then it was a mess of economy and politics.

In the current situation, Singapore and other three state capitals are also eligible for independence, but Si Xingfu does not do so, although his people are eager to persuade him to establish an independent government. The international situation is very uncertain. It's the time when the weak eat the strong. Small countries are fish and shrimp, only the portion to be eaten.

Singapore dare to fight for independence, the next is the second Philippines. Therefore, Si Xingfu sent people to Britain to walk with the cabinet and invite the new governor back. The most important thing for Singapore now is to develop its economy and stabilize the situation, and to survive the most difficult years after the war. He doesn't need any fame, he just needs to really stabilize the site. Therefore, he still pulled the British people to make the big flag of tiger skin, pretending to be powerful, and still belonged to the British colony in the world. The new

Gabor also uses British law, which is against the law of the United Kingdom to forbid the existence of mercenaries. It's better to be in the Philippines.

Yan Kai is very intelligent, intelligent and determined. Si Xingfu appreciates him very much. "

... Do you want Su Peng to be your instructor?" The Secretary asked him. Yan

Kay nodded: "in the future, we will be mercenary corps to catch political prisoners fleeing to Nanyang. I think we can have a group of killers. Luo Zun and I know each other. He is willing to lend me a drillmaster. In addition to being able to assassinate that set, he should be good at shooting. I think about it. I only think of Su Peng beside you. " Luo

Zun is a killer. He has some business contacts with Yan family, and his disciples are numerous. When Hong Kong was involved in the war, he went to the Philippines and now lives in Manila. Yan Kai recognized him as an uncle. "

OK, I'll lend it to you." "What kind of weapon do you want?" said Si Xingfu "Uncle, the latest weapons are all passed by my father's hands first," said Kay with a smile "

are you sure?" He looked at him with a smile. Yan

kaiyileng. "Uncle, what are you good for?" Yan Kai immediately got closer. "Give me some more?" The company laughed.

Yan Kai had a close talk with Si Xingfu, then turned around and went to the inner court to see her aunt. My brothers are either studying or serving, and they are not at home. My aunt is sorting out some medical records. "Auntie," said Kay Gu

lift his eyes in a boat.

In her forties, she still has bright eyes and dark hair. Although her eyes have some years of wrinkles, but because of the proper maintenance, style still exist.

"Aunt, what are you busy with?" Yan Kai is not at all near Gu Qingzhou. Gu

when he was a son, he reached out and touched his head: "Why are you black?"

"I run outside every day and come back by boat. It's blackened by the sea wind." "I often go to the Philippines to do business recently," said Yan Kai "

What are you busy with?" Gu Qingzhou is a little curious.

Yan Kai's eyes turned. "I opened a candy factory."

This is the truth. He runs every day in the Philippines under the pretext of opening a candy factory, otherwise his grandfather and father would not agree.

"Then bring me some sweets." Gu chuckled. Yan

Kay said yes and asked Gu Qingzhou, "aunt, do you go to my house for dinner?" Gu

thought that this was a strange question.

"I went there the day before."

Yan Kai urged her to go back today? In the morning, my grandfather said about you and missed you very much. "

Gu understood immediately: "do you want me to ask for help or do you want to do something bad? Do you want to say it while I'm here, and then your grandfather and father look at my face and don't hit you?"

His mind was pierced in a flash. "

auntie, you pretend to be stupid and give us a little life." Yan Kai said, "please, go to dinner."

"Then I have to call your uncle. He doesn't know what's wrong with him recently. He has to eat at the same table with me. He can't eat less. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Yan Kai smiles. As we all know, his uncle is majestic and charming like a child in front of his aunt.

That night, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu went to Yan's house for dinner.

The two of them often go to Yan's house. Yan Ziqing doesn't take it seriously, but Xu Qizhen is very nervous.

Yan Kai told her about it. See

Yan Kai moves the soldiers from the Secretary's house. Xu Qizhen knows that he is going to say goodbye tonight.

I'm afraid there will be a quarrel at the table.

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